The Decision (Prologue Part 2)

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???? POV:

Chara and a few others had just stopped Betty from trying to destroy the homes of now new base camps and temporary hospitals they are still trying to get Asriel back will they who knows I am someone In the background and someone you least expect knows me (This Is me foreshadowing someones backstory I want to know what your thinking In the comments on who's backstory It Is)

Chara's POV:

We had just stopped Betty from trying to destroy the new base camps and temporary hospitals I am looking around for Miss Grey because Betty could still be In the area and were or as In I am not In the mood to lose or almost lose someone else since dad was injured In the shoulder by Asriel on accident because of Betty and we still have no intel on how to get Asriel back... anyways I go up to Undyne and Ronan "Hey Undyne and Ronan have you seen Miss Grey anywhere" I said with a bit of worry Hugo comes up from behind "I saw her near the exit of the city" Hugo said (Reminder the new base camps and temporary hospitals are near the exit just to let you know) "Holy buttercups you scared the living life out of me Hugo and what do you mean by you saw Miss Grey by the exit of the city" I said worried and confused "Well I was walking around trying to find my dad which I just did and saw Miss Grey heading for the city exit" hugo said "Hugo did you forget that we were just attacked by Betty and then Miss Grey had just left and we don't want her to get hurt" I said kind of upset that hugo did not stop her "What do you me- ooooh I understand now I just let Miss Grey leave the premise- you know that sounds a lot worse saying It out loud" Hugo said "WHAT!" Undyne and Ronan said In unison because they over heard Hugo saying that Miss Grey left the premises "I am going to tell the others about Miss Grey leaving the premises k" Undyne said kind of pissed that Miss Grey left the premise "Okay I will tell papyrus about a few of us going out to find her" I said filled with determination "Bye" I said "Bye Chara" Hugo said I then start running as fast as I can to Gaster and rave's temporary lab.

5 minutes later:

I get to their lab 5 minutes later and catch my breath for a little bit and then barged In and heard a terrified "Nyeh" from Papyrus who Is In the other room and a "Huh" from Gaster and Rave which I believe I hear In unison they come out and I yelled "Miss Grey left the premise" I said still out of breath "What" Papyrus said kind of worried "Oh" Gaster and Rave said In unison again

Gaster's POV:

I was with Papyrus and we were with an almost dead sleeping Sans and Rave was In the other room trying to come with something to wake up Sans then we heard the door get barged open "Nyeh" Papyrus said "Huh" me and Rave said In unison, we all walk In to the front of the building and see Chara "Miss Grey left the premise" Chara said "What" Papyrus said really worried for Miss Grey from the look on his face "Oh" Me and Rave said In unison again and Rave looked like he really could not careless about her well-being and I really didn't care either since she helped that Black Beast (Or as In Betty Noire and there Is another forest that Is In between the 'Fearful Forest' and that forest Is called the Willow Tree just the more you know) "We need some help looking for her not a lot of people just a few" Chara said "I'll help" Papyrus said "I'll pass" Rave said sternly "Nah I'll pass to" I said "Okay Papyrus lets go" Chara said "Bye" I said "Goodbye Chara and Papyrus" Rave said, then me and Rave go get back to work to try and wake up Sans.

Papyrus's POV:

Me and the Human Chara headed to a certain spot where Undyne and Ronan were heading over here, a few seconds later they get here "Okay Human Chara where do we need to go" I said "We need to go to the Willow Tree" Chara said "Okay Human Chara" I said determined to find Miss Grey (Also no one knows Miss Grey's real name okay) we start heading for the Willow Tree to find Miss Grey.

???? POV:

30 Minutes later:

They get there around 30 minutes later and they headed In and within 5 feet of the entrance of the forest they see Miss grey chanting something (I picked a random video for this and I do NOT own this video and I need you to put this on loop also later I will put a video In a certain chapter and that Is going to be Miss Grey's backstory that I made) 

Chara's POV:

Miss Grey was chanting a weird song and kept on glitching to look like a different and a glitched version of Gaster (Which Is my Gaster and there from Electrontale which Is my AU NO ONE will take It from me and I am going to show a picture or error Gaster because that kind of is what Electrontale Gaster looks like and his nickname Is Elixir also him and Jessica Grey were best friends when they when Jessica was a kid also Elixir Is a Glitch In the system one day Elixir was killed by hate blobs during an attack on them)

(This Is what Elixir sort of looks like)

Miss Grey turns around and her WHITE PART OF HER EYES ARE FUCKING BLACK and they look to be filled with... I think Is HATE she tries to attack us head on but we all dodged her attack and she seems to still be chanting that weird song I signal Papyrus to distract her and he does I go up from behind and hit Miss Grey from behind and she goes unconscious "Whats wrong with her" Ronan said "I don't know but we better get back It Is almost dusk" I said Undyne and Papyrus put one of Miss Grey's arms over their shoulders and we walk back to the temporary hospital.

Toriel's POV:

I am with Asgore right now because Asriel accidentally Injured him because Betty still Is holding him hostage then Undyne and Papyrus barge In with Miss Grey unconscious I stand up and at that moment I did not notice Asgore was waking up "What happened to Miss Grey" I asked Hugo and Chara came In as well a few seconds later "Mom something Is wrong with Miss Grey" Chara said really worried for Miss Grey "Okay bring her over here and set her down" I said and as Undyne and Papyrus did that Gaster and Rave came In with restraints that look like their used to lock someone to their hospital bed Rave put them on Miss Grey's wrist that were resting on the railing of the bed "Rave why are you doing that to Miss Grey" I asked confused "Well mom we found Miss Grey 5 feet from the entrance of the Willow Tree and the white part of the eye was black and what looked to be filled with hate and she tried to attack us and I don't know why" Chara explained and I was shocked at what happened so was Gaster and Rave "Did anything else happen or was that It" Rave asked Chara "Well she was chanting some weird song" Chara stated.

Miss Grey's POV:

I woke up but no one seemed to noticed and...

(Using the Don't go meme and remember this Is a random meme I chose that I thought fit this scene and I do NOT own this credits go to the original creator of the Don't go meme and the creator of this meme also loop this too)

I started to hum a random tune that came to my head and allowed Elixir to take half-control so he can hum along to and everyone noticed "Whats wrong with Miss Grey" Asgore said weakly because he kind of passed out from the wound, but loud enough for Chara to hear "Dad your awake" Chara said happily that his dad Is alright everyone looks over to see he Is awake "I think maybe you should deal with Miss Grey right now" Asgore said to everyone Chara nodded to Hugo and then went not to close and not to far from Miss Grey "U-um M-miss G-grey a-are y-you a-alright" hugo asked stuttering and not even noticing It and then I noticed and turned my head and started to stare at Hugo and Chara which scared the crap out of them "Holy buttercups Miss Grey" chara said frightened "Huh what happened why Is everyone looking at me" I asked not thinking about the restraints on my wrist "Miss Grey Is It alright If I check your eyes real quick then we will answer your questions" Rave asked "Sure" Rave came up and brought a small flashlight out and flashed It In my eyes and I forgot Elixir was In half-control and he took full control and broke one restraint and grabbed Raves wrist and pointed It upwards everyone gasped then I got control back and mental scolded Elixir "Sorry... he just does not like light at all" "who Is he" Chara and Hugo asked In unison "Well..." I said then I noticed that sharptale frisk was about to come out to say hi (Sharptale Is another AU of mine) Frisk popped out of nowhere "He Is electrontale Gaster or as In Elixir or as In Jessi- I mean Miss Grey's best friend bye" Frisk said then left "Frisk you motherfuck-" I mumbled but I was cut off bye Chara "What did you say Miss Grey" Chara asked "Nothing Chara" I said lying but It seemed no one noticed I was and I was happy about that "Well I think It's time we go to bed" Toriel asked "Okay Mom goodnight everyone" Chara said and left the room...

???? POV:

Everyone went to there designated rooms In the hospital and went to bed...

(New personal record for writing It was original 1508 now It Is 1815 words I am some proud of myself)

but who knows what could happen tomorrow something or bad who knows to be continued and who knows what will happen next.


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