8: A first date

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I wake up and spot Edward reading a book. "I took it off your night stand" said Edward. I just smile. "You and books. Anyway I should have a shower." I said. I go have a quick shower and then dry myself. I then put on my outfit. I curl my hair and do light make up. I smile and look down. I step out and Edward smiles at me.

"Would you like to  go on a date?" asked Edward. "Yes. I'd like that, Edward" I said, smiling. Edward smiles. "Thank god you said yes, I thought it would be too soon but obviously we'll take it slow" said Edward. I nod and hug him. Edward jumps out the window and I smile. I go downstairs and Bella is sitting on the counter. "What you doing today, Isla?" asked Bella. "Uh... meeting a friend" I said and make myself cereal. I make some coffee and dig in.

Bella sits down and looks at me. "I'm going to meet the pack today. Might do cliff diving" said Bella. "Bells... don't do that" I said. "It will lure Edward to me" said Bella and she stands up. She hugs me and walks off. I roll my eyes and go outside. I watch her drive off. Edward comes down the road and smiles at me. "Hey" said Edward. "Bella is going cliff diving to lure you to her" I said. "She has the pack with her. If she thinks that will lure me to her, she is wrong. I'll tell Emmett and Alice. They can't go over there cause of the treaty so I don't know what she expects" said Edward.  "That you made a mistake and love her. She is addicted to you. As I will be soon enough. Your addicting but honestly I find you handsome and smart. Also you sparkle, right?" I ask. "Yes, I do. On a sunny day I will show you" said Edward. I smile. We get in his car and he drives until a car pulls in front. Edward slams on his brakes and this guy steps out. "Sam Uley. Alpha" said Edward. Me and Edward step out. "Bella is a danger to herself" said Sam. "We know." said Edward. "Because of you, Isla I suggest coming with me. He will mess you up just like Bella." said Sam. "It is not Edward's fault Bella has turned dangerous. It's completely her fault. Bella asked Jacob to kiss her.... you really think Edward would stay with her if she asked someone to kiss her" I said. Sam gulps. "I guess your right. I should go stop her. Also what about the Volturi? They will kill her if she is not a vampire" said Sam. "Carlisle said he'd turn her." said Edward. "What about Isla?" asked Sam. "I want to be turned. Not yet though" I said. Sam nods and growls.  He gets in his jeep and drives off. I look at Edward and he looks back. "Uh we should get back to driving" said Edward. I nod and we get back in. We drive to this cinema and go inside. 

The movie was good, Edward held my hand. I look at him and he looks back. We are now in a diner and I'm eating burger. Edward is just watching me. Once I'm finished we go back to his house. Esme smiles at us. "How was your date?" asked Esme. "Amazing." I said. Edward smiles and takes my hand. "We'll be in my room" said Edward. Esme nods and goes outside. We go to his room and he got a bed? "Why did you get a bed?" I asked. "In case you wanted to stay over sometimes." said Edward. I smile and sit on it. "It's very soft" I said. "Should be, paid loads for it" said Edward. I smile and sit back against the headboard. He sits beside me and smiles at me. "So how are you finding things being mates with a vampire" said Edward. "Good" I said. We hear a knock downstairs. 

"Where are they?" asked Bella. "Bella...." said Esme. Edward groans and goes downstairs. I follow soon after. "Edward please take me back. Please" begged Bella. "It's.... we're done for final, Bella" said Edward. "Yes but we can make it work" said Bella. I stand behind Edward. Bella looks at me. I sigh and look away. "Edward please" begged Bella. "No! Stop this!" said Edward. I look at Bella and sigh. "Bella, come on." I said. "Shut up, Isla!" said Bella. Edward growls and steps forward. "Leave" said Edward. Bella groans and walks off. I sigh and they shut the door. I sigh and sit down. "Everything will be fine" said Esme. I nod and look at Esme. "Stay tonight" said Esme. I nod. "Come on, let's go find something to do." said Edward. Alice walks over. "Here's pyjama's. "Where did you come from?" I ask. "Oh... sorry vampire skills. Here" said Alice. I take the pyjama's and I go into the bathroom. I change into them and go into Edward's room. 

I sit on his bed and he sits beside me. "How are you feeling after that visit from Bella?" I ask. "I'm feeling fed up. I can't help but feel like I don't like her. She is... too needy for my love" said Edward. "Edward, she is addicted to you. She'll get over it eventually. Maybe Jacob can help her" I said. Edward nods and there's another knock on the door. "Seth?" said Esme. "Could I speak to Edward and Isla?" asked Seth. "Let me show you their room" said Esme. Soon Seth walks in. "Hey... um.... I just wanted to say sorry for Jacob. His been in love with her for years and it's annoying" said Seth. I laugh. "You bet it is" I said. Edward smiles. "Your the only wolf I like" said Edward. "Thanks for that" said Seth. I hug him. "I should go before they notice I'm gone. Leah will be pissed I came here" said Seth. He left. I smile. "His a good kid" said Edward. I nod. "He is." I said. 

I get under the covers and so does Edward, I lean on his chest and eventually fall asleep.

Today was a good day.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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