yay an update!! sorry i've been so inactive lately, i have been doing a bunch of tests and i mean A BUNCH my dad buys me more everyday and i have barely any time anymore to write but i try 😂💜 and also 5K reads wtf- where have i been 😂😂🙊 tysm❤️
"Turns out, May was on the cold, revolting ground of New York."
Peter went rushing home. After all he's done for Tony, he just goes off with some other kid?
He finally made it to his apartment and wanted to cry himself to sleep. Peter opened his front door.
"May?" Peter spoke.
But she wasn't there.
Where was she?!
He started to panic, only realising that maybe- just maybe- something bad had happened to May.
He suddenly heard his phone ring.
"Hello?! Are you Peter Parker?" The unfamiliar voice said through the phone.
"Y-yes, i'm Peter." He managed to speak.
"I'm sorry to say this but-" She paused. "May Parker has sadly passed away." She sighed.
"Wh-what?! How?! When?" Peter cried.
"She- she was in a car crash. I'm very, very sorry for your loss. Have a good day." She sympathetically explained and hung up.
Have a good day? What an idiot! Have a good day after his aunt just died?! BITCH WHAT THE FUCK??!:!,!;;,48!38/7//77ksjssksjss
It was as if his Parker Luck was slowly coming back day by day. Peters life was actually starting to come together again, but just -just at the right moment- it comes back again.
He sighed and screamed into his aunts favourite fluffy pillow. She used to say she liked it so much because it gave her good luck, so Peter decided to hug it because ya never know.
He eventually fell asleep dreading tomorrow.
Peter goes to the tower.
Peter got up at seven AM sharp, just like Tony requested. Showered, dressed himself, brushed his hair all while trying not to recall yesterday's events, when it was almost impossible as a few tears slipped here and there.
when i put bold here its most likely a TIME SKIP! got it? yeah- okay!
Peter walked into the lab and his heart stopped. Guess who was there. Just guess. Jake was standing there smiling with Tony while reading his homework. Oh, and the worst part is, he got all of it right which meant he got to go out with Tony (according to Tony.)
Since that day, Peter kept on trying to get the Avengers attention but nothing seemed to work. He tried to be noticed by tidying everything up but still nothing. He tried by washing dishes but still nothing. He tried to get Tony to help him with homework but still nothing happened.
Peter gave up. He gave it all up. Before leaving he walked over to the girl in front and handed her his badge and said "I'm done."
Peter was spidermanning (lol) and he came across the tower and looking at it just broke his heart. Tony still hadn't called him back. And the sad thing is, they were celebrating Jakes birthday (or someone's but Peter just assumed it was Jakes birthday.)
Loki was the only one who actually understood how Peter felt. Every night pretty much, Peter met Loki at a cafe nearby the tower. Peter looked around the window to see if Loki was there and he was, but not very happy.
In fact, he was infuriated, having to celebrate a horrific party for someone he absolutely despises. How dare someone take Peters place? Well, Loki kind of understood what happened. Someone must of put a spell on them. Probably Jake.
So (Loki being Loki) decided to expose him on his 'big day'. His annoyed face vanished with a smirk on his face as he thought of what to say.
sorry that was really really short
i know i've been inactive for so so so so so so long and i'm really sorry about that. the next part will probably be released tomorrow or Wednesday. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💝💖💗💞💓💓💓💓💓
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