alex's house

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*Maggie's pov *
So today me and Alex are going to his house bc he wants me to meet his mom. I got up from the coach and I started getting ready... Outfit 👇

Makeup 👇

It took me about an hour and 30 minutes to get ready Alex called me from downstairs yelling "BABE HURRY UP" I responded "IM DONE IM PUTTING ON MY SHOES"
*Skip car ride to Alex's parents house*

*Alex's p.o.v*
Once we got there me and maggie raced to the door like little kids (lmao). Once we opened the door my mom gave me and Maggie a big hug.
AM= Alex's mom
AM: so this is the girl u always talk about alex?
A- yes mom *blushes*
AM- well she's very pretty alex.
M- awe thank you mrs.guzman
AM: please just call me mom or (idk her name💀let's just say Ericka) Ericka .
M- ok well thank you Ericka
AM- no problem well let's go meet the others!
AM- this is Henry and emrick but my older one isn't here today.
M- awee Henry is so cute
A- not cuter than me right ?
M-mmm idk ab that
AM- ha I live this girl already
M- haha jk I love u Alex
A- ilyt
AM- I just bought Chipotle bc I didn't feel like cooking haha
M&A- that's fine
*30 minutes later*
Once we finished our food me and Alex left his mom's house and went to the movies. We went to go see rampage bc they say that movies good so we went to go watch it. 

A/N: ik I haven't been updating but I'll update every say if possible. Comment things u think u should fix or things u like ab the book. Ily guys 💞❤

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