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Sensei Wu's POV

It has been a couple of months since the ninja went their own ways. As for I have stayed on the bounty wondering what went wrong? The ninja team was going along great. What happened? What tore this team apart? I must find some answers. As of right now, I am the only one on the bounty. The place were this incident happened. I know that the ninja were arguing but never had it crossed my mind, that this would happen. I must find the ninja. I walked out on the training deck. "What went wrong?" I asked. I often find myself repeatedly asking myself this. I looked down into Ninjago City. "Of course...." I smiled; for I, Sensei Wu have found a way to get the ninja back together.


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! But what do you guys think?

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net
