The Plan part 8

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Katie's POV

Okay so randy is on my trail again I kinda left Kentucky because of two things one Jackie was moving to Georgia and I went to live with her but then we all moved to Texas!!! Two That stupid boy Randy!!!!!!! Wait oh I got

Katie: austy here let's go home on the way there I tell this evil but awesome plan!

Austin: okay Leggo!

Katie: Mkay hehe

Austin: wait what about your arm??

Katie: when you where in the bathroom done a quick x-ray and say that they had it mixed up with someone else so it's only my hip so i'm only on crutches and they took the cast off 

Austin: oh...okay let's go!

We went to car and I turn on the radio it was playin please don't judge me by Chris brown. I thought more about the plan more i thought more evil and awesome it got. Austin look at me funny.

Austin: Soooooo......what's the plan?

Katie: okay we act like we are breaking up Alex records it posts it on Keek. Randy see it from where he is at then Randy comes to take me back to Kentucky but I say I kinda have better plans. He goes what? You come in and Jackie plus Alex comes out of the conner and on three second we all three say "leave us alone or we can kill you right here and now". Then we pull out real guns but no shells in it.

Austin: uh the mahomies

Katie: well we will have it where only a few people can see it

Austin: well that could work Katie your a genius

Katie: Really I had this plan all along

Austin: you have a lot downtime don't you!

Katie: in the winter. Yes yes I do

Austin: well lets go with plan and go talk to Jackie and Alex

Katie: they should well Jackie anyways. I have told Jackie the plan when we move out of Kentucky....

Austin POV

Well katie's plan sounds alright so now we going to Alex's house to see if they agree but I hope kaitlyn knows what she means by letting only a few people see it.

*At the house*

Austin: Katie quit doing research and come here I haven't spend time with you in forever!!!!

Katie: Fine!

Austin: how about date night???

Katie: sure we can video the "break up" on the way back because people would start to wonder if we did it on the way going there and still hang out!!!

Austin: NO!!!! We can do that tomorrow i just wanna hang out and go on a movie date by our selfs!!!!

Katie: fine, i guess we need to get away from all the trouble ans act like nothin is wrong.

Austin: Yeah let's go change and get ready.

*Katie's Pov*

Katie: Where Mama Mahone?

Austin: probably out shopping with your mom.

Katie: okay well i gonna change be right back!!!!

Austin: okay!!!

Well now i am up here in Mama Mahone's room changing into my white ball shorts and a tank top that has a turtle on it that says " why run when you can be a turtle and walk in  slow motion" after i change I texted jackie the plan and said she is gonna tell alex.

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