#177: Baby Daddy Drama (Harry)

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You and Harry's 2 year old son Bryce.

At first when Harry found out you were pregnant with his son, he broke up with you and took off and chose not to be apart of Bryce's life until he recently turned two. Over those two years the guilt of abandoning his son ate him alive, so he called asking you to keep him for a weekend and you were decided to oblige.

Harry asked you to meet him in the parking lot of Target with your son and you were a bit skeptical given how Harry left you with some unfinished business.

Harry parked next to you and the two of you got out the car and looked at each other for a moment.



"Ok, where's the baby?" He asks looking annoyed.

"Give me a second." You turned your back to Harry to get Bryce and his night bag out of your car. You stood Bryce up next to you and while you were getting his car seat out, he stared at Harry with his big curious eyes the whole time.

"Hello..." he says awkwardly staring at who he couldn't believe was his son. Bryce shyly his behind you and Harry smiled at him.

"Mama!" Bryce whined holding his arms up.

"Harry can you get your son please?" You asked. Bryce's car seat wasn't budging and you didn't have time to be holding him.

"What do I need to hold him for? He's fine."

"Excuse me, you called me asking me to see Bryce, did you not?"

"Ok [Y/N], calm down." He scoffs picking Bryce up and holding him on his hip. Bryce looked at the new person and looked back at you expecting you to save him and frowned when you didn't.

"Ok, here's his car seat. When you hook it into the car, just put the seatbelt through the loop in the back and then buckle him in with the harness." You explain showing him.

"Why is the seat in the middle?" Harry asked.

"Because you need to be able to see him. And it's for safety reasons considering the way you drive." You say sassing him.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you heard me. Also the Bryce doesn't like car rides. Drive carefully with him." You say getting a sippy cup out for Bryce.

"You always have something to say [Y/N], like can you not talk for like five minutes?" He sighed putting Bryce in his car. Bryce immediately started to scream as he buckled him in.

"Is he gonna scream like that the whole time?" Harry scoffed.

"Harry, he doesn't know you! It's your damn fault for running off when I was pregnant with him." You say.

"I wasn't ready to have a kid [Y/N], and you know it!" He yells making Bryce cry louder.

"Mommy!" He cries trying to reach out of his car seat.

"Ok baby, come here." You say going to retrieve him. "I don't think your dad is ready for this yet." You sighed swaying with Bryce.

"[Y/N], seriously?"

"Seriously what? You just said you weren't ready to have a kid, how do I know you don't still feel the same?"

"[Y/N], I don't ok? Just please trust me to take him for the weekend. I promise you he's in good hands." He says holding his arms out. You looked skeptically at Harry and at your upset son.

"Look Harry, I trust you, I really do. It's just I don't know if Bryce is ready for that. There hasn't been a father figure in his life, and I can't imagine how new it must be to him at such a young age." You say.

"[Y/N], please, I promise you I got him. Let me prove myself to you by taking him with me. I know you and him are attached at the hip but you don't need to keep making excuses to hang onto him. He needs to know his father." He sighs crossing his arms.

"Ok Harry. Take him." You say handing Bryce over.

"Mama!" He said fussing.

"It's ok baby, you're going with your dad." You sighed slowly letting go.

"I still don't think this is a good idea Harry." You say as you watch Harry buckle him into his car. "You don't know him and he doesn't know you. A night and two days isn't enough time for you to figure him out." You add.

"Well you know what, Bryce is no different than a 5th grader. If you can sit down and get to know a fifth grader, you can do the same with a 2 year old [Y/N]. You need to let go and take the leash off. He's not gonna be two forever." He had you put into your place at that point. You said nothing as Harry put Bryce's bags in the seat. Next to him.

When Harry got into the car and started it you stopped him.

"Harry, wait..."

"What is it?" He says rolling down the window, attitude evident.

"This is Bryce's Teddy and his sippy cup. It distracts him in the car, so make sure he has them when you take him out." You say handing the stuffed bear and sippy cup to your son.

"Thanks [Y/N]. I promise he'll be back to you in one piece." He says driving off. You sighed and just mentally prayed your Bryce would be ok without you.

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