Chapter 19 - Pancake Mix

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When they reached the trailer park, Emma was shaking. She wasn't sure if it was anger or fear or a mixture of the two. She slid off the bike, walking numbly into the living room and slumping down on the couch.

"Emma, what happened?" Toni asked softly, kneeling down in front of the girl.

"We got to the bridge. Archie, he uh, pulled the emergency brake, and the cops were waiting on the other side of the bridge."

Sweet Pea sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "That's not your fault Emmy."

"The serpents don't know that!" She cried, burying her face in her hands.

"We'll make sure they do," Fangs said, resting his hand on her knee.

The girl nodded, but she still felt helpless and angry.

"We have something more important to talk about anyways." Fangs said, causing the girl to look up in concern.

"What happened?" She asked, eyes scanning between Fangs and Toni.

"When the HELL were you going to tell us that you and Sweet Pea got together?" Toni asked. Emma felt her cheeks heat up, and she looked up at Sweet Pea for some help.

"It just happened. Like, it just happened last night." Emma mumbled, looking down.

"Oh my god! Did you two..." Fangs asked, his eyes wide.

Sweet Pea shoved him off the couch, sending him tumbling to the floor.

"No, we didn't." She said, rubbing her face in embarrassment.

"Well it took you two long enough. We've been waiting for you two to figure it out since sophomore year." Toni teased.

Emma rolled her eyes, laying down across Sweet Pea's lap. "Whatever. Listen, I'm mentally and emotionally fried, so can we please just put on a movie so I can go to bed?" She asked, closing her eyes as Sweet Pea began to play with her hair.

"Only because we love you." Fangs grumbled, situating himself under her legs.

"Thank you." She mumbled, already half asleep, buried in the comfort of her friend's company.

The next morning was rough. Emma still had a headache, but Sweet Pea was pulling her to her feet. "C'mon, the Black Hood put a letter in the paper, about how we're all sinners and whatever. Plus, you have some damage control on the homefront." He said, causing the girl to groan.

"Toni? Fangs?" She asked, stretching slightly.

"Already out," He replied. She nodded, running a hand through her hair.

She had just started walking towards the bathroom when her phone rang. She reached over to grab it, answering the call.

"Emmalina, it's Penny Peabody. Remember that favor you owe me? I'm calling it in."
Her blood ran cold as she froze, looking blankly at her phone.

"I already called your brother. He's on his way. I'll meet you two at Pops."

"You promised not to involve him. I told you this favor was mine and mine alone." Emma growled, her voice dark.

"Oops. I lied. Tik-tok Princess."

Then the line went dead. Emma was still frozen in place, her heart pounding.

"Emmy? Everything okay?" Sweet Pea called. She forced a breath to go out of her lungs before responding.

"Yeah, I just gotta go. I'll see you later." She said, rushing out of the bathroom.

She could feel Sweet Pea's eyes on her as she grabbed her shoes and jacket, not bothering to change out of her leggings and flannel.

"I'll be home soon. I'm sorry." She mumbled, pausing to press a quick kiss to his cheek before racing to her bike. The ride to Pop's was quick, but her heart sank as she walked in and saw her brother and Penny already at a table.

"I can't do this favor for you, whatever it is," She heard Jughead say as she walked up to the booth. Jughead gave her a look of surprise as she motioned for him to slide over. She sat beside him, hands crossed as she leaned forwards. She was angry, and that was clear as day by the dark glint in her eyes as she glared at Penny.

"Look, your dad needs more help. That's why I called." Penny explained, leaning back in her seat. Emma watched, confusion on her face as she tried to discern if the woman was telling the truth or not. "He got in a little accident, with some Ghoulies in the prison showers the other day. He's in the infirmary now."

"Is he okay?" Jughead asked, leaning forward in concern. Emma still sat back, lips pursed as she watched Penny carefully.

"Well, they messed up that pretty face of his. The ghoulies wanted payback, bloodshed, after that deal you two and that northsider made to get all their higher-ups locked up."

"That wasn't - What can we do to get him out?" Jughead asked, but Emma pushed him back against his chair.

"Shut up." She said, her voice quiet.

"For that you would need a lot of money. Rich People, rich people don't sit in jail. Money greases the wheels of justice." Penny explained.

"I have like, $18 to my name." Jughead mumbled.

"Hmm, well maybe we should think of this favor as a job, right? One time delivery. Pick up a crate from the southside, deliver it to an address in Greendale. That's it."
Emma leaned forward, shaking her head. "No, no way. It's never just a one time delivery with you Peabody."

"Lina! We have to help dad!" Jughead exclaimed, glaring at his sister. "Penny, I'll do it. What's in the crate?" Jughead asked, a determined look in his eyes.

"Let's say, um, pancake mix."

"Jughead, you cannot be Penny's drug runner." Emma said, holding her hand out to grab his arm.

"Of course not, you two will be my Transportation Advisors." Penny said with a shrug. "Do this and I'll use your cut of the cash for you dad, see what we can do about getting him an early release."

"Okay, Okay, I'll do it." Jughead said.

"No, we'll do it. Together." Emma cut in, glaring at the blonde. The last thing she wanted was to be roped up in Penny's business again, but she had to protect Jughead. Even if it meant doing one thing she feared most.

"Okay, you just gotta make the drop-off before midnight, because you don't want to be there after midnight." Penny said, sliding a sheet of paper with the address across the table. "And uh, this crate, it's not going to fit on either of your bikes. Can you get a car?"

Minutes later Penny was gone, leaving Emma to drop her head down on the table. "Fuck" she muttered, shaking her head. "We're so screwed."

"No, no, Archie has the truck, we can just ask him." Jughead said.

"What? No, no we cannot involve Archie in this Jug, that's a disaster waiting to happen!"

"Emma, we don't have a choice!"

"No, we did. And you chose to go to peabody! The worst person you could have gone to and now look where we are. Trapped as drug mules." She spat, shaking her head.

Jughead stared at her silently, and Emma exhaled. "I know you care about dad, and I do too, but we're in way over our heads Jug."

"It'll be fine. I'm going to Riverdale High to talk to Archie, are you coming?" He asked, sliding out of the booth.

"No. Just text me later." She said tiredly, sliding out behind him.

She made her way back to her bike and sat down, thinking carefully. She knew that she needed to tell her friends, but then they'd want to come along and help her and she couldn't have anyone else involved. Instead, she lied, knowing she could tell them after it was finished. She wouldn't tell them a complete lie, just omitting what they wouldn't want to hear.

>to: the Gang<

I have plans with Jug tonight. Not sure when I'll be back. I'll text if I need something

>From: Toni<

Ok, have fun and don't do anything stupid.

>From: Sweets<

Cancelling again? You suck

>To: The Gang<

Ik, im sorry. Promise we'll do it soon.

She tucked her phone back into her pocket. She was basically just waiting for a text from Jughead that Archie was down, and then she was planning what needed to be done. Her frustration with Jughead was quickly fading. He couldn't have known what had happened with Penny, she never told him. He was new to this whole world, so she couldn't hold it against him, even if she desperately wanted to.

Exhaling slowly, she revved the bike's engine and headed back to the southside. Her body ached and her brain felt like mush, so she figured a power nap wouldn't hurt. It was going to be a long night, and she needed to be at peak condition if she wanted it to go well. She slowed to a stop outside the trailer park, going to her own trailer, someplace she figured she'd be left alone. She quietly shut the door behind her, unlacing her boots as she checked her phone once more. Thankfully Jughead had texted saying Archie had the truck, so she could plan it out.

>To: Jughead<

Pick me up at our trailer at 8. Archie can drive. Don't be late

She closed her phone, not bothering to wait for a reply. She set an alarm on her phone and flopped into the bed. It was moments before her eyes shut and she was gone.

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