*The Boys/The Men 2*

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Whoop...so long.. sorry I had participated in a training which almost lasted a week, HIV counselling if you would like to know =) hehe...sorry just had coffee waiting for it to work...thank you for reading =)


btw for part 1 to avoid confusion if its not evident for you

Yoongi and Jin met when they were in first year, just met then, as well as in sophomore years. They became closer since they shared some minor courses and choose to be friends (Yoongi will deny but we know yoongi)

Namjoon was a freshman when he came into Jin's life, 1 year below Jin and Yoongi. So yes those who got it, since Hoseok and Jin were both sophomores when they met, then that means Namjoon is younger than Hoseok in this fic and yes Jin and Hoseok met each other 2nd (but not really bonded already). Thats for 1st part
Gen. POV

Jimin examined the halls of Smeraldo Suites. His dorm. It was homy and cozy, he could smell faint coffee from what look like a cute kitchen in the corner. It was cute but it wasn't small. some students were sitting around its aisle on top of stool bars. Some were baking. The place was neat, he thought, curently he was seated in the living room, or reception area, what ever room a sofa is in.

"You must be Jimin!" A young man approached him, he was wearing a yellow tank top, a head band which says 'Aloha', jeans short and wide smile. Jimin could not help but smiled back.

"Yes I am, are you Jung-hyung?" Jimin stood reaching out his hand.

"Uh this kid haha, just call me Hoseok, or Hobi either way"

"Alright Hobi-hyung" Jimin bowed.

"Come on, your things arrived yesterday I settled them on the your side of our room" Hobi explained while Jimin nods. He concluded how university would be liberating, he can do anything he wants, especially since he believed he is good in a lot of things.

"Seokjin-Hyung!" Hobi woke Jimin back to reality when he heard the name Hobi shouted. He became curious who Hobi would be calling as 'hyung'. Seconds upon raising his eyes he saw a young man coming down the stairs.

Intimidating. Jimin first thought.
Matured. He thought second.
Handsome. He thought 3rd.
Attractive, very attractive. He thought last.

Seokjin, as Hobi called, was tall, broad shoulders, slim waist, fit physique and beautiful face. A swimmer? Jimin asked himself, he met atheletic swimmers before.

"Hobi how are you? Everything good?" Seokjin was not looking at Jimin.

Jimin strained his ear, the voice of this man was gentle, breathy and formal. Upon close look he maintains a proper posture, stands as if posing for a camera (Maybe a model? Jimin asked again) and now he was wearing black shirt, black denim and black leather jacket with studs, his hair was styled where his bangs covers his forehead and partly the eyes giving a mysterious vibe.

Seokjin suddenly turned to Jimin after Hobi answered him. Jimin merely parted his mouth to a surprise when Seokjin suddenly winked at him. Jimin lost his breath.

"Oh right! Seokjin-hyung this is Jimin my new roomate a freshman!" Hobi half-hugged jimin

"A~e~Ji~Jimin. I-I mean My name is Park Ji Min s~Hyung." He kept bowing . Why the heck was he out of words?

Seokjin faced him fully, "Good day, I am Kim Seok Jin" Seokjin bowed slowly closing his eyes, as how it should be, "A pleasure to meet you Jimin" he smiled small but his eyes look happy.

"I have to go Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon are waiting." Seokjin turned to Hobi

"Alright Hyung see you later!"

"Jimin, take care of Hobi ok?"
"Yes!" Jimin blushed hard after replying too excitedly.

"Hahaha you're cute I like you" And with that Seokjin ruffled Jimin's soft raven hair and left.

Jimin turned to follow Seokjin with his eyes, mouth slightly open. He also saw the heads turn towards Seokjin. Looks like he just met the campus hottie.

"Apparently you are affected" Hobi smirked

"Excuse me?" Jimin turned to Hobi shyly

"Its ok, everyone is bound to love Kim Seok Jin" Hobi smiled, "Do you still wanna see our room or do you want to follow him around?" Hobi teased.

When Jimin found out that Seokjin was right across their room he would find excuses to go back to the dorms early just so he could greet Seokjin when he comes back from class. Seokjin rarely stays at the dorm living room and mostly at their college library, media arts students had their own, Seokjin mentioned he met a feshman there who look like he came out Vogue magazines, Tata? was that right?. Jimin would spark up conversations, no matter how random just to speak with Seokjin, which had been going on for a month now.

Half way this month a certain hyung moved in with Seokjin, this hyung also visits Seokjin from time to time and decided to stay.

"Yoongi" Was the only introduction he gave to Jimin and Hobi when they asked who he was. They were seated in a park bench and table having barbeques and beer.

"Wow, he likes you guys" Seokjin smiled. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. Hobi laughed.
"How so hyung?" Jimin pouted to Seokjin
"He gave his name" Seokjin pinched Jimin's cheek. No one noticed how Jimin leaned to the touch and smiled inwardly, closing his eyes. Seokjin touched him again.

Seokjin liked Jimin so much because of how cute this dongsaeng is. Seokjin is the youngest in the family so he could not resist the urge to pinch, ruffle the hair and treat Jimin as a delicate younger brother. But that was all.

Jimin seems to be in contemplation when they decided to walk about and play tag , thankfully no one else was around the school park much. Seokjin opted to rest on a bench while watching the trio. Well the duo as they drag Yoongi around.

He looks at them and think how grateful he was to have friends. School was exhausting, family had been distant. Had he taken business classes in Australia like planned his father would not limit their family interaction. But Seokjin does not want to take his father's place. Though he can't escape being a son of an empire owner.

No, however one of his uncles had been in the filming industry, he was the reason Seokjin loves movies, script wrights, even composing music for movies. He choose his interest. Its not like he couldn't care about his family and their means of living. Who was he to complain? Its as simple as wanting a different view.He grew up in that world, so naturaly he wants to explore.

He didn't notice he was looking at Jimin, and Jimin was staring right back at him. How care free? Seokjin thought to himself. Jimin then made his way towards Seokjin.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jimin breath out, pleased to see he startled his Seokjin-hyung. Could he be interested in me as I am of him? Jimin excitedly thought.

No kookie yet🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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