#190: FAMILY SERIES (Potty Training)

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A/N: So I've had this pref written since I first started my family series prefs so yeah I got sick of looking at it and I'm just now deciding to post it. Lol.


"Momma, don't wanna go potty." Bernie says starting to get anxious.

"It's ok pumpkin, that's where big boys go potty. You wanna be a big boy like Dorian right?" You say trying to get him to cooperate.

"No Momma, want diaper..." he said trying to negotiate with you.

"No more diapers baby. Diapers are only for bed time and nap time. From now on you wear these during the day." You smile handing him a pair of incredibles underwear.

"Big boy underwears?" He asks.

"Yes Bernie, these are your big boy underwears!" You chuckled helping him step in. "Can I trust you to keep them clean?"


"That means you can't pee on yourself. If you have to go tell me or Daddy ok?"

"Ok!" Bernie was all smiley again and gave you a hug. You let him run around in just his underwear so it would be easy for you to tell if he has an accident. He sat for a couple hours watching tv and playing with his cars and he still hasn't done anything.

You had to give him some credit, he didn't pee on himself so that's a good sign. Louis came downstairs and came to sit with you on the couch.

"Any luck?"

"No...it's been a while since I gave him a sippy cup. I think he's trying to hold it?" You say unsure.

"Let me try." He whispers.

"Hey bud, you feel ok?" Louis asks.

"I fine daddy." He shrugs.

"You thirsty?" Now that Bernie was actually thinking about it he was a little thirsty.

"Yes." Louis takes him to the kitchen and gives him a slightly bigger sippy cup with watered down grape juice. If anyone could get that boy to go it would be Louis. It took about a half hour for it to set in and you finally saw Bernie squirming and he really didn't know what to do.

"You ok honey? How do you feel?" You ask trying to be patient since he was still pretty new at this. It was only his first day after all.

"Have to go potty..." he says pulling a face.

"You need to go potty?" You say trying to act surprised.

"Momma, diaper..." he says starting to cry.

"There's no need to be upset, you're alright. Let's go potty!" You say excitedly showing him to the bathroom.

"You go potty right here, ok?" You say showing him the little training potty you bought for him. He nods and you help settle him and he thinks while he goes to the bathroom.

"I feel better Momma." He announces making you laugh. Then Louis comes in and asks how everything's going.

"Did you go potty Bernie?" Louis asks.

"Yeah! I better now!" He says smiling. Louis shows him how to clean up and Bernie soon reappears in the living room.

"Now do you understand how to use the potty?" You ask. Your boy nods lying on you to join you in watching your show.


You guys have been potty training Nadene for almost a week now. You wanted her to start school at 3 and she was two now so you wanted her to have it down by then. Lately she had been having a lot of accidents and she's been going in places that she wasn't supposed to so today since it was Liam's turn to monitor you guys took extra precautionary measures. Liam had puppy pads on the floor underneath her training potty, he had a potty sitting at nearly every corner, he blocked off all other rooms except for the bathroom of course and he even had her running around half naked so that her underwear wouldn't tempt her to wet herself.

He gave Nadene a full sippy cup of juice and another one with water he was so ready. "Let the games begin." he whispers to himself setting the timer to see how often she goes.

"Daddy, more water pease?" Nadene asks once and Liam gladly obliged. A half hour later Nadene started crying and Liam looked and saw that she peed on the floor right in front of her potty. At least she tried to make it, he thought to himself. Shows that's she made an obvious effort.

"Daddy, I pee." She sobbed wanting to be picked up.

"Come here Nae." He says settling her in his lap. "it's ok to have accidents. You're not always gonna get it on the first try baby." He explains kissing her head. "We're gonna go lighter on the water this time. Ok?" She nods in agreement before downing a whole sippy cup while Liam cleans up after her.

"Daddy, next time I try big girl potty?" She asks talking about the real toilet.

"Do you think you can hold it long enough to make it?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah! I big girl." She said shrugging.

"If you need to go right away it's ok. That's what the pink potty is there for ok?" Liam explains.

"Ok daddy." She says drinking more and more water so that she can show Liam what a big girl she is. In about another half hour Nadene starts to squirm and Liam surprisingly doesn't call any attention to it. He purposely does it so that Nadene can try and problem solve on her own.

She tries to get herself to the big girl toilet as fast as she can without making the urge grow stronger. When she's in the bathroom she realizes she can't get on by herself. "Daddy, help!" She yells close to having an accident.

Liam rushed to the bathroom in a quick flash and sat her down and she sighed feeling less frantic.

"Good job Nae, You went potty. Can I get a high five?" Liam chuckled high fiving Nadene making her smile.

"I told you I was big girl daddy!" She giggled giving Liam a hug.


"Mommy, I hungry. No water." Sebastian said getting upset.

"You want a snack?" You ask him.

"Yes please." He agreed following you to the kitchen where Niall was.

"Hey buddy, where's your pants?" Niall asks with a chuckle.

"Mommy take them so I can go potty." He says as you hand him a bowl of Cheerios.

"You're gonna try and use the potty again? What a big boy!" Niall says cheering him on. His first day potty training didn't go so well so Sebastian decided he wanted to try it again.

"I really need to get him a training potty...he's too short for the actual toilet." You say to Niall. That was the problem yesterday, he kept having accidents because he couldn't sit on the toilet.

"I think we still have Naliyah's old one. It's comfortable, he should be able to fit on it." Niall tells you.

"That's actually not a bad idea. Where is it? Do you remember?" You asked.

"Yeah I know exactly where it is I'll go find it." He says heading upstairs. He comes back with a green training potty about 15 minutes later.

"Wow look at that buddy, that's your special potty! Try it out!" You encourage and he slowly sits down.

"Are you comfy?" Niall asks.

"Yeah! Not too cold." He giggled getting up.

"Whenever you have to go potty this is gonna be in the bathroom, ok?" Niall lectures.

"Niall I think that's too far a walk for him. If he holds it long enough he'll already have had an accident trying to get to it." You say.

"He's not having any accidents today, right Sebastian?"

"Yeah daddy!"

"Also he's got nothing on his bottom half to pull down. He'll be fine." Niall says heading to the kitchen.

"While you're in there can you get lunch started? He's hungry."

"I got you. Yell for me if you need anything." He says. You gave Sebastian some juice and you weren't shocked when he drank it all down. You knew pretty soon he was gonna have to go.

In about 10 minutes it was time for lunch and you took him to the table with everybody else he didn't wanna sit down. You thought it was a bit odd, but you figured he was fine.

"What kind of juice do you want bud?" Niall asks him going in the fridge.

"No juice." He whines.

"Why you don't want juice Sebastian?" Naliyah asks her brother.

"Because no juice." He says getting all upset. Niall shrugged and set his plate down and he just looked at it.

"No food..." he whined pushing the plate away.

"Hey, what's the problem?" you ask him.

"I have to go potty..." He whispers starting to cry.

"Come on let's go sit on the potty." You say carrying him to the bathroom. You sat and held his hand while he sat on the potty and you heard something and started to smile.

"Good boy, you went potty, Yayyy!" You smiled making the two year old giggle.

"You almost done?"

"I done." He announced standing up. You grabbed some baby wipes to help him clean up and you dumped out everything in the toilet.

"Ok Sebastian, flush the potty!" You say and he pushed the lever.

"Woahhh..." he whispers smiling at you. You kissed his cheek and helped him wash his hands so he could come back to the table.

"Is he ok?" Niall asked.

"I went potty Daddy!" He yelled excited knowing Niall would be proud.

"See [Y/N], I told you he wouldn't have any accidents." Niall smirks as Sebastian finally eats his food.


"Daddy, don't have to go." She whines wanting to get up.

"You do sweetheart. You were doing the potty dance." he chuckled.

"Daddy that silly." She giggled watching Zayn. Zayn decided to run some water to see if that would help her do anything.

"Daddy, can we read a story?" Nadirah asks holding up a book.

"We sure can read a story." He chuckled. Before he started, he real quick filled a plastic bowl with warm water and stuck Nadirah's feet in. He remembered seeing you do that to Adelina and Zephaniah when they were being potty trained and it always made them go to the bathroom.

"What's that for daddy?"

"It's for good luck." He laughed starting to read her the book.

About half way through Zayn heard her using the bathroom and she smiled excited to tell Zayn what she did. When the book was over Zayn decided to check on her progress.

"Alright mama, let's see what you did." He said trying to help her stand up.

"I not done." She said making Zayn hold off on standing her up. In about 2 minutes she was finished.

"You finished?" He asked and she nodded and stood up.

"Good job mama! You went pee pee on the potty." He smiled tickling her neck.

"Now clean yourself up." He handed her a couple of wipes and gave her a moment. Then she pulled her underwear up and waited on Zayn for more instructions.

"Good girl, now flush and wash your hands." She followed those instructions and gave Zayn a hug.

"Let's go tell mommy what you did!" He smiled helping her find you. You were sat in the living room on your couch watching Maury.

"How did it go Dirah?" You asked sitting her in your lap.

"I pee on the potty by myself Momma!" She giggled laying on you.

"Good job, I'm proud of you!" You say kissing her cheek.

"She did a very good job, and she wipes herself pretty well. She's very smart." Zayn chuckled leaving you and your daughter to talk more about it.


While you were out at the mall with your girls you left Harry to potty train with Namahj and so far Harry was doing a pitiful job. He had a couple of accidents so Harry resorted to letting him walk around half bare and he stopped putting underwear on him. It made Namahj feel a tiny bit better but he still was uncomfortable. Right now he was on the phone with Niall asking him for potty training advice.

"I don't know what to do Niall! When I try to get him to go he screams for [Y/N]. Also I think he's really confused. Do you think we started him to early?"

"No man, he's two and a half. This is the perfect time to try and get him started. He's probably just a little scared. Keep giving him fluids and leave him bare. The cold makes it harder for him to hold it." He says hanging up the phone. Harry tried his best to comfort Namahj sitting on the cold, hardwood floor and he was completely inconsolable.

"Hey buddy it's ok, mommy will be home later. Can you at least try to go potty? I don't want you to be sick." Harry says trying to be patient.

"Want Mommy!" He screams crossing his little arms. Harry looked down and saw that Namahj was already sitting in a puddle of his own urine having a tantrum and Harry didn't know how to handle him. Harry cleaned up after him and then sat him down to talk to him.

"What's the matter bud? Why aren't you using the potty?" He asks his son sitting him in is lap.

"Scary." He says putting his fingers in his mouth.

"There's nothing to be scared of. Nolan uses the potty all the time and he's never scared right?" Harry says making him nod.

"Nolan brave." He sniffles rubbing his eyes.

"The next time we make a trip to the potty do you think you you can be brave?" Harry asks hopeful.

"Yeah. I sorry." He says starting to cry again.

"It's ok buddy, I know you want mommy but no more tears ok? When she comes home you can tell her about how you were a big boy."


"Let's go have some juice." Harry says taking him to the kitchen. After Harry gave Namahj a sippy cup he ran off to chill in the living room.

"More juice?" Namahj asks nicely.

"Yes you can have more juice. You finished that pretty quick...Stay put." Harry says going to refill his sippy cup. He drank some more from his cup and was good for about an hour until he started showing obvious signs he needed the bathroom. Harry quickly went to go get his training potty. And held it close to Namahj but he kept dodging it.

"Sit mahj." Harry tells him settling him down. As soon as he sat down nothing happened and he started to panic and cry because he knew he had to go.

"It's alright bud just relax." Harry says rubbing his back. His only problem was letting go.

"You wanna hear a story? It will make you feel better." Namahj nods attentively and reaches to hold Harry's hand while he listens to Harry's story about a family of elephants and Harry hears him using the bathroom while he's talking and he's finally calm.

"...and the family of elephants all sail away to a beautiful island to live there forever. The end." Namahj claps and giggles enjoying Harry's little story.

"Now let's see what's in the potty!" Harry says standing him up. Namahj gasped and happily smiled seeing that he finally used the potty.

"Good job! Now you can tell Mommy when she comes home!" Harry chuckled kissing his cheek.

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