So Far

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"Where am I?"

I touched the wall, and my hand went right through like the surface was made completely out of water. The dark surface began rippling from where my hand made contact. Then, the sun rose in the distance lighting up the entire room.

I now stood in an area that seemed so serene.

There was this blue sky with soft, white, fluffy clouds covering the sky while the ground was covered in a small body of water no taller than my ankles. The water reflected the suns and sky's reflections.

"Sister," A voice growled at me. "How nice to finally visit me."

"Demise?" I gasp.

I saw the demon king's large figure. He was far more terrifying up close. His fiery hair and eyes got even more intense the closer he walked to me. His skin that was covered in black scales reflected the sun's rays.

He held out his massive hand to me.

I knew I shouldn't have but I took his hand. It was bigger than my entire head, but it was gentle as his fingers enclosed my own hand.

"I was wondering when you'd finally show up to this desolate prison. Eons and eons of being trapped under that seal with no company does strange things to you."

"How are you here?"

Demise began to laugh his maniacal, demented laugh. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. His imprisonment had really made him descend into madness. There was no semblance of my brother now.

He was all monster. His humanity was gone.

"Darkness rises and light to meet it. Hylia loved to say that to you. The inverse is true. The more power you regain, the stronger I become sister. Soon, very soon, that flimsy little seal will break, and I will return."

"No that can't be."

"I will be seeing you, sister. Sooner rather than later." 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

My eyes shot open.

The image of my deranged brother still burned freshly in my brain. I couldn't unsee it. His eyes were full of resentment and malice.

Where was my brother?

Where was the young man who stood by my side for whatever trial met us? Where was the level-headed strategist who loved the thrill of battle? Where was the honorable warrior that never let anything stop him from protecting those he cared for?

I tried to get up but realized I was being held down.

Ghirahim had his arm draped around my waist holding me against his chest and his legs were intertwined with mien.

He had always loved being intertwined with me. He always said he loved feeling as close as he physically could with me. He said he loved my softness and the warmth that I gave him.

"You remind me of the warm forge at Eldin. You feel like home, my love."

He would always say that to me.

I moved my hand from resting on his chest to draping it along his waist. He was so blissful and serene when he was asleep. Seeing him like this reminded me of all those times we laid here holding each other as the world around us disappeared.

His slow breathing was so calming to me. It made me want to stay here with him. It made me want to forget every horrible thing he had ever done to me. Every horrible thing that I had done to him...

During our fight, I blamed him for what happened between us. I blamed him for our broken home, but it takes two to tango.

He told me I didn't understand why he did what he did. He said I could never possibly understand it, and in a way, he was right and in another he was wrong.

I understood why my brother betrayed our Creator.

I understood why Ghirahim joined him.

Erebus was sick of being in my shadow. I was Hylia's golden child. She had showed clear favoritism towards me while only ever berating and punishing him for his "shortcomings."

She always told me I was the pride of the Golden Goddesses while he was the scraps. A spare. A mistake. An afterthought.

I was too busy trying to appease Hylia, terrified of disappointing her, to see him struggling under the weight of her extreme persecution of him in every way. He watched me lose blood, sweat, and tears for Hylia to preserve her perfect pure image.

I was always the one to sing her praises and never question her leadership as he became disillusioned with her.

I never really understood the mistreatment of Erebus and his demons until it was too late. I was too busy basking in Hylia's eternal light.

And although I realized her faults, I knew Hylia was afraid. Fear makes people do crazy things. I knew she was a good person at heart and could no longer reach the people I once loved.

I didn't and would never condone her actions anymore, but I understood which is why I stayed. It is the very reason why I had to leave Ghirahim.

I just wish I hadn't been so blind. 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"This doesn't change anything."

"I know. I guess I was just hoping to buy Link some time." I admit sheepishly.

Ghirahim's hand gripped my jaw the second Link's name came out of my lips. I would see the desperation and jealously build in his eyes. He looked almost manic at this point.

"Don't. You. Ever. Say. That. Name." He seethed venom dripping from every word.

I knew Ghirahim hated Link but I never knew to what degree. Could have been because Link had bested him in battle a couple of times already or was it because of me?

"Ghirahim, please," I begged.

He let go instantly then turned his back to me. I held my jaw with my hand trying to soothe the sour and agitated area.

The thing about Ghirahim was that he was used to me being the sun goddess where he could manhandle and be as rough as he wanted with me. However, I was mortal and far more fragile. I had countless bruises on my body from when he touched me.

The bruises I had when we met up in the Eldin Providence stayed for weeks after he gave me them.

"This wouldn't be so hard if you told me what the spirit maiden's plans are."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can!" He raised his voice making me flinch, "you were supposed to join her. I know you were. What is it she is planning? She is the piece of this puzzle that I am missing."

"If I told you, you'd sacrifice her soul. Ghirahim, you'd kill her."

"She'd deserve it."

"Your issues are with Hylia not Zelda."

"Hylia, Zelda... it doesn't matter to me."

"Then do I even matter to you? I'm not Soleil anymore. And you're not Ghirahim anymore."

"I'm not going to fight with you in something you cannot even begin to understand."

I closed my eyes in frustration. I wanted to reach him so badly, but I just couldn't. He was too far for me to even touch anymore.

I never wanted to admit it but this wasn't my Ghirahim. My Ghirahim had died a long time ago. Ever since then, this demon lord has been trouncing around in Ghirahim's skin. My Ghirahim was lost a long time ago. 


I got cut off as he harshly grabbed my wrist and teleported us out of the room. 

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