The sleepover with the Boys part 2

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So after the ball game  i took austin and the crew home i forgot my phone at austin's. BIG MISTAKE!!!! When i got home i had to tell my mom that i left my phone at austin's and i need to go get but she said to get it after dinner. Well after dinner i clean my plate and went for my  phone. after 10 mins i was at austin again. i could hear him yelling YEAH AC!!! so alex was over here.

*The Weridos*

i knocked on the door about three times. austin answered it  and he was shirtless and shocked that i was there.

Austin: What are you doing here Katie!!

Katie: i left my phone up in your room.

austin: Well i was wondering since you are here do you think you could stay the night because we got to take alex to school tomorrow aways. so...

katie: i'll ask my mom when i get my phone

austin: Here *reaches the phone*

Katie: i'll call her

*Phone cov*

Katie: Hey, Mom i got a question.

Mom: What is it 

Katie: austin wants to talk to you. 

Mom: okay 

*Austin pov*

Katie told her mom i wanted to talk to her My eyes got big when she reached me the phone

Angie: Hello austin what did you want to tell me

Austin: Well i was wondering if katie could stay with me tonight since we have to take alex tomorrow were you won't have to get up early.

Angie: Well if she can  come back and pack her bookbag and pick a outfit i will take her back down 

Austin: Thank you Angie

Angie: Welcome 

Austin: Bye

Angie: Bye, austin 

 i ended the call and reached the phone back to katie

katie: Well what did she say 

Austin: If you go back and pack your bookbag and pick a outift she will bring you back.

katie: Great see ya in a few!

Austin : okay i go tell alex and mama 

Katie: Be right back

Well that was easy but now to tell alex and mama. Oh god! i went into the living were mama was reading a book "The Help" 

Austin: Mama 

Michelle: Yes, sweetie

Austin: Can katie stay tonight 

Michelle: if it's alright with Angie 

Austin: i already called her and she is bringing her down in a few

Michelle: Okay well go tell alex now

Austin: Thanks mom 

Michelle: Yeah Yeah 

i walked up to  my room and alex was on twitter or really staring at his iphone

Austin: Alex

Alex: What 

Austin: Katie is staying the night with us

alex: Cool i like hanging out with her she just like the crew 

Austin: That's what i was thinking

Alex: Maybe she can be a part of the crew

Austin: Werid 5 

Alex: Weird 5 

Austin: this is gonna be awesome 

alex: Yup wanna tweet it after she gets here

Austin: sure if she agrees to it 

alex: Is that her *Points out the window* 

Austin: yup!!

Alex: I'll go down with you!

i went downstairs really quick to answer the door. by the time i got there mama already was talking to angie. 

austin: KATIE!!!!! 

Katie: AUSTIN!!! 

alex: hey i'm here too you know right??

Katie: ALEXXXOOOO!!!!!!!!!!


Angie: You be good katie and behave 

Katie: I will mom trust me

Angie: OKAY bye sweetie

Katie: bye 

michelle: Bye angie see ya tomorrow

*Sleepover with the boys* *KATIE POV*

so i finally got back at austin's i said my goodbyes and heys and went up to austin room.

austin: Katie where are you??

Katie: up here laying in the floor

Alex: *Enter the room* why are you on the floor??

Katie: flaceplanted

Austin: Katie are you okay?

katie: yes austin i just faceplanted

alex: Katie you can get up right??

katie: but the floor just smells so good

austin: i got that on video 

katie: you get everything on video

alex: you really do!

austin: well mahomie don't know katie yet they know you and me and not poor little katie

katie: *Stands up* LITTLE!!! 

alex: Dude don't she is tougher then she looks

austin: Excuse me 

katie: i'm 5'9 you are 5'10

austin: 5'10 and 1/4 

katie: don't mess with me * falls down on austin's bed*

*Michelle walks in* 

Michelle: it's eight i want all of you showered by ten and katie i don't think you have been down in the basement where the bunk beds are have you?

katie: NO i haven't why

michelle: that's we're all of you will be sleeping

katie: But nothing good ever happens in basements 

alex : we will protect you 

austin: Yeah katie don't sweat it 

michelle: Awe!!! Bro love on katie 

katie: don't think we could get any closer

Austin: oh yeah *Walks over and picks me up from the bed* 

michelle: Austin put katie down and go down to the basement

alex: shouldn't we shower first 

michelle: but first you got to make sure there is a light in the basement, sheets on the bed, alarm clock , and i think there is a TV down there. 

alex: are x-box is down there 

katie: have y'all be down there 

austin: *Laughs a little* yes country girl 

Alex: so have you ever been muddin

michelle: quit picking on our little country girl and go to the basement to get it clean up and kaitlyn can go take her bath 

austin: fine *puts me down* let's go bro 

katie: mama 

michele: Yes dear 

Katie: so how old is austin??

Michelle: he is 16 and alex  is 17 

Katie: okay thanks mama 

Michele: How old are you 

Katie: I'm turning 16 may 5th 

michelle: Ohh so if you have any trouble at any time just come to me if your mom don't listen to you 

katie: okay i will mama well off to bath 

michelle: Okay sweetie love ya see you in the mornig 

KAtie: Okay love ya 2 see ya 

so that was intersting like she knows something i don't. i went to the bathroom it was pretty nice bathroom it had one huge shower and large bath tub  so i took a bath 

*Lover Lover Wouldn't You Tell Me So* Austin pov*

me and alex went to the basement 

Alex: do we have light in here 

Austin:*Flips on switch* 

Alex: So we do 

Austin: DO we have sheets 

Alex: *looks at the bed* Yup 

Austin:Okay so lets go upstairs get pilliows, alarm clock , phones i'll get katie's, and my laptop!

alex: Wait what about the box of X-box games?

austin: Welp i think there in my closet. 

Alex: let's go get them

*after 1 hour later* *Still Austin P.O.V*

welp i am alone with katie alex is gone to take his shower. 

Austin: hey, katie what are you doing?

katie: I am putting extra sheets on my bunk bed to make it more soft! 

austin: Okay? nice PJs by the way.

Katie: It's a tan top and a pair of panda bears long PJ pants 

austin: It's sexy!! 

katie: Huh?? How is it sexy are you hitting on me mahone?

austin: maybe*Smiles* 

i was totally hitting on her i mean she is so cute how couldn't you she had dimples a great personality she is awesome at basket and strong! 

Katie: I feel a little neverous.

alex:*Walks in* Why? 

austin: Because i like her *blushes* 

alex: What you miss when you take a bath!

katie: A lot *Gets on iphone * a whole lot 

kaitlyn marie mahone yups sounds perfect to me!

austin: Ohh wooo ohhh you don't know what i know about you! Because i love hunny that's a whole to ask for just ask me! Wont you be my GF Because I wanna got back to the day when i first saw your face!!

Katie: Austin Carter what are you doing? 

austin: *gets up walks over and sits on kaite's bed* i was singing and you should be my girlfriend!

Katie: Really that would ruin a relationship of us being best friends! 

austin: Does that matter i love you and my mahomies love you and i just love you mainly!

Katie: I don't know anymore

alex: I do and let's do this, austin do you love kaitlyn with all your heart?

austin: yes,yes i do!

alex: Now kaitlyn,do you love austin with all your heart?

katie: Yes! 

alex: May your relationship be strong and last long!

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