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I had covered my mouth as Fi spoke her first words to me.

We had spoken a little before, but it was never anything like this. In this moment, I felt a rush of emotion.

"I am glad to see you have recovered some of your memories." Fi said in her whimsical way of speaking.

She was still holding her bow to me, and I admired her for what felt like the first time. Of course, I thought she was beautiful when I first met her. Although, in this moment, it felt like I was truly admiring her.

Her crystal-like blue skin with this look of youth on her face was impossible not to be amazed by. She was truly a sight to behold. Then her blue and purple garb made flashes of Link's sword appear into my head. The flashes didn't exactly look like Link's sword instead they were of a blade that was far longer with a bluish-purple handle with green vines wrapping up the handle.


I hesitantly moved closer and put a hand on her face once she stood. The surface of her face felt as I thought it would. It was smooth and cool.

"My lady, perhaps we may speak in private."

"Oh," I say taken aback for a second.

I looked to the old lady and Link, and they both told me to go. I could see the confusion in Link's eyes but one look at the old lady told me this is exactly what I was supposed to do.

So, Fi and I exited the temple.

I blindly followed her levitating figure. So many emotions and memories were boiling at my surface. I couldn't see anything; it was like all of them were at the tip of my tongue waiting to be unlocked.

"I can sense you have not fully restored your memories, my lady."

"I haven't... but I remember making you."

"As do I. They are among my fondest of memories."

"Why didn't you say anything to me earlier?"

"Because you wouldn't have believed me. As my creator, you made sure I would not reveal anything that you were not ready to possess yet. That is the same reason why you cannot tell Master Link of any more of your memories until he is ready."

"I... What?"

"You cannot relay any more information to my master concerning yourself, honorable Zelda, or his destiny. Both Goddess Hylia and you were clear when instructing me of my duties. Time is a sensitive construct and breaking the balance is a dangerous thing such is why I could not reveal myself to you before your time."

"But what about Link? He'll know something is up and I'm not telling him something."

"That is why your paths must diverge."

"But I just found you guys again. I-I can't lose you."

"My lady, we will meet again before you know it. As others have told you countless times, you have a path you must follow as do I and Master Link. I can see it in your eyes, you are piecing everything together. It will only be a matter of times before all is clear."

She began to float back to the temple before I blurted out some words.

"I'm sorry Fi!"

"Excuse me, my lady?"

"I'm sorry that because of my desperation you can never exist outside of your purpose."

"It is alright. As a sword my purpose is destruction. I have no qualms on my endless role in Demise's death. Once we meet again on the battlefield, he shall inflict a curse upon me. A curse in which a cycle of Demise's malice being born anew again and again, only for me to be used to end his life. This is my function. I serve you and I am content with that fact. In time, you will be too."

"I can't ever imagine being okay with that." I said hugging myself thinking of when I first made Fi.

"My lady, I have waited eons to serve you... serve my purpose and I will do it countless times if that means keeping you and the land you loved safe. I've waiting eons to see you once again, and now that I have, I will do anything for you."

"I know you will. That's exactly what Eldin warned me of."

"Fret not, my lady."

"When did you emerge from the lava?"

"Shortly after you were slain. I regret not being about to serve you while you stilled walked this world as a goddess, however, Eldin took care of me until I was ready. He looks forwards to seeing you again. It was all he spoke about."

We entered the temple once again together, my head hung knowing the burden I had forced Fi to carry, the one I forced myself, and the one Link's soul would be bound to.

After Fi returned to Link's sword, he told me about everything he needed to do such as going to Lanayru Providence.

He grabbed my hand and started walking towards the exit.

"Wait Link!"

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern all over his face.

"Yes, but," I let go of his hand. "I can't go with you this time."

"What do you mean? I just got you back."

"I know. I just have my own path I need to go down and right now-"

"That path isn't the same as mine."

My heart sank the second I saw Link's face fall a little. It hurt that we would be separated once again, but I knew this was how things were supposed to be.

I hugged him wanting to feel his warmth one more time before we parted ways.

"Come on, you know this isn't goodbye. We'll see each other again before you know it. You know you can't get rid of me that easily."

Link laughed. "'Course not."

"I love you, Link." I confessed.

There was this surprise that appeared on his face. I think he knew I had a crush on him since we were young but neither of us really said anything about it. I think I was always afraid that he had feelings for Zelda. But that didn't matter at this moment. Nothing mattered to me right now except for this last hug I would give Link. I didn't know what would come so this could possibly be the last time I'd see him. Although I really hoped it wasn't.

As we pulled away, I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I-I don't know what to say." Link stuttered.

"It's okay. Go."


He cut himself off as I urged him to go. I think hearing him say he didn't like me back would hurt more than not hearing it, so I wanted him to go before he had the chance.

Once he was gone, I turned to the old lady. Remembering she told me that she'd tell me everything after Skyview I spoke to her.

"So, you never really did explain things to me."

"Of course I did, my dear." The old lady laughed.

"What? No, that was Impa who told me everything back in Eldin."

"Well, you heard her. She was sent from a different time to aid you and the spirit maiden."

"Impa is you." I say finally piecing everything together.

"Yes, but I fear she is much more capable of protecting you than I."

"I can't believe this."

Everything had been slotting into place. Impa, Ghirahim, Fi, my memories, it was everything that I had thought I knew. Through this entire journey, I realized how little I really knew about everything.

"Come now, you've had a very eventful journey. You need time to rest yourself." 

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