Chapter 27

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"This is alpha-1 reporting, Nothing is working and the portal keeps getting bigger. At this rate, we expect the entire city to be swallowed by it. Fix your Goddamn mistake. Over,"

You shared a look with Soap, both of you unsure about what to think of what you just heard. Portal? Mistake? Did their device malfunction or something?

"Well... Now we have a lead. Better rally this intel to Simon," he declared, and you nodded your head in agreement before heading to where Ghost was.

"So... What now? Do we go check the portal or...?" You asked as the two men stood there, pondering over what to do next.

"Or. If they are worried that the portal will swallow the city, doesn't that mean that its gravitational power is strong enough to pull all of us inside? We don't know where it will take us either," Ghost announced, and you had to agree with his intake on this one.

"Well then, maybe we can use the fact that they are busy with it to sneak into their facility swiftly," Soap suggested.

"Yeah, it would be easier to get Layla out as well, but we better get moving before they fix their issue," you added, and they nodded their head in agreement.


A loud explosion shook all nearby buildings before a huge cloud of smoke emerged in the distance. Screams and cries filled the streets as the debris that came from the explosion, crushed the by-passers. The smell of blood and gunpowder overpowered any other smell as you stood there in shock.

The explosion came from the area Layla and the others were in, but you didn't know if it was exactly from there or from somewhere else.

"I-isnt that where they held her hostage..." Emma said, almost to herself as she stared at the smoke wide-eyed. You just nodded slowly in return, not even sure if she paid attention at all.

"Come on," Ghost pulled at your arm, and you looked back at him.

"Wha- where? What do we do??" you stuttered.

"We need to leave this area first. It's too dangerous. Let's go back to the tunnels for now," he tugged your arm again, this time stronger than before as people started running away, pushing each other and stomping on each other. You slightly nodded your head before grabbing Emma's arm and dragging her away with you, with Soap trailing right behind you.

The wind was blowing in the direction of the explosion, as if there was a black hole in the area, sucking anything and everything in its way. You could only pray that the others made it out safely...

But then again, you weren't even sure you were going to make it back safely with your situation. It seemed like someone pointed out the existence of the tunnels and now everyone was trying to get in. There was no way to get in yourself, not to mention that all your weapons and equipment were down there as well. It would be a disaster if they found them.

"What do we do? We can't get in with all these people swarming..." Your heart was pounding loudly against your chest as you felt Simon's grip tighten around your arm as he scanned the area for another way.

"It's a tunnel, there's gotta be another way in- OH SHIT!" Soap was cut off as one of the buildings facing you collapsed. The huge debris flew toward you, but you quickly ducked down before it slammed against you.

"FORGET THE BLOODY TUNNEL. WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He yelled as the wind currents started to blow even stronger than before.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to look at Emma, she was pointing at a car nearby with one hand while using the other one as a shield for her face.

"THE OWNER JUST LEFT THAT CAR IN A PANIC. I RECKON HE LEFT THE KEY INSIDE!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as people's screams started to get even louder with the debris falling in your area now.

Soap quickly ran to the car to check, mainly not wanting Ghost to drive, but also to check whether the key is actually inside or not.

"Come on. Let's go," you grabbed both Emma and Simon before dragging them toward the car. But really, it was Simon dragging the two of you to the car as you almost got blown away by the wind.

As soon as you got in, Soap stomped on the pedal, making sure to avoid hitting people while driving further away from the city.

"What in the world is going on... What about the others?? What do we do?" Emma threw one question after another in panic, her head going back and forth. The city had a strong blue light radiating in the middle, with wind currents blowing inside the light instead of going outside.

"Is that the portal they were talking about?" you asked Soap, but he could only shrug in response. His information was just as limited as yours was.

"Most likely, yeah. There's no other explanation," He stated.

"What about the others? Gaz?" you carefully asked.

"They already left," Ghost was the one to respond this time.

"Really?? Did they message you somehow?" you looked down at his hand, he was holding his military phone (?). A small text message visible on the screen.

It was from Gaz, and it was short.

There's something dangerous in the area. We are leaving with L. Get out of the city ASAP.

It was sent 30 minutes before the city went into chaos, but it seemed like Ghost had just received it.

"Where to?" Soap finally asked, not wanting to drive aimlessly and waste whatever gas was left in the car. You shared a look with Emma before looking back at Soap.

"Back to the lab, I guess. We will probably meet the others there too..." You answered, unsure about your answer. Soap nodded in response, and you sighed before looking back at the city you just left. The whole thing seemed to be getting bigger even though there was distance between you and the portal now.

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