- CHAPTER 14 -

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"Takemichy~"Mikey calls as the other gang members leave the shrine

Takemichi, who heard his name, turns to his direction

"Hai, Mikey-kun?"Takemichi asked as he approaches him

"You didn't tell me Tora-chin was your brother.."Mikey pouts, making Takemichi place a hand behind his neck with an awkward smile

"I didn't know that you know each other, Mikey-kun.."Takemichi reasoned

Well... It was the truth, Kazutora didn't tell him that they know each other

"By the way.. Are you two like, related or is he adopted?.."Pah-chin butts into their conversation

"Yeah, he looks more like Kazutora's brother than you.."Peh-yan nods standing beside Pah-chin, as they both look at Kazu, who's beside him

"Eto.."Takemichi sweatdrops, he didn't ask him what he should say if others asked him about it"Eto.. He's adopted"he blurted out, lucky for him, they bought it

"Ohh.. Then how about you Chifuyu?.."Pah-chin turns to the said male, who raised a brow at him

"Nani?.."Chifuyu asked confused, as to what he meant

"Don't you and that Fuyuhiko guy look alike, are you sure you're an only child?"Pah-chin asked, the others looks at each other before at Chifuyu, who's also wondering the same thing

"Yeah, I'm sure.. If I did, my mom would tell me"Chifuyu explains looking at him

"Can we go to your house, Takemichy?"Mikey asked turning to the said male

"Eto.."Takemihi starts off, Mikey on the other hand runs towards his bike

"Let's go!"Mikey shouted

"Ehh?! Mikey-kun?!"Takemichi runs after him, the others looked at each other before following after the two

Kazutora slowly opens the door to Takemichi house, checking if the two teens were back already, Chifuyu follows behind him

"Can't believe I'll be living here.."Chifuyu blurted out, he only got a look at this house when he visits Takemichi in the past

"I'll put this in my room, make yourself at home"Kazutora smiles at him, breaking their intertwined hands

Chifuyu nods and decided to sit in the dining table, pulling out the papers and documents he needs to re-open his pet shop here in the past, Kazutora told him about it, he wouldn't mind opening his shop here, after all.. They need the money

Speaking of.. He knew Kazutora hasn't touched the card that he gave, he checked it yesterday, after having his talk with Takemichi, the only expenses he saw were from hospital bills, including things he knows Kazutora bought for Takemichi, including his bike

He was supposed to talk with Kazu afterwards but he thought that the teen wasn't ready yet, so he gave him space, footsteps were heard, Chifuyu turns to the stairs to see Kazutora, who smiles at him

"What should we do for today?"Kazutora asked and Chifuyu thinks it through

Today was Baji's birthday, even though they wanted to celebrate it today, they don't know if they have time, unlike before, since they were busy with planning on how to help Takemichi, to even prepare a small birthday cake for Baji

"I don't know.. We've been too busy with planning our next moves, to even think about today"Chifuyu frowns at this, Kazutora walks towards him and hugs him from behind, wrapping his arms around Chifuyu's neck

"Want anything then?.."Kazutora asked as Chifuyu looks at him

"As long as it's your cooking, I'm fine with anything"Chifuyu replies as he turns his attention to the papers in front of him, not being able to notice the subtle blush that tinted Kazutora's cheeks after hearing his words

It was like this for an hour, the sound of the stove, the kitchen knife hitting the wooden board as Kazutora chops ingredients, Chifuyu scribbling his pen onto a piece of paper, as he writes things he needed to do for tomorrow

The two didn't have time to talk about what plans they have, once the next encounter happens, all they know is that they are prepared for whatever comes next, Chifuyu on the other hand, glanced at Kazutora, still not knowing how he'll tell him about what happened to him before being sent here

The door opening, accompanied by a bunch of footsteps, broke Chifuyu out of his staring, he focuses his attention back to the papers in front of him

"Nii-san, Tadaima!"Takemichi voice was heard

Chifuyu knew the gang was with him, he could see the color black on his peripheral vision

"Okaeri!"Kazutora's voice followed as footsteps were heard

The teens were surprised to see Chifuyu, he was wearing a white long sleeved polo, the sleeves tucked neatly up to his elbows, his black tie loosely tied around his neck, a grey stripped vest on top, the silver watch that he always wears, is present on his left wrist, his right hand holding a pen, while papers were scattered in front of him on the table

"Eto.. Why is Fuyu-kun here?"Takemichi asked looking at the male

The others meanwhile, specially Baji and Smiley, looks at the scene in front of them 'They look like a married couple..' the two thought

"He'll be staying here from now on, his house is a little far from here so I invited him to stay"Kazutora informs before walking back to the kitchen"Want anything?"he asked

The gang could only sit on the dining table, as Takemichi and Kazutora went to their rooms to change, Chifuyu felt their stares but he pretends to not notice

Mikey on the other hand, tries to take a peak on the papers in front of him, Draken, who's beside him, prevents him from standing up from his seat by holding him by the shoulders

"Fuyu-chin, can I see that?"Mikey blurted out, once he realizes he can't stand up because of Draken, who's now glaring at him

"Ohh sure.."Chifuyu smiles at him before giving him the papers for shop renovation

Chifuyu already bought the place but he still needs to fix a few things, like changing the name of the shop and handling the stocks, before they could start opening the shop, he just hopes the gang don't want to visit it for the meantime

"I don't understand this.."Mikey blurted out, earning a laugh from Baji and Smiley

"What's so funny?"Kazu asked as him and Takemichi walks down the stairs

"It's nothing.. They're just at it again"Mitsuya shakes his head as Kazu sits beside Baji, who's still laughing at Mikey

Kazu smiles at this, Takemichi on the other hand, takes a peak on the paper in Mikey's hand, only understanding a few of the things written on the paper

Chifuyu neatly arranges the papers, as Mikey gives him back the paper that he took, before standing up from his seat

"I'll be right back.."Chifuyu announced before walking towards the front door, not before grabbing his blazer, that's hanging on the sofa

"Where are you going.."Takemichi tried to ask but Chifuyu was already out of the door

Kazutora, who heard the door, looks at them, noticing that Chifuyu was nowhere to be seen, he shrugs, thinking that he might've left to grab a small cake, so they could celebrate Baji's birthday

Once lunch was ready, Kazutora served it to the teens with the help of Takemichi and Kazu, Mikey won't stop wanting seconds, getting himself scolded by Draken

"How old is Fuyu-kun, nii-san?"Kazu asked curiously

"He's 25, why?.."hearing this, the others turn to him surprised

"Hah?!"they all shouted

"What?.."Kazutora asked confused

"You guys look nothing like your age!"Baji blurted out looking at him

Kazutora, who was used to this, shrugs, smiling as he ruffles Kazu's hair"Don't think too much about our age.. You guys are still young, there's a lot of things you can do"he spoke looking at the others

Chifuyu came back after they had dinner, confusing the teens when he brought a cake home, but it wasn't the usual small cake that Chifuyu always brings home whenever it was Baji's birthday, Kazutora thought that maybe because the gang's here, that's why he bought a big one

"What's the cake for Fuyu-kun?"Takemichi asked looking at him, not wanting to accidentally call him by his real name

"It's our friends birthday today"Fuyu smiles at him, Takemichi who understood what he meant, looked at Baji

"What?.."Baji asked, when he saw Takemichi's stare

"It's also Baji's birthday, Fuyu-chin"Mikey announced looking at him

"Ehh?! Why didn't you say so? I could've bought another cake"Fuyu pretended to be shocked

"Happy birthday then, Baji.."Kazutora pops up behind Fuyu, holding plates and utensils

"You'll be the one blowing this then.."Fuyu urges Baji to stand in front of the cake as he prepares the candle on it

"It's fine if I don't, Fuyu-kun"Baji admits embarrassed

"It's fine, come on.."Fuyu grabs him by the wrist and pulls him towards the cake

"Come on, Baji.. You'll only have to blow the cake"Smiley teased, making Baji glare at him

"Fine!!"Baji looks at the cake as Fuyu pulls out his phone to record this event

"Alright.. Everybody!"Kazutora claps his hands as he stands beside Fuyu

They started singing Baji a happy birthday, the two males look at each other with a smile on their face, thinking that they'll finally celebrate Baji's birthday together with him, even though it was his past self

"Here, Baji.. Since it's also your birthday, you'll cut the cake"Kazutora gives Baji a knife, to cut the first slice of the cake

"This is too much, aniki"Baji turns to him

Kazutora shakes his head"Don't worry, we do this every year"he informs, the teens then looks at each other

The two males didn't realize that they just revealed how they sadly celebrate Baji's birthday every year, without Baji physically being there to celebrate it with them, the two didn't really pay no mind to their previous celebrations, since they could celebrate it with Baji now, even though they're in the past

"Come on.. After this, we'll give you our present"Fuyu urges Baji to start cutting the cake

"Ehh?! You brought him a gift?"Mikey looks at Fuyu with a pout after hearing this

"Well.. It was supposed to be for our friend but since its Baji's birthday, we'll just give it to him"Fuyu informs looking at Mikey

"I want a gift too~"Mikey whines, Draken grabs him by the back collar of his shirt, to prevent him from running to Fuyu

"Sorry about him.."Mitsuya apologizes on Mikey's behalf

"It's alright.. I'll just buy you guys a gift when your birthday comes"Fuyu informs with a smile

"Ehh?! That's too much, Fuyu-kun"Takemichi looks at him surprised

"Who wants the first slice?"Kazutora asked, to shift their attention to Baji, who's busy cutting the cake

"I do!"Mikey and Kazu looks at each other

Draken sighs as he massages his temple, Chifuyu grabs the first cake before passing it to Angry and the others, not minding the glare that Mikey and Kazu were giving him, when they saw what he did

"Don't need to fight, Mikey.. The cake is enough for everyone"Kazutora pats Mikey on the head with a smile on his face

"You too, Kazu.."Fuyu turns to Kazu, as he gives him a slice

"Arigato, Fuyu-kun"Kazu spoke as he grabs the plate with his hands

"Isn't it Emma's birthday soon?"Hakkai asked, turning to Mikey and Draken, Mikey nods

"I'm planning on taking her out.."Mikey informs as he stuffs a piece of cake in his mouth

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Mikey"Draken scolds him

Fuyu then grabs the bag he initially bought for Baji and holds it out to the said male with a smile on his face

"Is my gift included?"Kazutora asked as he glances at the gift in Fuyu's hands, his head resting on Fuyu's shoulders

"Yeah.. It's all in here"Fuyu informs as Baji takes the bag in his hands

"Open it, Baji-san"Chifuyu spoke as he looks at Baji

"Wonder what he got?"Angry asked and Hakkai nods, also wondering what the two males got Baji, for his unexpected birthday celebration

Baji opens the bag with the others watching him, Baji pulls out a bag of cat food and a cd of his favorite movie at that time, Kazutora and Fuyu watches as Baji smiles at his gifts before turning to the two

"Looks like your friend got good taste"Baji smirks as he opens the case of the cd

"Yeah.. He would always welcome stray cats in his room whenever his mom's not home"Fuyu informs, as he reminisces the times that Baji would get scolded by his mom, when he gets caught letting cats in his room

"I'll put this to good use, Fuyu-kun and aniki"Baji smiles at the two, who nods

Mikey was pouting beside Draken, Mitsuya could only console him, since he can't do anything when their president is like this, Smiley teases Baji about his gifts, while Angry, Hakkai, Takemichi and Chifuyu converse with each other

Fuyu took pictures of the teens with the help of Kazutora, who stands beside him the whole night, as they watch the teens be happy together on Baji's birthday



Hello~ I'm back on working on my stories now that school's over, I can finally continue working on this story and the others

I'm also planning to publish one of the three crossover stories I have at least written a draft of five chapters, so if you guys are interested, let me know ;)

I only need to finalize the cover and other stuff for it..

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