< 2 years later >
{ Tate }
As soon as mine and Ashton's alarms went off, we heard the pattering of feet heading towards our room. Ashton laughed and turned the light on in preparation. Seconds later, our door swung open and our four year old launched onto the bed,
"Mommy! Daddy! We gotta get up!" Riley bounced. I smiled and reached forward, Riley falling into my arms,
"You excited for your first day of preschool?" I asked, kissing his head.
"Mhm" he grinned.
"Alright little dude. Let's get you up and ready then" Ashton pushed the covers off.
The three of us got out of bed. Ashton went downstairs to make breakfast and I took Riley back to his room to get him ready.
I opened Riley's closet and lifted him to my hip so he could help pick his clothes. I had already gotten his jeans out.
"That one" Riley pointed. I quickly grabbed the Ramones shirt, that Ashton insisted Riley needed, then put Riley down to help him change.
"Alrighty, let's go get you breakfast then we will brush your teeth and we will go to school" I smiled. Riley nodded and we went downstairs where Ashton had already put Riley's pancakes on the counter.
"Eat up buddy" Ashton grinned. Riley nodded and grabbed his fork and started eating.
"I'm going to go get dressed then I'll finish getting him ready while you get ready" Ashton kissed me and headed upstairs,
"Can Mommy take a picture of you once we get you all ready?" I asked Riley as I leaned on the counter,
"Mhm and send it to Gwandma and Uncle Jack!" he beamed,
"I promise I'll send it to them" I nodded.
Once Riley had eaten, I made his lunch and took him back upstairs, passing him off to Ashton while I got dressed.
When I was ready, I went downstairs where Emma was talking to Riley and Ashton. She was gonna stay here with Landyn so that Ashton and I could take Riley to his first day. We don't mind taking Landyn but it's Riley's first day and we don't know how he will act once we get him to school.
"I cannot believe you have a kid going to school" she hugged me,
"Oh believe me, I can't either" I groaned, "Okay Ri, let's get your picture then go to school"
We went out on the front porch and Riley put his backpack on and held his stuffed Tigger in his arms. His teacher told us to have the kids bring a stuffed animal. She said it helps with nerves.
"Smile Riles" Ashton grinned behind me as I took his picture,
"Okay. Let's go to school"
The whole car ride, Riley was silent. That wasn't a good sign. He was all excited at home but now that we are on the way, I think he's getting nervous.
"You okay baby boy?" I asked, turning to look at him,
"I'm scared" he whispered, hugging Tigger to his chest,
"Don't be scared buddy. You're gonna have so much fun. Then at the end of the day me, mommy, and Landyn will come pick you up" Ashton spoke. Riley just nodded and looked out the window.
Ashton pulled up the the parking lot and pulled into a space. The school Riley's going to is preschool to eighth grade but the preschoolers are the only ones who get to be walked in and not have to wear uniforms.
Ashton and I got out and helped Riley out and walked him inside. He was clutching my hand tight. Ashton kept his hand on Riley's shoulder,
"Hello! I'm Miss Julia! I've emailed a few times" she grinned,
"Ashton, and this is my wife, Tate" Ashton spoke,
"And what is your name?" Miss Julia knelt down to Riley. Riley shyly put his head in my leg. Miss Julia looked up at us,
"This is Riley" I smiled,
"It's so good to meet you Riley. We're gonna have a lot of fun today" she grinned, "Ahh I see you brought Tigger with you. Tigger is my favorite"
"Me too" Riley giggled and slowly lifted his head,
"How about we go inside and you can play with some toys and in a little bit we're gonna color" she told him. Riley hesitated but nodded and let go of my hand as Miss Julia stood,
This was mine and Ashton's cue,
"Alright bud, me and Mommy will be back later to pick you up. Be good and have fun" Ashton and I knelt. Riley nodded and hugged Ashton then me,
"Be good. I love you" I kissed his head,
"Love you too" he nodded and pulled away and walked into the classroom with Miss Julia. But just as we thought we were in the clear, he ran back out, bawling his eyes out and attaching to Ashton's leg,
"Hey hey hey" Ashton shushed, "You're okay Riley. I promise you'll have fun and me and mommy will pick you up before you know it"
Miss Julia walked over and gently grabbed Riley for us,
"Go. He will be okay" she told us. We nodded and quickly left before Riley could grab us again.
"Dear god. That didn't go like I thought" Ashton sighed buckling his seatbelt and driving off so we could get back home to our other baby.
We got home and headed inside. Landyn still wasn't awake and Emma was sitting on the couch,
"Hey. How'd Riley do?" She asked,
"Well. He cried and attached to Ashton's leg so the teacher had to pull him off" I sighed,
"He was so excited" Emma spoke,
"Oh I know" Ashton plopped down,
"Okay. Well I do have to go. Me and Calum have some things planned" Emma smiled and let herself out.
An hour later, Landyn came walking downstairs, but instead of walking to the couch like usual, he was looking around. He then came and stood in front of Ashton and I,
"Wiley go?" He asked,
"Riley's at school. He'll be home soon" I told him. He accepted that answer,
"We all pway?" He asked with a big smile,
"Let's all go play" Ashton grinned, grabbing the little boy and running upstairs to the playroom.
{ Riley }
As soon as Mommy and Daddy left, Miss Julia took me inside the classroom. There were a bunch of people. She took my backpack and hung it up and told me I could go play.
"Hi! I'm Jackson!" Someone walked up to me,
"I'm Riley" I smiled,
"Do you wanna with the cars?" He asked. I nodded and followed him. He gave me a car and we sat down on the floor and played.
Jackson had a stuffed bear with him just like I had my Tigger.
"Okay kids. Let's sit at the tables" Miss Julia told us. I got up with Jackson and we sat at the table with blue chairs.
Miss Julia gave us paper and crayons and told us to draw our family's. So I drew Mommy and me and Landyn and Daddy with his drums,
"What's that?" Jackson asked pointing to my picture.
"Those are my daddy's drums. He's a rockstar" I smiled.
"That's cool" Jackson smiled.
Miss Julia let us play again and we learned ABC's but I already knew them because mommy and daddy taught me.
Soon the day was over and Miss Julia took us out to find our mommy's and daddy's.
Mommy and Daddy were waiting for me. Landyn was with them too. So I ran over to them and Mommy hugged me,
"Did you have fun?" She asked. I nodded and Landyn hugged me,
"Hi Landyn" I giggled,
"Lets go get in the car and we will go get ice cream" Daddy told me. I nodded and took his hand and we went to the car and I told them all about my day,
"I'm so glad you had fun" Mommy smiled.
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