- CHAPTER 16 -

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The next morning, Kazutora woke up in the bed, he was confused since he knew he was laying by the window with Chifuyu last night, thinking Chifuyu probably moved him, he sat up as he stretches his arms, followed by a yawn

He stood up and headed to the bathroom, changing his clothes after doing his morning routine, he walks down the flight of stairs to be met with silence

Looking over at the kitchen, he saw Chifuyu there, probably making their breakfast, he was wearing his usual cream colored sweater and black pants, Kazutora smiles and approaches the male, leaning his back on the counter beside him

"Morning.."he greets, Chifuyu looks at him with a smile

"Morning, Tora"Chifuyu greeted back

"What you makin?"Kazutora asked as he looks at the clock on the wall

"Just some pancakes.."Chifuyu replies not looking at him, too focused on making sure the pancake on the pan doesn't burn

"Are they still here?"Kazutora asked referring to the teens last night

"Might be.. I didn't check"Chifuyu replied glancing at him

Chifuyu and Kazutora currently hasn't talk about their plans yet, too busy thinking about what to tell Takemichi and how to help him, considering that the future changed because of their interference

Kazutora decided to pull out a mp3 player that he bought back in the future, he found it in his jeans pockets when he went to do the laundry when he first arrive in this house, he put Chifuyu's playlist in it, not really knowing what music to put after he bought it, placing it on the kitchen counter, he grabs Chifuyu's arms and turns him around as the music 'Eenie Menie' started playing

"Tora, wait-"he spins Chifuyu around, the male clearly surprised by this, looks at him as he turns the stove off, to not burn the batter already on the pan

"You seem like the type to love 'em and leave 'em and disappear right after this song"the mp3 blasted, while the two continued dancing"So give me the night to show you, hold you"

"Don't leave me out here dancing alone"Kazutora sang as he looks at Chifuyu, who's trying his best to not smile because Kazutora interrupted him

"You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind"Kazutora continued to sing as he looks at Chifuyu, who rolls his eyes at him

"Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time"Chifuyu sang as he looks at him"I'm not tryna rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind"

"I wish our hearts could come together as one"they both sang as they smile at each other"Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover"they laugh as they continued to sing

The two continued to sing as the mp3 blasted the song, not realizing that the teens in the house with them woke up because of the music and sees the two of them dancing in the kitchen, hiding behind the wall as they watch the two dance

"Let me show you what you're missin', paradise"Kazutora sings as he spins Chifuyu"With me you're winning, boy, you don't have to roll the dice"Chifuyu looks at him with an eyebrow raised as if to ask him, going along with his shenanigans

"Tell me what you're really here for, them other guys? I can see right through ya"Chifuyu laughs at this as Kazutora and him continued dancing

"You seem like the type to love 'em and leave 'em and disappear right after the song"the mp3 continued blasting the song as they dance

"So give me the night to show you and hold you, don't leave me out here dancin' alone"Kazutora sang looking at Chifuyu

Chifuyu smirks and switches their positions, surprising Kazutora, they laughed afterwards as they did a final pose when the song ended, with Chifuyu placing his hands on Kazutora's neck, the latter placing his hands on Chifuyu's waist as he leans him back, looking at each other for a split second before laughing as the second song started playing

Chifuyu got back to his cooking while Kazutora started preparing the plates, It was moments like this that made their bond stronger, the two of them would just always play around in the house when they weren't in the pet shop, although.. Even if they were, they still do the same things that they do back at home, singing and dancing was one of them

"We don't even have to try"the two males looks at each other when the lyrics came on, laughing when they synced

Takemichi smiles while looking at the two, he knew the future they were in was not good but he was glad the two could still laugh and smile despite that, this made him want to make sure they get a happy future, where everyone is alive and well, without worrying about someone dying

The next song came on and Kazutora started singing it, Chifuyu just looks at him, laughing at his shenanigans while he finishes cooking

Kazutora kept singing the next song, which was 'Rude' by the band MAGIC, Chifuyu watches him as he prepares the table, while he puts away the pan that he used to cook the pancakes

"Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry him anyway"Kazutora grabs Chifuyu by his waist and spins him, once Chifuyu approaches him to help him set the table

"Can I have you for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know"he changed the lyrics up a bit, to which Chifuyu finds amusing

"You say I'll never get your blessin' 'till the day I die"the mp3 continues

Chifuyu raised a brow at him and sang the next verse as he pushes Kazutora away"Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still no"Kazutora puts a hand on where his heart lies, acting hurt

Chifuyu just chuckles and turns to the table in front of them"I think we better wake them up"he spoke referring to the teens

"I'll do it"Kazutora spoke as he finishes placing the plates on the table

Hearing this, the teens scrambled up the stairs, not wanting to get caught, while Kazutora was already on his way towards the stairs

"I don't wanna die!"Pah-chin whispered as they run back to the room they occupied for their sleepover

"Shut up, dude!"Baji looks at him, as if to tell him to not talk at all, not wanting to get caught

"I'll see you guys later then.."Takemichi waves as he enters his room, Kazutora follows once they run past his room

Once they reached the room, they all pretended to be asleep, Smiley finds the scenario amusing while the others seem nervous, footsteps were heard followed by the door of the room opening and the light turning on

"Guess they're still asleep.."they heard Kazutora mutter before turning the lights off and closing the door

Once they hear Kazutora's footsteps disappear, they all sat up and looked at each other, Smiley laughs

"You guys are funny"Smiley spoke, while his brother, who's beside him just looks at him

"Why did we even hide?"Mikey asked, clearly not understanding why they didn't just pretend to be getting out of bed

"He's right.."Chifuyu agrees turning to the others

The door opened surprising them, but they relaxed once they realized that it was only Takemichi and Kazutora, who's looking at them with a confused expression on both their faces

"You guys alright?"Takemichi asked and the others nodded

"We're fine, Takemichi"Draken replied looking at him

"Nii-san said breakfast is ready"Kazutora informs and they nodded

"We'll be right there.."Mitsuya replies, Takemichi nods before closing the door

They heard footsteps disappear in the hallway, they looked at each other before deciding to go down the stairs, having an agreement to just pretend that they didn't see anything, upon reaching the last step, they saw Chifuyu already seated on the table, along with Kazutora and their two friends

"Goodmorning.."Kazutora greets, looking at them with a smile on his face

"Goodmorning, aniki, Fuyu-kun"Mitsuya and Draken greets as they sit on the available chairs

It was like this for the past few days, the gang would always come to Takemichi's house, either to hang-out or to sleepover

Today was just like any other day, the gang in the living room while Chifuyu prepares their breakfast, Kazutora was still upstairs since he just woke up, Kazu and Takemichi was setting the table up for breakfast

Chifuyu walks towards the living room with a cup of coffee in hand, grabbing the remote on the coffee table and turning the tv on, the gang was too busy conversing with Takemichi and Kazu to notice him

The gang has been hanging out in Takemichi's house quiet a lot, making it hard for Kazutora and Chifuyu to talk to Takemichi about the future

Takemichi was still the future one that they know, they didn't want him to come back to the future yet, since they didn't know what awaits Takemichi there, they'd rather let him stay here then let him see one of them die in front of his own eyes

Kazutora walks down the flight of stairs with a yawn, immediately noticing Chifuyu once his eyes landed in the living room, approaching the male.. He buries his head on Chifuyu's shoulders, the latter glancing at him before putting the remote back on the coffee table and placing his hand on Kazutora's head

"Did you not sleep last night?"Chifuyu asked looking at him

Kazutora nods without looking at him, Chifuyu sips on his cup of coffee before grabbing Kazutora by the hand and guiding him towards the kitchen, he urged him to sit in one of the stools before placing his cup on the counter and grabbing a cup in one of the cupboards to make Kazutora coffee

Chifuyu places the newly made cup of coffee in front Kazutora, who grabs the cup and takes a sip, smiling at Chifuyu as a thank you, Chifuyu nods before grabbing his own cup and taking a sip

"Stay there.. I'll prepare us breakfast"Chifuyu pats Kazutora's head before walking towards the dining table with the food he prepared in hand, looking at the teens he announced"Breakfast is ready!"

The teens scrambled towards the dining table while Chifuyu gets a separate plate for Kazutora, sitting beside him to eat, leaving the teenagers in the dining table

"Are you sure you're up for today?"Chifuyu asked looking at him

They were gonna spend the rest of today in the pet shop, after its opening it was always packed, people would even come and bring them a stray to take care off

Kazutora nods at him with a small smile, Chifuyu smiles and pats him on the head, understanding him, Kazutora was not getting enough sleep for the past few days because of the pet shop, he didn't know it would be as busy as it is back in the future

"Tell me if you change your mind, alright?"Chifuyu informs before standing up from his seat with his plate and mug in hand

Kazutora watches Chifuyu put his plate and mug in the sink before walking towards the stairs, Kazutora then glances at the teens who're busy conversing with each other, he smiles when he looks at Kazu, Takemichi, Baji and Chifuyu's direction, thinking that at least his past self gets to be with their Baji unlike him and Fuyu

This made Kazutora turn away from them, he stood up and put his plate and mug in the sink after finishing his meal, walking towards the stairs afterwards, he slowly opened the door to his shared bedroom with Chifuyu, not seeing any signs of the said male, he walks towards their shared closet to grab himself some clothes

He changed and looks at himself in the mirror with a frown on his face, now he didn't feel like going to the pet shop at all, with a frown he turns around to leave the room, he almost had a heart attack when he saw Chifuyu with his arms crossed, leaning on the door frame with a look he knows all too well

He nervously looks away from him, hands behind his back, Chifuyu approaches him, Kazutora prays Chifuyu didn't see him frown in front of the mirror or he'll never see the end of it from the male, to his surprise Chifuyu hugged him, he hugged back without a second thought

"Don't worry about it too much, Tora"Chifuyu muttered as he his arms around Kazutora got tighter

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again"Kazutora places one of his hands on Chifuyu's head

Chifuyu pulls away from the hug but their bodies were still close, he looks at Kazutora and grabs his hand"Now come on.."

Kazutora just lets Chifuyu drag him out of the room and down the stairs, the teens looked at them as they passed the living room, Kazutora turns to them with an embarrassed smile

"We'll get going, take care of the house you two!"he turns to Kazu and Takemichi, who nods when they heard this, as he leaves the house with Chifuyu



Hello~ I might try updating another chapter today :)

Also, thank you for 7k reads♡

You guys are so fast ●_●

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