Marinette tried calling Adrien that afternoon but Lila answered the phone with a smirk on her face. "Hi Marinette what do you want from Adrien he was just telling me how much he loves me like always even though it's none off your business" Lila knew Marinette was in love with Adrien. Marinette ended the call. If Adrien wasn't going to give her a explanation on why he seemed mad at her she won't call. Marinette thought she might as well just go to the Effiel Tower as ladybug with some food to kill time because Alyla was with Nino.
Outside of Lila's window Adrien spotted (haha get it spots on) ladybug sitting on the edge of the Effiel Tower balcony so he wanted to join her. "I'm sorry Lila I have to arrive home by 6pm so I can get ready for uh bed so yeah" Adrien quickly said his excuse Lila was only good at Lie-la ing. Adrien went home just so he could transform. Lila wasn't suspecting anything so Adrien was all good.
"Hey bugaboo" He said with a sincere smile while grabbing a crispy chip. "Hi kittynoir" she said whilist holding in her tears and handing him some Camembert for Plagg. "Hey, hey are you okay m'lady?" he asked in a soft-toned voice while putting his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. That made ladybug feel that little bit better.
"Yes I'm okay thank you for asking cat" She told him while hugging him after holding her breath for a second so all her tears wouldn't run down her face. The feeling of breaking down in tears went away after that hug. They talked for a near hour before remembering they have to go back to their usual everyday lives before seeing each other again so they went their separate ways.
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