It was 2 AM, in the car. The windows were down in case whatever Rika consumed earlier that night came back up. The typically-fiery redhead looked out of it. She was out of it. They all were. It wasn't just because of the alcohol either. Ever since she and Saori had a fight a couple weeks ago, all of Merm4id was out of whack. Dalia and Marika did their best to keep the band together, but with their stubborn leader in direct and serious conflict with their insecure and temperamental DJ, it wasn't easy.
Saori drove past her street, headed to Rika's. That was enough to rouse Rika slightly. She sat up a little taller and slowly rotated her head towards Saori, mumbling out words that were jumbled and confused. Their show that night wasn't a total flop, but the crowd could definitely sense that something was wrong between the band members. That affected the rest of the performance, and everyone's groove was a little off. As soon as their performance was done, Rika beelined to the bar and only Dalia, with her great strength, could pry her off the barstool.
"I know we're all tired, disappointed, and frustrated, but drinking so much that we get sick won't help." Her voice was soothing but stern as she carefully carried Rika to someplace quieter and safer. They parted ways at the end of the night, Dalia taking Marika home while Saori took Rika.
"Are you sure you don't want me to...?" Dalia offered, knowing how heavy the tension between Saori and Rika was at the moment.
"No, I got it, it's fine," Saori grunted, brushing past Dalia and not looking her in the eyes as she all but dragged Rika after her.
Now here they were, Rika unable to escape the tension since she was stuck in a car. She was just sober enough to know that something was very wrong here, but too drunk to articulate it in any intelligible way.
"It's fine, Rika," Saori almost snapped. "It's in the past." Her eyes were still pointed straight ahead, she wouldn't meet Rika's.
As soon as Rika finally, awkwardly, stumbled out of the car, waving Saori off when Saori gruffly offered to walk her inside, Saori's shoulders slumped. She hadn't even realized what tension she'd held in them until Rika slammed the car door shut behind her. Saori watched her go. It was as if Rika took all the fire with her, because Saori suddenly felt completely out of energy. She was just...tired, and sad.
"You're thinking that I hate you now 'cause you still don't know what I never said," Saori whispered as Rika finally made it inside, slamming that door closed behind her, too. Now, there was only one thing left for Saori to do: drive home, alone.
Already, Saori wished Rika would come back, not just in body, but in spirit, too. It was something else she never said, but she missed Rika. She didn't like fighting like this. But she, stupidly, hung up the phone on Rika the first time, and it all spiraled out of control from there. Had Saori ruined everything? Destroyed her friendship with Rika, and destroyed Merm4id itself? The thought alone was enough to make her cry. Oh, how Saori wished Rika could be right here, right now. What if I told you it was all good, and that I wish you would?
It was 2 AM, 24 hours later. Headlights passed Saori's window and she noticed that they were almost a yellow-orange in color rather than plain white. Her mind was immediately dragged back to Rika. Their band had a beach theme and Rika was the blazing summer sun on bright golden sand. As far apart as they were now, in body and spirit, Saori still couldn't stop thinking about Rika. She thought back to the day they met.
It was sheer happenstance (destiny, as Rika called it). They met at a local record shop. When Rika realized Saori was into DJing, she forced the other girl to attend a party with her that very night and then proceeded to spend half the time dragging her around everywhere, practically showing her off as if she were a shiny new trophy that Rika recently won. That set the tone for their entire relationship.
They were a crazy, crooked, wild love in a straightlaced world. Rika was a firebrand, leaving a mark on everything she touched, including Saori; it was like a golden tattoo. Sometimes, it made Saori want to run and hide, but Rika never let her get far. No, it wasn't just Rika. Saori always found herself turning right back around to face the warmth and light of Rika's fire once again. Now, Saori wished desperately that Rika would come back, so Saori could see her inner fire again. She missed Rika too much to be mad anymore.
As crazy as Rika could drive Saori, Saori couldn't deny that Rika inviting her places always made her feel so special. Even though she'd never admit it, sometimes she liked when Rika showed her off. It made her feel like something valuable, and something worth showing off. Besides, it was thanks to Rika that Merm4id formed at all, so how could Saori ever think she would forget Rika for as long as she lived?
Although, it seemed that for every good memory Saori had that night, a bad one had to be there to balance it out. Saori remembered what they were fighting for, remembered what Rika said that first night. In a strange, cruel way, Rika's best trait was also her worst trait. Her easy-breezy ways that made it so easy to get along with her, and her stubborn impulsivity that made her a huge go-getter, was one of the first things that caught Saori's eye. (How could it not? Rika did drag her to that party, after all). But she wasn't the only one.
"Guys, gals, nonbinary pals, or anyone outside or in between, or a mix thereof? You name it, I'm down! I'm just here for a good time, YEAH!" Rika winked, stuck her tongue out, and held up two peace signs. Saori was confused and frustrated, so she took a chance and took a shot.
"But, Rika!" Why couldn't Rika take things seriously for once? "You say you love me, and you kiss me all the time, but then I catch you doing that with just about any person we meet! So what does it mean? Were you just kidding? 'Cause it seems to me, this thing is breaking down, we almost never speak, and I don't feel welcome anymore!" She felt like she was constantly forgetting what she was trying to say from sheer nervousness.
"Awww, I still love you, Saori! I just have so much love in me that sometimes it feels like I'm going to BLOW! I just gotta share it with everyone, ya know?" Rika laughed but Saori only crossed her arms and frowned, angry at Rika's refusal to at least try to understand, and hurt by her flippancy.
And then, even when Rika finally realized that something was wrong, she tried to call Saori and apologize, but Saori hung up on her. How dare Rika have the audacity to apologize...but only over the phone?! Was she too cowardly to talk to Saori in person?! Or did Saori just not matter enough to her? Also, from what it sounded like through the phone, Rika was at a bar during the time she apologized. Bah! She wasn't sorry!
She was probably off picking up more people to "party with" as they spoke! She was getting hung over while Saori hung up. Had Saori said something way too honest that made Rika run and lie, like a scared little girl? She was just sick and tired of Rika's attitude and reasons, feeling like she didn't know Rika. Rika would tell her she loved her, then cut her down. Saori wasn't bulletproof, she just wanted Rika to tell her why!
You always knew how to push my buttons...
From that very first day, dragging her to the party and then into a DJ band...From the first month, when she would tickle Saori at random just to get a rise out of her...To now, flirting with everyone under the sun! Only Rika had enough on Saori to break her heart.
You gave me everything and nothing...
Rika, who made Saori feel so loved, valued, accepted, and special, because she invited Saori everywhere and wanted to share all of her best moments with her. That was the same Rika who would drop her hand while dancing to glide across the floor and party with someone else. And yet...
This mad, mad love makes you come running...
Falling in love with Rika was like falling down a rabbit hole, everything spinning out of control. Even though she knew not to rush anything, Rika flashed those bright eyes at her and it all seemed so new and exciting. She felt Rika's arms twisting around her and after they found Wonderland, they got lost in it. Saori should've slept with one eye open at night.
They were too in love to think straight, but then whispers turned to talking and talking turned to screams. Even though Saori could still see Rika's Cheshire Cat smile so clearly in her mind, she remembered how it was all fun and games until somebody lost their head, lost in Wonderland. Now whenever Saori reached for Rika, Rika was gone. Saori went back home alone while Rika searched the world, every bar and every party, for something else to make her feel like what she used to have with Saori. It seemed that in the end, in Wonderland, they both...went...mad...
"Now I stand back wasted," Saori sighed, just as drunk now as Rika was last night. Was she a fool when she pretended it could last forever and always? Even now, she missed the screaming, fighting, and kissing in the rain. It was 2 AM and she was cursing Rika's name. They were both so in love that they acted insane, breaking down and coming undone in a rollercoaster rush. It was a mad, mad love for a mad, mad Wonderland.
Worst of all, though, Rika never saw the smiles Saori was faking because she never even realized they were fake! She was just so wild and crazy, just so frustrating. She was the Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts both. Intoxicating tea times, complicated and crooked love, she got away by some mistake and now...? Saori wished she would come back. She wished Rika could be right here, right now. That was the way Saori loved her.
2 AM, another 24 hours later, Saori saw her face and Rika heard her voice in the dark. They were still a crooked, awkward love in a straight line down, trying to make it work even as it made them want to run and hide. They both felt like children trying and pretending to be adults.
"In the heat of the fight, I walked away, ignoring words that you were saying," Saori admitted as she knocked on Rika's door. "I said "leave", but all I really want is you! Now I wish you would come back, and I wish I never hung up the phone like I did!"
I'm waiting by your windowpane, coming back for more! And don't you leave 'cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door...
To her infinite surprise and relief, Rika did indeed open the door. The firebrand was unusually subdued. Was that a good sign or bad?
"I wish we could go back and remember what we were fighting for," she agreed. "I wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore! I wish you were right here, right now, so is it all good? I wish you would!"
For a second, Saori felt angry again. Wish we could remember what we were fighting for? Classic Rika, already forgetting the one thing that kept Saori up at night. It was just her and her stupid pride, sitting there alone, going through old photographs with Rika and staring at the phone. Yet it seemed like Rika herself had totally forgotten. She really knew how to push Saori's buttons, but...Saori wanted to go back over things they both said, and doublecheck on all the things she might've misread. She was tired of having no one to believe in, so she was willing to try again...
Rika started off, looking sincerely apologetic (for once). "I just remember trying to call you at the bar one night, because I was drunk. I was too scared to apologize sober, I had no idea what to say! I thought maybe a few drinks would take my mind off it, but suddenly it was all I could think about!" And classic Rika, as soon as an idea came to her, she went with it, for worse or for better. But her apology wasn't done yet.
"I tried to give you everything, but wound up giving nothing. So I stood back wasted, and all I could think about was everything you said. I never meant to make you feel angry, jealous, or insecure, I'm just a party girl! I can't help myself!" Rika looked pleading.
"This isn't helping your case," Saori warned her, already growing irritated again.
"But Saori, I promise, you're my favorite. You always have been! Don't you remember? I only formed Merm4id after we met because, as soon as we met, I knew I wanted you in my life for the long haul! There would be no Merm4id without you, so...I'll never forget you as long as I live!"
For a moment, Saori could only stand there and stare. So that call from the bar, and Merm4id itself, that was all just Rika's way of trying to get closer to Saori because her impulsive and lovestruck mind knew she had to keep the other girl in her life? It was...strangely flattering, and...slightly exasperating. Classic Rika. And there they went again, this mad, mad love made them come running.
Now they stood back where they used to and Saori was the first to speak. "You know what? ...It's all good, and right now I wish you would..." Then before she knew it, she and Rika were kissing, furious and passionate. Rika was all over every inch of her while she clung to Rika like she was scared that if she let go, Rika would be gone again. Oh, that face and those beautiful eyes!
Saori was taken back to some of their old conversations with the little white lies...It was a faded picture of a beautiful night and Saori was only half aware of Rika picking her up and carrying her up the stairs, into her house. After everything, after all of that stress...
"After everything, I must confess, I need you," Saori managed to whimper through her tears.
"You've been sad for far too long, Saori," Rika whispered as she set the other girl down on the couch. "I know it was my fault, so...I'm going to remedy that, right here, right now!" Then, before Saori could even blink, Rika was all over her again, tickling her.
"Aieeee! Stop! Stopstopstop! HAHAHA! That- that- THAT TICKLES!" Saori wanted to glare and push Rika off of her, but she'd missed this, missed Rika, too much to be mad anymore. Rika was so shameless, so fearless, but Saori loved it.
You always knew how to push my buttons. You give me everything and nothing. This mad, mad love makes you come running!
To stand back where you stood...I wish you would, I wish you would...
Once the two exhausted their tickle fight, Saori paused to look up into Rika's eyes.
I wish you would, I wish you would!
And Rika was more than happy to grant her silent wish, pulling her in for another kiss.
AN: Shout-out to Net Neutrality for requesting this. Probably angstier than you may have wanted, but hey, I didn't write the song :P LOL!
Also, trivia fact, this is another one of my top favs from 1989. And mad props to anyone who can "find" all the songs in this fic. I know "I Wish You Would" was the main one, but I jammed several others in as well, LOL! Told you, TS has too many good songs!
Also yup, another D4 fic on a June day ending in a 4, LOL!
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