Chapter 1

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"....-king. Check the monitors,"


"Let her wake up then,"

It felt as though your body was floating as you struggled to open your eyes. You could hear muffled voices in the distance, and you weren't sure if you were the one they were referring to.

After a long struggle, you managed to open your eyes ever so slightly. Only to be faced with unrecognizable, blurry faces.

"Am I underwater?" you thought to yourself once you noticed the breathing aid attached to your face. Your vision was still blurry and you could see small bubbles floating around you.

"She's conscious. You are clear to empty the container," you looked at the man wearing shaded glasses as he ordered the woman standing behind a control panel.

"Inside?" was your first thought as you laid your eyes on the man, but that thought quickly changed as the water level started to go down until there was nothing left.

You watched as the woman started pressing random buttons before everything attached to you was detached. And you fell to the ground before the container you were in was opened.

"Survivor No.990. Welcome to Crestfall," The woman said as she stepped up to where you were and draped a coat over your half-naked body.

"Who are you? How did I get here? And why the fuck am I half-naked?" you coughed and attempted to stand up only to fall again.

"Easy there. Your body is still not accustomed to moving after being inactive for so long. My name is Kaya, you got here in response to our call, and you were half-naked because we couldn't store you fully clothed or your clothes could have melted on you," she robotically answered, as if she was used to people asking her these questions all the time.

You stared at her in horror as the man from before approached you and grabbed your arm, pulling you up. You looked at him warily, thinking of gutting him the moment he makes a shadow of a wrong movement.

"You want to tell me what the hell is going on???" you looked between the two people. Their outfits and aura were alarming, and you felt your gut scream at you to not trust them.

"What do you mean by that? You know exactly what's going on. You came here on your own after all," the man's hand was tight on your arm as the woman spoke, and you just stared at her as if she grew another head.

"What call? I came here on my own?" you wanted to scream bloody murder at her, but considering your situation. You were at a disadvantage. Not only were you unarmed and half-naked, but there were also cameras in every corner and you had absolutely zero idea of where the fuck you were.

"Don't worry. We are not the evil people here. No one is. You just happen to be one of the survivors we managed to bring back after what happened to the world," She said, her eyes not leaving her notebook as she continued to scribble down God knows what on it.

"... What happened?" you asked, but she just hummed in return as she continued to write stuff down before she momentarily looked at the man standing next to you.

"Will you take her to the others? I'll leave the explanation to you, I need to get this done quickly," She didn't even wait for him to answer as she stomped out of the room. The man let out a sigh before he tugged at your arm.

"Let's move. You will learn everything from the other survivors. I have more important work to take care of. Quickly," he kept tugging harshly at your arm as you struggled to keep up with him.

Rows and rows of doors and white lights decorated the wide corridor. It looked like a hospital with no windows, and you could hear chatter coming from inside the rooms.

There were a few people wearing similar outfits to that of the man running around and acting all busy and whatnot. And then there were some people wearing what seemed to be hospital gowns walking around together, talking and laughing and whatnot.

The man finally came to a stop in front of a door with the number 990 on it before he turned to face you.

"This will be your room, make yourself at home because it will be your home from now on. If you have any questions. Well, don't ask me. Ask your neighbor," He gestured at the door with the number 989 before he turned around and left.

"What the fuck is his problem?"You cussed under your breath as you looked at the door that supposedly lead to your room. Where the hell were you anyways? Who are these people? And what happened to Simon and the others? Is everyone okay? Are they here too?

Dozens of questions and no one to answer them. You contemplated on knocking on your *Neighbor's* door, but then again, you weren't even sure if they were good people.

It seemed like everyone here had a stick up their asses. You sighed as you put your hand on the knob and tried to open your door. Once, twice... It was locked, and you didn't have the key.

"Seriously bruh..."

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