< October >
{ Ashton }
Today, after we pick Riley up from school, we are going to a campground for the weekend. The whole crew is going. We each got small cabins next to each other. The place we're going is super kid-friendly and has a lot of stuff for them to do. And with Halloween next weekend, they are doing a little trick or treating thing this weekend there.
Tate was at home packing for all of us. Landyn and I were out to run errands since we were bothering her and preventing her from packing. So Landyn and I were getting snacks and food for the weekend and trying to find some fun stuff to take too. Plus I need to pick up Riley's heart medicine.
I put Landyn in the basket of the Target shopping cart and started walking around. I figured we go to the fun first.
"Okay Lanny, what do we get?" I asked him, letting him out of the cart to walk around until something caught his eye and he walked to it.
"Daddy!" He smiled and pointed to what he was looking at. I was surprised when it wasn't a toy. Instead it was a kids folding lawn chair but had dinosaurs on it,
"Should we get those for by the fire?" I asked. Landyn nodded and I grabbed two. There were other designs but I'm not going to listen to my kids fight over who gets to sit in which one.
Landyn and I looked at toys but only grabbed a soccer ball. The kids needed a new one anyway since Petunia popped our other one.
I got the groceries and alcohol we needed then checked out. I stopped at the pharmacy and got Riley's medicine and now Landyn and I are sitting in the Chick-Fil-A drive thru.
I ordered for Landyn and I, then got Tate something too before we headed home.
Tate was waiting at the door when I pulled in. She helped get everything inside then we sat at the counter to eat lunch. Landyn was eating in the living room and watching Paw Patrol,
"Guess what baby?" Tate was beaming
"What?" I laughed taking a bit from my sandwich,
"Riley's teacher emailed me and she told me that she handled the bullying situation and that Riley made a new friend and is doing so much better" she told me.
I was extremely happy and relieved. I hated that Riley was getting picked on at such a young age. I know he will face it when he's older but I did not think it would be at the age of 4.
We were gonna talk more but Landyn ran in, begging to play outside. We were leaving in a few anyway and I needed to pack the car so it was fine.
Landyn played on the driveway while Tate and I got the car together, making sure we had what we needed.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Landyn attached to my leg, "Take bike?" he asked using the big puppy dog eyes that I can't say no to- the same eyes his mother has,
"Yeah we can take it" I smiled. He jumped around and ran over to the corner of the garage where his and Riley's bikes were.
I grabbed both of them and put them in the back of our Tahoe. Luckily we have a big car and I don't need to put a rack on the back.
Once I had the car packed, we all got in and went to get Riley from school so we can head to the campground.
By the time we got to Riley's school, Landyn was passed out in his carseat,
"The kid can sleep anywhere" Tate laughed, glancing back at him,
"I'll walk up and get Ri" I told her. She nodded and leaned over and kissed me before I got out.
I walked up to where the kids get out and stood to the side of all the other parents. The door opened soon and the preschoolers came out. Riley walked out, smiling for the first time,
"Hi Daddy" he beamed as he reached me.
{ Tate }
The back door opened and I turned to see Riley climb in the backseat. He had a big smile on his face. He never smiles at school,
"Hi baby. Did you have a good day?" I asked as Ashton helped him buckle,
"Mhm. I made a new friend and he's nice and doesn't be mean" he told me. Ashton smiled and climbed in the driver seat,
"What's your friends name?" I turned in my seat almost fully,
"Blake. And he likes Pooh too. I always bring Tigger and he brings Pooh and we play!" Riley was so happy. Ashton chuckled and I turned forward as we drove,
"I'm glad you made a new friend Riley" I spoke,
"Me too" he giggled, "Daddy, can I play on your phone?"
Ashton handed his phone to me and I unlocked it and passed it back to Riley.
We got on the road and had about two hours before we'd reach the campground. Landyn woke up and was now occupied by watching a movie on the little movie screen. Riley was still playing a game on Ashton's phone so he was quiet too.
We pulled up to the campground and the boys were bouncing in their carseats,
"Hi, what's the name?" the man at the gate asked,
"Irwin" Ashton responded. We were handed a packet then told what cabin was ours. We pretty much already knew. Us and the others were all next to each other.
We pulled up in front of our cabin and saw our friends all outside by the one next to us.
We let the boys out and they ran off to their cousins while Ashton and I got things out of the car. I took in our duffel bags and bed linens and pillows while Ashton took care of the food, cooler, and outside things.
The cabin was cute. It had a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom on the first floor then there was a ladder that led to a little balcony and up there were three little beds.
I got each of the beds made up then joined everyone outside. The guys were already starting on dinner, each of them on their own grills.
I took my seat with the girls while we watched the kids run around, constantly reminding them to watch the road.
Tonight was an early night since the kids were getting up to start activities early in the morning. Ashton and I got the kids into their beds, kissing each of them before we got into our bed,
"I honestly don't know if they'll stay up there all night" Ashton spoke as he cuddled into my back,
"I feel like Riley may come down. Landyn's already asleep and once he's asleep he doesn't wake up so he might stay" I shrugged.
Ashton laughed and kissed my neck,
"I guess we will see" he mumbled, "Do we have an alarm set?"
"We do" I rolled to face my husband. He nodded and placed a kiss on my lips,
"Okay" he yawned, "I love you"
"I love you too".
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