Your Best Friends And You Kiss: Nic

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You and Nic were hanging out with the cast of IT playing truth or dare when Sophia called your name.

Sophia: Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah?

Sophia: Truth or Dare?

Y/N: Truth.

Everyone: BORING!!!

Sophia: Who was the last person you hooked up with?

Y/N: Truth be told... I haven't hooked up with anyone.

Everyone just looked at you like you were crazy.

Y/N: What?

Sophia: You haven't hooked up with anyone?

Y/N: Nope.

Nic: Ever?

Y/N: Yep.

Sophia: Okay then Jack your turn.

You let out a thankful sigh of relief at Sophia for changing the subject. You guys then continued to play truth or dare until you started to feel awkward around them. You suddenly got up.

Sophia: Y/N where are you going?

Y/N: I-I'm just going outside. I'll be right back.

You left the room and you got out your phone and went on a walk to clear your head and to get your mind where it needs to be before you go back in there and face them again.


Sophia: Ok has anyone noticed the elephant in the room?

Jack: What elephant? There's no elephant in here?

Logan: No you dumbass. It's a metaphor she's using for the tension in the room.

Owen: What was that?

Jaeden: Can we like move this along and figure out what this is?

Jake: It wasn't about the game was it?

Jeremy: No... at least I don't think so.

Sophia: Well it wasn't the game that we were playing she was fine when we started playing.

Finn: I'm confused what the hell are we even talking about?

Logan: Y/N.

Finn: What about her? Are we kicking her out of our friend group?

Chosen: No were not. This is nothing like that.

Finn: Then what is it?

Wyatt: Well Y/N told her secret to everyone here but I think one person here knows more than we know.

They all turned and looked at Nic.

Nic: What?

Sophia: Spill it Hamilton.

Nic: Spill what?

Sophia: What else do you know about Y/N?

Nic: Other than what she told everyone. Nothing.

They sat there for awhile thinking about why you just got up and left the room.


You sat down on a brick ledge and a song that you listened to all the time came on. As you were getting into the song your heart started to race and you got a weird feeling. You looked through your instagram pics of you and Nic and you now you know why your heart races when you told him that secret. You like him. You then jump off the brick ledge and make your way back to the hotel ready to reveal your feelings to Nic. Even if it means he doesn't like you back he deserves to know how you feel about him. So you ran as fast as you could to the hotel.


Nic went out on the balcony to think and to clear his head. He thought about all of the things that you two have been through together and he decided to look at a pic of the two of you that he recently took and as he was looking at it his heart started to race and so he looked at a video on his Snapchat that he took of you and as he was watching it he realizes that he likes you and so he opened the balcony door, got his shoes on and ran out the room. He ran to find you so that he could finally reveal his feelings for you even if it turns out that you don't like him back. You deserved to know that he has feelings for you.


You finally made it back to the room surprisingly not as out of breathe.

Y/N: Where's Nic gone?

Logan: He got up and ran out looking for you.

Y/N: Shit.

Just as you were about to leave to find him again your phone rang. It was Nic.

Y/N: Hello?

Nic: Are you at the hotel?

Y/N: Yeah. I was fixing to come and find you-.

Nic: No don't I'm on my way back.

Y/N: Listen when you get back I have something to tell you.

Nic: I have something to tell you too.

Y/N: I'll be waiting.

You hung up the phone and sat down on one of the beds waiting for Nic to get back. While you were waiting you heard a familiar knock on the room door and Logan went to answer it. It just so happened to be Nic. He came into the room and he looked at you. You then looked at him and started to speak.

Y/N: Nic I-.

You were cut off by Nic cupping your face in his hands and kissing you. You kissed him back. You both smiled into the kiss and pulled away from one another.

Both: I like you.

Sophia: This is all great and shit but can we go get some food I'm starving.

You guys all laughed and headed out of the hotel room to go get food. You and Nic had smiles on your faces knowing that you both felt the same about each other.

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