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Chapter 90 (One and a Half)

◎Tiger claw fruit on the shelf◎ Wen Xiuxiu, who

quickly entered the devil exercise mode just after returning to Dawa Star,

quickly regained his physical state.

From the fate of the unlucky egg interceptor, she has learned a big change in herself, and the "health" she thought and the "weak" of using Ye Ran as a reference frame are not accurate.

When the feeling of being thrown into a hot water steamer passed, Wen Xiuxiu had already done the second exercise that was supposed to be the day. Ye Ran continued to raise her tolerance limit, and asked Wen Xiuxiu, who was slowly walking against the wall and lying in the treatment room, what she felt.

As the latest test report popped up in the treatment compartment without the Internet, Ye Ran also got Wen Xiuxiu's answer.

After listening to Wen Xiuxiu's feedback on suffering and comparing it with the previous ones, Ye Ran got the expected result. "Well, this time the ratio is adjusted to the best state... When you are still in the refining stage, come and get the tiger claw fruit every seven days in the future.


Wen Xiuxiu began to cultivate, the tiger claw fruit that ordinary martial artists used to refine her body to improve her physical fitness could also help her improve, but it would not really hurt her. But pain is inevitable. There are no other elixirs or body forging decoctions, and the refining auxiliary materials that should be prepared for their own apprentices are barely enough to replace them with tiger claw fruits.

The pain manifested in ordinary people who did not start cultivating and could not protect themselves with spiritual power, and it became a mortal danger to the tiger claw fruit. Cultivation is not for pain, not only to eliminate the pain of Wen Xiuxiu's drug cultivation, but also to reduce the danger brought to others after this part of the plant flows out, Ye Ran has been trying to find a balance between medicinal effect and danger.

The final improved version of the weakened tiger claw fruit has low danger and high effect, and the only drawback is probably ... Need the devil exercise amount absorption effect, after eating if you do not exercise in time or exercise perfunctory laziness, there will only be a slight improvement.

The speed of changing the physique of tiger claw fruit is faster than all the existing ways to share, and it can completely coincide with the existing methods of exercise to improve physical fitness. It just "sped up" and still couldn't speed up. In this way, the chaebols with heavy money, the wandering unstable star thieves, and the situation in the Federation will not change significantly, but a group strengthening.

People who would rather boil themselves hard with a lot of warm water than exercise are ultimately a minority.

Although Ye Ran focused on studying farming and did not care about the news outside the planet, it did not mean that she did not know. In order to avoid someone coming up with a hundred into one drug to screen dead fighters, unless the tiger claw fruit is used as a sample to study and optimize again, everyone can only get the tiger claw fruit with the current effect from her, that is, a mild version that does not die but the effect is not so strong, weakening the effect, but the tiger claw fruit is close to the state of spiritual planting,

and few people can crack and optimize. Even if it is cracked, it will probably be many years later when the cultivators master the aura, but by then, many new spiritual plants will theoretically be cultivated and born, and there is no need to hold on to the tiger claw fruit.

Ye Ran went through his plan, opened the video, and took a screenshot of the video from the exercise just now and waited for Wen Xiu to show up.

Wen Xiuxiu didn't understand Ye Ran's research half-understood, but only understood that Ye Ran succeeded. She wiped her sweat, sat up from the treatment room, the eggshell-shaped cabin opened, and the burly girl looked at Ye Ran with her eyes open.

"Master, how much physique do I have now? I'll just take a look and don't tell anyone!

Ye Ran nodded the screen funny, and Wen Xiuxiu's eyes instantly widened. A? Class A?!

Wen Xiuxiu looked at it several times in a trance to confirm that he had not read the letter classification on the screen wrong, and the next second his eyes glanced down, and the whole portrait was pinched by the neck, screaming, "B + spiritual power?!" The

family members are all retired soldiers, and Wen Xiuxiu originally hoped to join the legion, but the original mental strength and physique were too low to reach the standard line of recruitment. After his parents became ill, Wen Xiuxiu only watched the mecha released and played a holographic mecha game that was not realistic enough. However, before she had no possibility of operating a mecha, whether it was body data or wallet data.

"Me, me, me, oh, can I buy a light mech?!"

Who wouldn't love a mech.

Wen Xiuxiu, who was tired enough after completing the workout, bounced up like she had been resurrected in place, and quickly ordered her new big toy.

——In addition to the benefits she can enjoy, Shenxuan Lingzhi's salary level is still very high.

Wen Xiuxiu's silly music lasted until ten hours later, but this did not affect her handling of Ye Ran's newly arranged Divine Xuan Spirit Plantation release plan.

The only problem was probably that the administrative team that communicated with Wen Xiuxiu would hear the boss's assistant laughing twice within a few minutes, and a sentence would come out, "You know, I'm going to have an organic mecha!" "

...... Knowing it, knowing that the rich people who know all evil have big toys!

When Shenxuan Lingzhi first formed the team, no one on the administrative team knew what kind of planters they would work for. And to do things for a seventh-level master who was born out of nowhere, except for the first period of time, the most important thing they had to do after that was to let themselves not doubt the truth of the miracle they created.

But when the team saw the name of the newly released goods and the concept of the promotion, they were still stunned.

In the videos where Wen Xiuxiu appeared as both experiments and promotions, from exercise to improvement and surprise, they were all very clear, but they needed to complete further optimization.

To be honest, plants that can significantly improve their physique, even if they do not have this living and so grounded example, with the signboard of Shenxuan Lingzhi, there is also a broad market.

At least they want to order a copy for themselves now.

It's a pity that Ye Ran only asked them to publicize it, and he didn't plan to sell it for the time being. This is also normal, after all, it is clear that the big buyers who need this plant the most are the Federation.

The judgment of the broad market was confirmed after the start of the propaganda.

People who come to the Shenxuan Lingzhi page from time to time are surprised to find that in addition to the more and more abundant vegetable and fruit options in the Shenxuan Lingzhi store, there is a new column, "Lingzhi".

There are only two new merchandise on display.

Net purple flower, effect: treatment of radiation sickness.

Tiger claw fruit, effect: increases physical fitness.

It looks like an April Fool's joke.

The publicity plan that ran pushed the news of the tiger claw fruit, and with the existing popularity of the god Xuan Lingzhi, it quickly gained a place in the hot search of the star network. At first, some people thought that tiger claw fruit was a new physical exercise method, and when they found that they ate it, their first reaction was to deceive, but when they saw the name of the store, everyone was shocked.

The main material of radiation sickness treatment drugs that are being piloted in the main star hospitals of major galaxies comes from the new plants launched by Shenxuan Lingzhi. If it is a Shenxuan Lingzhi, it is really possible!

Who likes to be so weak that they often have to lie in the treatment room? Who wouldn't love a mech!

Within five minutes of the start of the propaganda, Shenxuan Lingzhi announced the topic of tiger claw fruit, and there were tens of thousands more comments.

In addition to looking forward to selling those called mom and dad, there are even people who are looking forward to whether there are plants that improve spiritual power, and use the new seventh-level master as a wishing treasure chest.

Almost no one thinks that Shen Xuan Lingzhi is deceiving people and talking big, only the shock of "Master Ye has produced a new product".

There had been speculation before, but the Federation, which also just knew about it, hurriedly contacted the Institute of Botany under the urging of netizens. Master Qi, who had just received the news of Ye Ran's delivery, smiled and accepted the gift that the young man had promised to show her.

Tiger claw fruit priority to open the federal official procurement quota, as opposed to it, is to continue to open new databases.

...... No one knows why this cultivation master, who had been invited by the Gambling Stone Association and also showed curiosity about mecha, looked back at the information in these fields.

The deputy director of the Institute of Botany was worried about this, and he felt that he was being dug into the wall at all times. No way, too young and accomplished genius, this seventh-level master may have the same amazing talent in other aspects, it is really easy to abandon the current "toys" and turn to other places.

In fact, she didn't need to worry. Ye Ran was just optimizing her new toy, and by the way, she would look at the current state of Spirit Stone Development in the Federation, so as to determine where it was still suitable for her to grow something and save Spiritual Qi.

After discovering the secret of the bottom of the pit, it was found that plants can grow better in such an environment, plant factors are related to energy jadeite, and the Botanical Institute actually guessed that Ye Ran's planting secret is related to energy jadeite. This made the low-quality jadeite, which was not too cared about too much, regain attention.

Before they discovered this, Ye Ran had already got rid of the initial demand and dependence on spirit stones, and there was no big problem, at most, he would need some jade powder when expanding the farm. The aura generated by her farm gradually stabilized and circulated, which could supply her cultivation or slowly expand.

Dawa Star is originally a small planet, whether it is tiger claw fruit or pure purple flower, Ye Ran needs to plant it himself, the difference is that the net purple flower is more troublesome to plant, and the yield of tiger claw fruit is higher. But for Ye Ran, who can spawn, this is not a problem.

Except for the four kinds of monsters, the picking and planting of ordinary fruits and vegetables has been transferred to the first batch of trainees. After the demand for pure purple flowers and tiger claw fruits increased, Wen Xiuxiu once again lived the days when she had to set aside part of the time every day to pack and pick, but in the past, she picked ordinary fruits and vegetables, and now she is a spirit plant.

Ye Ran, who repeated the planting-absorbing spiritual energy cultivation-cultivating new plants-continuing the planting process, was not in a hurry, the No. 6 farm and the small courtyard of the residence were slowly expanding, and when the No. 6 farm and the nearest No. 5 mine bordered, Ye Ran received a new news.

Federal officials, who have been checking for plant traces in various mineral stars, have finally found a hint of suspected plants, and the machines that have been seriously affected by garbage pollution have finally found a hint of suspected plants.

In the report of the meeting, it is believed that this is a new mutant plant like the little monster Atooth. "Plants that run".

Professor Qi, who was guarding the edge of the pit, was very interested in this, and Ye Ran was also very interested. At the meeting, she hoped that a professional grower would participate in the exploration, and Ye Ran decided to go and see for herself.

The military, the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Botany all raised objections, arguing that they were not safe enough. But no one could really refuse a Level 7 cultivation master who was good at cultivating new plants, especially after she rightfully asked the nearby legion to protect her and carry the mecha with her.

Wen Xiuxiu, who had personally watched Ye Ran's meeting, tried not to laugh in front of the spokesperson who all thought Ye Ran was weak and helpless.

Mecha safe? Obviously Ye Ran himself is the safest...

No wonder others are nervous, although the discovery place of wild plant monsters is not within the range of the first-line battlefield, but it is only half a galaxy away, it is a second-line battlefield, and when the Zerg was active in the past, after breaking through the first line, the bugs could quickly come here to feast.

On the defense line that was once broken through by the Zerg, the death planet occupied by the Zerg rotated quietly, which made the first and second line environments extremely harsh. The radiation concentration is close to that in the Dawa Star pit, there are no normal residents here, only gold diggers, the military, and the federal vanguard.

The universe is vast, and the difference between up and down is not as obvious as on the ground, only the space fortress forcibly manufactured with a modified magnetic field and a star gate blocks behind the second-tier battlefield galaxy, separating the Zerg and human hinterlands. But humanity is still exploring outward, looking for new planets, looking for new allies or enemies.

Fortunately, the active battlefield of the Zerg has passed, and the vast majority of today's radiation patients and critically ill patients come from more than ten years ago, and the former marshal led people to destroy the mother nest, only occasionally encountering sporadically, as if wandering in the universe of the unformed Zerg.

When the war is less intense and cruel, the legion can also show its gentle side. Even if you want to stand on the defensive line, or even continue to send people into the high-radiation area to explore the state of the Zerg, you can decisively replace and retire after your subordinates show the effects of radiation sickness. This increased the cost of the legion, but saved the lives of hundreds of millions of federal citizens.

Ye Ran's destination is the ink blue star in the second-tier galaxy, which became a waste mineral star more than a decade ago. Waste ore stars and habitable stars, the most important stars in each galaxy are different, they are not large, after being mined empty emerald ore, if there is not much left, capture waste ore stars to become meteorite materials, or when the remaining volume is enough, most of them become junk stars.

The name of the blue star comes from the fact that the soil on the surface is influenced by another mineral deposit, which is inky blue when viewed in the universe, and it and the sea blue star or ancient blue star are considered two brothers, and the stars with oceans are brighter in color and darker blue from mineral soil.

But that's a thing of the past.

Ye Ran looked at the picture, and then looked at the planet outside the viewing window of the spaceship that had not yet approached the starport, and it was almost difficult to match the quiet dark blue planet on the picture with the black and green planet outside.

After the institute launched the exploration of plant traces, it sent internal researchers to various places, and Mo Lanxing also had seconded researchers, and they were the first to discover special traces. Ye Ran's trip to Mo Lanxing is guided by the Federation, and she only needs to complete the preliminary judgment and contact in the nearest place in the shortest time and when she catches wild plants.

There is a group of small monsters at home, and Ye Ran, who has also raised a lot of plant monsters in the past, probably has no one in the entire interstellar world who is more suitable for contact with plant monsters than her. That's why she volunteered to get involved.

Ye Ran couldn't completely hand over the contact between the newborn plant monsters and humans to themselves. Whichever side was damaged, it wasn't what she wanted to see.

Having just been greeted out of the spacecraft by the researcher who had just been left here, leaving the protective environment of the spacecraft, Ye Ran immediately smelled a strange stench.

Standing in the Starport orbital ring and looking down, the remaining buildings stubbornly stick out from the garbage heap, and the garbage that is difficult to degrade and eliminate is piled up into hills, with no end in sight, and not even a trace of the soil below. The effects of garbage pollution distort the optics in some areas, blurring them and looking like clouds, but in fact they are not.

There is no power supply below, not to mention that there is not much monitoring in the first place. Satellites also struggle to obtain accurate data when the surface is covered with garbage. This forced the Federation to activate the surface exploration robot to explore the entire planet little by little as it did before going to the universe.

The researchers who stayed behind in Mo Lanxing knew Ye Ran, who didn't know about this seventh-level master? While reporting their findings to Ye Ran and the person who came to take over, she blushed and peeked at her, as if considering whether to come and ask for an autograph.

This made the military personnel who had re-completed the security check of Ye Ran's residence in Starport couldn't help but smile.

The policewoman Ye Ran had seen changed into a new uniform, neatly saluted, and stretched out her hand to Ye Ran, "It currently belongs to the defense line of the Third Army of the Federation, and the Third Army Support Company has set out and will arrive in a day!" Please rest assured that the leaf grower. The safety of leaf growers in Molanxing will be our responsibility. The

starport that turned into a garbage star does not have a star alarm, only the private security of the owner of the planet to which the planet belongs, but they don't care about the garbage star, and the goal of the starport star police left behind is the same, just to ensure the safety of the starport and the landing spacecraft route. Mo Lanxing, who is on the second-line defense line, is not of much value, and usually does not have a garrison.

Although the Federation was agreed to explore the investigation, the military was not welcome in the private area, and only sent people to strengthen the defense if necessary. There are only ten people in the squad that sent Ye Ran here, in addition to private property, due to radiation, space fortresses and other influences, unless the state of war is opened, it is already normal to rush to the vicinity in one day to do a good job of armingDegree.

Ye Ran, who had known before coming, happily accepted the protection from the Federation. After shaking hands, Ye Ran and the researcher went to see the information left during this time, but as soon as they separated, the ground shook slightly, and Ye Ran's perception began to warn wildly.

The flames of the explosion engulfed the entire starport.

A team of

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