chap:9-the Confession and the triangle tension

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"Wh-what?" Tae asked in very muted voice also looking at hoseok's

The tension between them increased every second.Hoseok slowly held V's face with on hand. The older was not in his control. He could only think of how beautiful V is and tasting those pink soft smooth lips just before him.So He just went for it.

Hoseok finally leaned in and touched V's soft lips with his.V got startled by his actions. Hoseok was moving his lips slowly softly and tae also started to move his lips with hoseok..but he suddenly pushed hobi.
"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Tae asked looking at Hoseok
" Yes.You are making me crazy" hoseok said before he grabbed V's waist with his hand and pulled him closer and kissed him again.

V tried to resist weakly but hoseok caught V's wrist softly with another hand. V submitted to hoseok's soft touch and closed his eyes feeling hosek's lips and moving them slowly in sync with hoseok and grabbed his shoulders. They both were drunk by eachother's lips and kept tasting eachother slowly but deeply.

Both came to their senses and parted away. They both couldn't believe what they just did. Both panted heavily looking at eachother for few seconds.

V finally spoke up. "Aren't you supposed to be straight?"

Hosek looked at V then looked away.
"I am straight." He said.
"But not for you."
"Listen i don't have feelings for guys.i mean i never had. I dated and felt for only girls but YOU.You are making me fucking crazy. And now idk what am i."

V was about to scream at hoseok but he calmed himself down and smiled fakely at hobi."So do you like me AS A MAN?"

" i guess. My heart beats when i am with you. I get hot when you come close to me. I blush when i think about you. And miss you when i go home and you are kind of UNREAL beautiful" hoseok confessed straightforwardly. He knew he had no choice and also no point in getting shy at this moment.

V stared at hoseok.V's already flushed face got more flushed and his cheeks, ear and neck turned into a deep shade of red at hoseok's words
"O-ok" v stood up and started to walk away.


"WHAT?" V stopped and turned.

" WHAT IS OK? WHAT NOW? AM I BEING REJECTED? YOU DON'T LIKE ME?" hoseok asked desperately.

GOSH how am i going to handle this dumbass boyfriend from now" V said as he walked out of the room.

Hobi stared at tae leaving
"B-Boyfriend...." hoseok smiled and touched his lips.

He stood up. "GOD FOR ONCE...I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE STRAIGHT IN A STORY..." he said to himself as he sighed..and walked away.

Chanyeol followed Jungkook into the meeting room after jungkook instructed all his work to him.
"Work here since we don't have an extra desk" jk said.
"But jiminie texted me that i can sit with him tho" chanyeol said.

'Jiminie....'jungkook didn't like that nickname coming from his mouth. He looked at chanyeol dead in the eye.
"I saw you checking out jimin in the morning. You did it right?"

"Yes" chanyeol said bluntly.

'This bitch' jk thought as he scoffed in disbelief.
"Wow you are shameless" jungkook said.

"Oh am i? But i saw you checking out jiminie 5 times already since morning" chanyeol said smiling.

*cough* *cough* jungkook choughed a few times looking away."yeah whatever" he said.

"Its okay. Its impossible for any human to not check jimin out. He is built like that.Ain't judging you"  chanyeol flashed another smile. Jungkook got annoyed at chanyeol's smile everytime.

"You like him don't you??"  jungkook took a step towards  chanyeol.

"And Why do you ask that" chanyeol also took a  step towards jungkook.

"If you like him..DON'T. He is mine" jungkook said with his teeth grinded and he stared into the other's soul.

"Ohh and who are you to tell me that? Are you his boyfriend?" Chanyeol asked pointing at jk.

"I..Not boyfriend.. but we...we have a special relationship..SO He is still off limits. Get that in your head." jungkook felt embarrassed and angered at the question.

Chanyeol scoffed and walked out of the meeting room.
''this one seems sincere''chanyeol mumbled to himself as he smiled and went to jimin's desk with another chair.

They whole day jungkook couldn't work. He kept getting bothered by chanyeol and jimin beside him.  They were being overly friendly. His blood was boiling. 'That bitch is sure flirting with my jimin.What if jimin flirts with him too...nope. that is not happening in my household' he thought as be clenched his fists.

Jimin and chanyeol were laughing as jimin helped chanyeol in working.
*slam* jungkook threw a file at jimin's desk.

"Hey jimin this is all wrong. Stop helping other people and do your own work properly first" jungkook said to jimin.
"Eh? But i did it right tho..." jimin checked the file.
"Nope go the the third page the font is all wrong. This is because you are helping OTHER PEOPLE with their shit" jungkook said looking at chanyeol.
"But you  said this font should be-" jimin's eyes widened a bit and he stopped talking.

*WHY DID YOU NOT ASK ME TO SLEEP WITH YOU TODAY* was written at the top corner of the third page of their summary management file.

Jimin looked at jungkook and read it again. jungkook had a serious face on
The older male was dumbfounded by the younger's behaviour.
Jimin started to laugh after blinking a few times at the younger.

" okay i will fix it" jimin said smirking.

Jimin wrote something and waited for a bit then tossed the file to jungkook's desk. Jungkook opened it.

*Wanna sleep at my place tonight then* jungkook smiled then started acting annoyed. "Ahh I am tired of this shit already jimin. *Wanna sleep at my place tonight?*' Jungkook suddenly said that out loud enough for chanyeol to hear.

Chanyeol looked at jimin. Jimin's mouth parted. "Why would you say that out Loud wtf?" Jimin asked jungkook with panic.

"Ahh he asks me to sleep with him all the time. Thats what our relationship is like" jungkook looked at chanyeol with a proud face then started acting annoyed again.

Chanyeol held is laugh at jungkook's weird flex. "Oh jimin you flirted with him like this too? Poor boy will misunderstand" chanyeol said to jimin with pity in his voice looking at jk

Jungkook frowned and looked at jimin
"What? What do you mean? What is wrong with you two..spitting weird nonsense out loud? Is that trend?" Jimin asked confused and looked at chanyeol.

Jungkook looked at chanyeol with anger filled eyes. Chanyeol smirked at him.

"The tension between those three is killing me, i can't focus" joon looked at them and then everyone else.
"This is the drama i signed up for" hoseok chuckled also looking at them.

"I got coffee". Tae handed jungkook and jimin their coffee but accidentally spilled chanyeol's iced coffee on his body. "OH SHIT. Sorry man." V quickly gave chanyeol his handkerchief.
"Its okay. I am fine"the taller started to wipe off the coffee from his tshirt

His thin white tshirt was soaked which exposed his perfectly toned six pack abs and fit body.

"Yooo look at your body. You grew up good lord. Working out i see" jimin teased chanyeol.
Jungkook's tongue poked his cheek from inside at the remark. He felt annoyed and jealous at their every interraction. It was unnecessary.

" i got inspired from you my man. You always had such perfectly toned body i was jealous. Looks like i beat you in the body category now" chanyeol said and laughed.

"Lmao in your dreams. Might be the same level as me but still long way to beat me. My abs are still living well and  my ass and thighs are mocking yours with supremacy"jimin playfully made a sexy pose.

"Stop lying now mr.park"

"Huh? Lying?Wanna see mr.park?. You will be shoc-" Jimin was about to expose his abs as he grabbed his shirt but suddenly he felt something.ON HIS LIPS.

Jungkook kissed jimin.

*to be continued*

A/N: i wrote this for 4 hours. Literally wtf. Goodnight ya'll

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