This is it this is how I die, with the jaws of a demonic clown clamped down on my shoulder blood pouring from the wound. I could feel my knees buckling and once he let go I collapsed on the floor my blood seeping into my shirt and staining my hands. I tried to crawl away from him, he grabbed the back of my neck.
"Oh now look what you made me do." IT said. "Your lucky that I haven't killed you with the way you've been acting." He hoisted me off the ground his eyes dark and menacing.
"I don't think you really care about this deal you wanted to toy with me and then kill me, and to that I think your an asshole but I have to win." I slumped my head in defeat what did it matter anyways I was broken the one person I believed wouldn't hurt me left and now I'm going to be eaten by a clown. Thinking about it now really scared me and I could feel my fear bubbling inside me and I knew IT could to but I didn't care anymore I just wanted the demons to be at peace and now they will be because down here we all float.
Ha did you guys really think I was gonna end like that. No sir I think not I think you might like this ending a bit more.
The door to Neilbolt swing open followed by a single gunshot. Standing in the doorway was the gang a gun in Henry's hand IT roared in anger by the bullet that had hit him in the head causing IT to drop me, more gunshots followed but I was to disoriented to see what the hit I attempted to crawl away but was grabbed and carried bridle style. I couldn't really hear what was going on anymore I was fading out of reality the last thing I saw was Henry a single tear ran down his face before I slipped into the darkness.
I had woken up feeling a little groggy I felt around feeling a thin sheet covering me I slowly moved from my face a quick glance around the room told me I was in a hospital a nurse had walked in clipboard in hand she didn't seem to notice me she was unhooking things from the heart monitor and throwing away stuff she still never looked at me as she walked to my bedside about to take out the needle I grabbed her wrist making her gasp and stare at me in shock.
"Ma'am? What happened?" She jumped away and her clipboard fell from her the desk she had sent on earlier and ran out yelling for the doctor leaving me in utter confusion. A few minutes went by until the nurse the doctor and a few other people came racing into the room. They began checking my reflexes and how I reacted to the light the shined in my eyes.
"Ms. Hockstetter how are you feeling?" I stared at them for a few minutes before responding.
"Um I feel fine... I'm sorry um why am in the hospital?"
"Well it seems that you had been mawled on your lucky these boys were in the area otherwise you would've been dead." I finally looked at the other people in the room they looked familiar but it wasn't until my eyes landed on a mullet boy that memories flashed. It was us laughing and kissing but it soon flashed to a clown a fight and my shoulder being bitten into.
"Patrick....Henry." They both gave me a weak smile.
"How long have I been out?" I asked the doctor my eyes going back to him.
"A few weeks those two were very persistent about not leaving your side." He said gesturing to the boys. I nodded my head before looking to the nurse.
"Mind telling me why you freaked out when I grabbed your arm?" She stayed silent looking to the doctor.
"Ms. Hockstetter you died just a few minutes ago I was about to sign your death certificate until nurse Julie here started yelling." I looked at them and started laughing until I noticed they weren't.
"I DIED!!??" I yelled at them. They doctor remained calm and spoke softly.
"Yes you did die I would like to take some blood samples you seem completely fine and comprehensible so I'm going to allow you to be discharged just take it easy for a few days." I nodded they grabbed stuff took blood samples an hour or so later they came back with discharge papers.
"So boys what all did I miss out on?"
"The whole gang moved a few towns away from here." Patrick said. I looked at them in confusion.
"We really should've done it a lot sooner when you made that deal but after what happened we decided it was the best." I nodded.
"So we all live together?"
"Yep and when the doc says your all good we're heading out there." Henry said. I smiled I get to live with my favorite people that are practically family I think I'll like this arrangement.
After the doc gave you the all clear you all moved a few towns away and lived in a house together that fit you all Henry also explained what he was doing with all those girls the day of the incident and everything between you too were better slowly but surely any memory of IT had disappeared.
Tis the end of the story hope you all enjoyed.
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