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Y/n's POV:

I was already awake, at first light. We were used to waking up early to train. "Shika do you wanna watch the clouds?" I asked him, as I was putting my pouch around my thigh, under the skirt. "Sure, let me grab my scrolls first." He replied lazily.

We finished and climbed to the roof, not using the stairs just jumping out of the window going up...

"Do you think the students here are strong?" I asked. He shrugged as he sat down, "if we defeated those so called "hero's" we shoudnt really worry." He stated. "This sucks, not being able to go on missions. It feels like we're in the academy again." I say. He chuckles, "well, at least we can train. Now, shut up and let's enjoy the view." He said pushing you down to lay down with him.

"Sometimes The sun is a drag."Β  Shikamaru says. I scoff, "you said you wanted to watch the clouds now deal with it.." He smirked, "do you even like watching the clouds?..." he said. "Of course I do!" I said punching his shoulder lightly.

"Shikamaru, do you truly believe that there can be peace...?" I pondered, it was just a couple months after the war, "of course, when naruto becomes hokage, he will achieve true peace." He says still looking at the clouds. "Right..." I smiled at the thought. "You both are the prodigy twins, you've changed every person you've encountered. You both are going to change the Shinobi world and bring peace, I believe you can." He says not looking at me. My eyes widen, "who knew you could be so wise shika." I chuckled, he gave me a closed eyed smile.

"C'mon let's head to class, we still need to find this class of ours." He got up, held out his hand for me to take. "Thanks.." I smiled at him and dusted myself off. As we head inside we look for class "1A" as we approach a door it had our class number written on it. "Holy shit the door is huge!" I whispered yelled, as my eyes widened. "Maybe, it's for show... or for REALLY huge people." Shikamaru still a bit shocked.

Earlier we had asked nezu for our seats chart so we didn't have to be confused. We opened the door and no one was there, Shikamaru shrugged. "We're still an hour early do you wanna buy some snacks?" We didn't eat breakfast so we were hungry. "Nah, I have some food pills, new recipe I made them before...this." He shrugged we coincidentally were sitting near eachother. He was infront of me it reminded me of the academy, when he was in front of me sleeping.

"Here," I said handing him some food pills. He eats one, "these are way better than Sakura's" he said emphasizing the "way". I just giggle and eat one myself. "This remind me of school, when naruto would clown around, you would be asleep not know what was going on, I would be asleep too." I said laughing we talked about things that had happened in the academy.

Then someone with navy blue hair walked in, he walked over to us and said, "are you two the new students?" We nod our heads. "Nice to meet you, I am tenya Iida the class representative of 1A!" He said doing hand chopping motions and then he bowed. "Nice to meet you tenya," I said bowing, "I am y/n uzumaki, and this is Shikamaru Nara." I said gesturing over to him. Shikamaru just waved almost like a salute. Tenya looked at me weird because I called him by his first name. "You called me by my first name?" He asked almost like a whisper. "Oh sorry! It's just that where I come from we go by first names I'll call you by your last name sorry." I bowed apologizing. "No, it's fine! I didn't know it was just sudden. You may call me by whichever." He did a lot of hand chopping and left.

No one else seemed to notice us, I looked out the window. For the rest of class until the teacher announced something, "we were supposed to have new students but they never came, oh well I don't care." He shrugged and was about the head into his sleeping back. I was trying not to laugh, 'shika would sure like him...' I poked Shikamaru and woke him up. "Actually, sir we've been here the whole time!" I said. Everyone turned around, their eyes widened, 'we're they there the whole time?!' They all thought.

"I was wondering why Aizawa never introduced them..." iida said scratching his chin. "You knew?!" The class asked him. He just nodded. "Well, come up and introduce yourselves." Aizawa motioned to the front, I nodded and dragged Shikamaru with me. "I'm y/n uzamaki! And it's nice to meet you guys!" I said enthusiastically. "This lazy bum is," Shikamaru glared at me. "Shikamaru Nara! He doesn't like talking, and he's lazy!" Everyone just stared at us.

No ones pov:

"Ok go sit down. Free period, you may go outside train or talk I don't care. Now let me sleep." Aizawa said In a monotone voice.

The class cheered, I opened the window to go outside. "What is she doing?" A invisible person said. They all just shrugged. She gets gets back and Shikamaru follows, the class just watched wondering what they would do.

They then ran, and jumped out the window. They all gasped. They ran to the window, "holy shit!" Bakugo said a bit suprised. "They landed." Todoroki said. "It's the second floor how didnT they die!" Panicked kirishima.

They soon got over it and talked a bit in class, "I wonder what their quirks are, the Nara guy reminds me a bit of Aizawa and todoroki at the same time." Said tsu. "Yeah, uzamaki only said their names and not their quirk." Said momo. They headed outside to see you and Shikamaru doing taijutsu.

"Holy shit they are going so fast!" Said kaminari. "Wait... are those kunai!? Did uzumaki just throw them at him?!" Mineta yelled.

As they were just watching you both in awe, you dodge a punch, and punched Shikamaru sending him flying.

The tree broke, and fell after Shikamaru hit the tree. "Holy crap she broke the tree!" Mina yelled. Shikamaru rubbed his back and got back up, "nice one, i think you broke my back." He said glaring at you a bit. "Well, I didn't." Everyone just watched in awe. "So...your telling me any of those hits could've been deadly..." minetas passes out.

"Here I'll heal you." You put your hand on his back, green chakra emitting from it, "I'm fine, this was nothing. A little broken bones could never kill anyone." Shikamaru shrugged. Izuku squeaked. "Oi! Extra fight me next! I'm stronger!" Said bakugo pushing everyone out of the way. "Ok, make sure to go all out on me!" You yelled back. "I will." He huffed.

Y/n's POV:

Everyone was nervous, was she about to die? "Y/n, I'll be over there," Shikamaru said pointing to a area with trees. I nod and toss him a water, he catches it and left.

"Ok, y'a ready Katsuki?" You smirk and looked a bit suprised when you called him by his first name. "Oops, sorry I forgot the people here go by last name dattebane..." I whined and scolded myself. He scoffed and told you, "were using quirks." I nod, I wasnt going to go all out on him, I can't kill him.

Into the battle you were just dodging and landed a few weak punches, he stopped. I were confused. "I said to go all out didn't I?" He looked angry, "do you think I'm weak?!" I shook my head. "I just don't wanna kill you, ya know?" His eyes widened, as he thought. 'Could she really?'

As they got into fighting position, he took it seriously and started by creating and explosion that made smoke everywhere. "What a drag..." I sigh, 'I'm becoming like Shikamaru, damn it.' I punch the air, making wind come out and blow the smoke. Some people gasped.

As I did he came from behind me, I use the Sharingan and look at his next move, I grab his arm. And I flipped him over. I turned off my sharingan, "I win, dattebane!" His eyes widened as he was pinned down in a matter of seconds.

"Woah, she just beat bakubro!?" Said kirishima. "Damn! What the hell how'd you win?!" Bakugo asked as he got up. As he got up he didn't realize I was gone, "huh..." he said looking around.

No ones pov;

"What? Where did she go?" Asked Mina scratching her head. They looked over to see y/n talking to shikamaru. The BakusquadΒ  walked over to them, "what're you guys doing?" Asked kaminari.

"We're watching the clouds." She smiled. She motioned for them to lay in the grass. They complied, bakugo just grunted and didn't. "Cmon bakugo," she motioned for the spot next her. "It's relaxing." She said, he looked at her so calm, before he agreed he hesitated, 'why do I feel like I can trust her?'

As they layed in the grass kirishima talked, "do you guys like clouds?" He asked curiously. "Mhm! They are so beautiful." Y/n replied. As they watched them y/n remembered naruto and how she hasn't seen him.. she frowned Shikamaru noticed and spoke up, "sometimes I wish I was a cloud," everyone ears seemed to perk up as it was the first time they heard him talk. "Just floating by going wherever the breeze takes me..." sero then spoke, "that was so wise, woah..." he said sounded a bit impressed.

"I bet that was not your first thought," y/n scoffed. "I bet it was originally something like, ' sometimes I wish I was a cloud, life is such a drag.'Β  Wasn't it?" The others snickered, Shikamaru sighed. "How troublesome you are..." he then closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

Later, it was time to go back to class. Bakugo approached y/n before everyone left. "Can I talk to you, alone." He asked her. She nodded her head and told Shikamaru he could head back. "What did y'a wanna talk about?" She asked. "Could you...could you help me train..." he said hesitantly. "Of course! Just meet me at first light tomorrow and we can start!" He grunted in response. "Thanks..." he mumbled. "Your welcome! Now let's head back!" She said grabbing his hand.

He tried to get it off her, he was a bit insecure when it came to his hands. His hands tended to sweat a lot because of his quirk. 'She's not disgusted?...' he thought. "Cmon let's go hurry, your walking slow dattebane!" She whined. As we got to class she let go she smelt her hands. "Just as I thought! My hands now smell like Caramel!" She smiled happily. "You did that on purpose...?" She looked at him and nodded, "yeah I saw how your sweat was nitroglycerin, so I assumed since it came out of you hands it would make mine smell like caramel y'a know?!" She flashed him a toothy grin.

'Badump' his heart said. 'Badump my ass!' He tried shoving down his emotions but his heart wouldn't stop pounding. "Sit down, we're going to talk about the sports festival." Said Aizawa. "Hai! Aizawa sensei!" She said saluting as She went to sit down. Everyone looked at her weird. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked. They all shook their heads. "It's just that you called him sensei.." someone said. "Oh, I thought that was what you called your teachers? That's what we do where we're from?" She said motioning from her and Shikamaru. "Wait, is Nara asleep?" Aizawa said squinting his eyes. "Eh, he always sleeps." She shrugged.

"Does he even pay attention?" Someone asked. "He's smart he doesn't need to study. He has an IQ of 200!" Everyone looked over to boy with shock. "T-two hundred?!" Kaminari said. "That's smarter than momo!" Ochaco yelled. "Your bluffing no one has an IQ of 200." Aizawa said in a monotone voice. "Can everyone be quiet, I'm trying to sleep." Shikamaru said waking up. "You're not supposed to be asleep!" Aizawa said his quirk activating, his glare cause everyone to shut up. "You're one to talk, all you do is sleep." Shikamaru said motioning to aizawas sleeping bag. Not caring about aizawas glare

"Touche." Was all Aizawa said, before he headed back to the board.

Everyone was shocked, Aizawa never let anyone off the hook. "As I was saying, the sports festival is coming up so I expect you to train and work harder." Momo was about to speak up, "wouldn't it be dangerous? I mean...what if the villains attack again?" She said.

Y/n's POV:

'Villains?' I looked at Shikamaru he looked confused aswell. "There will be more security so nothing can happen." Aizawa said. "Oi, Shikamaru you here that! We can train!" I said excitedly. He just nods with a small smirk on his face.

"It will take place in one month, one month to train. We're giving you enough time to train so take advantage of it." Aizawa said. And like that class was over and it was time for lunch.

We walked into the cafeteria it was huge! "Wow..." was all I could say. Shikamaru dragged me to another table away from everyone because 'it was too loud' i pulled out my hot water canteen and got out instant ramen.

"Really?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "ramen, of all the things you could've gotten." He said. "It sucks though I have to wait 3 minutes dattebane..." I whined. "Here," he passed me some his rice. "I bought extra, you can have it while you wait." I smiled and took it from him. "arigato gozaimas!" I told him. "itadakimasu!" We both said in sync. We grabbed our chopsticks and ripped them apart and dug into our food.

"I could really eat some of choji's chips right now..." I sighed. "You're still hungry? How troublesome." Shikamaru said. I rolled my eyes, "I'm always hungry." I replied. We just ate and sat in a comfortable silence.
Soon lunch was over and we left to our next class.

End of the day.

"Well, that wasn't so bad..." I said. "It's was ok, I liked Aizawa sensei." Said Shikamaru. "You only like him because he lets you sleep." I pointed at him. "Yeah you're right." He said putting his arms on the back of his head giving me a small smirk.

As we head back to the dorms we study scrolls, and read books.
Laters there was a knock on the door. "Bakugo?" I asked, wondering why he was here. "You two are the only extras I can tolerate, wanna play Minecraft?" Shikamaru and i looked at him confused. "What a 'Minecraft'?" His eyes widened, "you don't know what Minecraft is?!" He said shaking me violently. "You shake her to death if you continue." Shikamaru said sarcastically. "My room now." He dragged Shikamaru and I to his room.

I looked at Shikamaru and he just shrugged. "Ok, so Minecraft is..." Bakugo continued explaining and Shikamaru and I payed attention as it was interesting. "Ok, so you play using this contrΓ΄ler, you this one." He said handing us a contrΓ΄ler each.

A few hours later.

"Uzumaki! Come help me! I'm dying!" Bakugo said yelling at us almost breaking his controller. "I told you to call us by our first names! Shikamaru, where are you!?" I yelled. "In the house, safe. It's a drag to go out at night." He said. We turned around to him. "I warned you both it was not worth going outside at night, but no you had to be stubborn and troublesome." He shrugged. "Ah! I died dattebane!" I yelled.

"Guys, it's getting late." I said looking at the clock. "Katsuki, we have training tomorrow so we should turn in." I told bakugo. "Ok, fine." He grumbled and turned off the things. "K, night!" I ran to him and gave him a hug. He stiffened, and then relaxed. "Tch, night losers." Shikamaru just lifted his hand and we walked out back into our room.

"Night shika." I whispered as I drifted off.





A/n: ahah that's the first chapter and here I'll leave a meme at the end of every chapter! Hopefully, y'all like em UnU

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