Teddy was still sobbing when a 10th grader came into the bathroom. She heard the girl gasp then she heard someone run to her stall, "Are you ok?" A voice said.
Teddy opened the door, she looked like a mess, "No I'm not." she said to the younger girl who has long black hair and blue eyes.
"Oh you're that that girl," she said rolling her eyes.
"What girl?" Teddy said sniffing.
The girl scrolled through her phone and held up the photoshopped picture of her in a bikini, "Some girl named Sophie sent it to the whole school and said that you were a fraud, a fake because you got plastic surgery and wear to much makeup. I don't believe any of that 12th grade bull crap though."
"Bu-but that's not what I looked like in that photo! I didn't get plastic surgery! I barely even wear makeup!!" Teddy took out her phone and showed the girl the real picture, "See! She must have photoshopped it!"
"Like I said, I don't believe any of that stuff I think those 12th grader rumors are just a whole load of crap,"she said putting the phone in her pocket and extending a hand to Teddy who was still sitting on the floor, "By the way, I'm Gwen. And if it makes you cry I wouldn't listen to their rumors."
Gwen walked down the hall to the lunch room with Teddy after she finally dried her eyes and freshened up. Disapproving and confused looks followed them as they walked together. A few people even pointed and laughed until Gwen went up and threatened to break their necks.
Lunch was unusual for Teddy. Usually, everyone was asking to sit by her, and now everyone was moving as far away from her as possible leaving her and Gwen a whole table to themselves.
When Teddy got home she checked her phone.
New email:
Your just an fat piece of $&!#%$!
Below the words there was the photoshopped picture of her in the bikini. Maybe she was right Teddy thought looking down at her waist I'm am pretty fat!
That night she told her mother that she wasn't hungry and went to her bathroom the force herself to puke instead of eating dinner.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net