Chapter 31

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Fire alarms rang through the building as people ran away to safety, clearing the area as quickly as possible.

"Let's go Soap," Ghost threw one last look at the two people knocked out on the floor before rushing toward the exit, but Soap didn't follow.

"Get moving Sargeant. We don't have enough time," He yelled at Soap aggressively to move, but Soap just shook his head in denial.

"Negative. This is where we part ways L.T., I can't just leave them here when something is obviously wrong," Soap knew what Ghost was trying to do. He was trying to run away instead of facing the issue. He was letting his emotions get the better of him, it was understandable, but unnecessary, Especially on the field.

Ghost didn't say anything, he didn't even look back, continuing to walk forward with only two objectives in mind. Finding Gaz, and getting out of here. He was already regretting coming here, he was regretting it all.

Soap looked at Ghost as his figure started to disappear before looking down at his two friends lying on the ground. How on earth was he supposed to get them out of here? What if they woke up and attacked him once again, it would be too risky to take the two of them at once.

Wasn't Gaz supposedly with Ross? Or was that a lie? Were they caught before or after the message was sent? Or was the message just a fake one? It would make sense... But what happened to him then? And what happened to these two? There is got to be some kind of explanation.

"For fuck's sake..." Soap knelt down and threw (Y/N) over his shoulder while dragging Ross from the collar of his shirt. The least he could do was get them out of the way before the enemy finds them.

He had to trust finding Gaz with Ghost for now and focus on the current situation. He needs to do something about (Y/N) and Ross.


The smell of cleaning products took over your senses as you slowly began to regain consciousness. Your limbs were still slightly numb and unresponsive to you, but at least you could make sense of your surroundings now. The effect of the drug was finally starting to wear off, which also meant that you were starting to feel pain as well from where you were hit.

Tilting your head ever so slightly to assess the situation you were in, you noticed that your hands were tied behind your back around the closet's leg with Ross in the same position across from you.

This wasn't looking good, no matter how hard you tried to wreck your brain, you couldn't remember what happened after you threw up. Why were you even held hostage in a cleaning storage room instead of that weird room? Did someone else catch you?

Either way, you needed to get out of here before Ross woke up. Even if he wasn't in control of his own actions and didn't mean to hurt you, it didn't make him any less dangerous. Matter of fact, that only meant that he won't hold back if he catches you again.

You slid down on the floor until you were lying on your back before slowly turning over your stomach and tugging at the rope. The pulling made some items from the closet fall out, some of which were cleaning products for dishes and plates.

"Bingo heh," you pushed the product with your feet until it was close enough for your hand to grab it. You opened the product and put some of it on your hands to make them slippery enough so you could break free from the ropes

It didn't take long for you to break free, there were still more items in the closet that could be used for close combat. You took a quick look at Ross to make sure he was still put before scavenging for whatever you could use whilst searching for the others. Ross can wait here until you have someone else with you who can take him on if he was still under the effect of the drug.

Screams were coming from the corridor, but you didn't want to risk exposing yourself to whoever it was outside. Maybe the hidden passage extended to this room as well? You could try searching for it. But even then it would still be risky since it was Emma who betrayed.

Who knows what kind of traps are lying inside these passages now? It was your call now. Leave through the door? Or find a way through the passage?

What are you going to do?

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