chapter thirteen

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It was visiting day and I had never been more excited in my life. We arrived at the building and my heart sank when read the word "orphanage" on the front. Peter didn't belong in a place like this.

"Hello, we're here to visit Peter," I said trying to stay as calm as I could. "Right this way." We followed the lady down a long hall of bedrooms. "He's right in here. You have 20 minuets, and your visit will be supervised. Use your time wisely."

I almost broke down in tears when I saw my little boy's sweet little smile. "Dad! Pops!" Peter ran up to us, giving us the biggest hug. "I missed you guys so much."

"Peter, we missed you more than you know," Steve said, drying his wet cheeks. I had the biggest grin on my face, my cheeks were starting to cramp.

"Dad, Pops, I wanna come home."

"Don't worry, we're gonna get a lawyer and work this all out."

"But what if you can't. What if I can never come home? What if I can never be spiderman again?" Peter began to cry.

"No, no Peter don't cry. And don't say that. You will come home. I promise you."

Then Petter looked me with the most heart wrenching sadness I had ever seen. "W-what if someone else adopts me?"

I had never even thought about that and was almost shocked by the question. What if someone adopted him before we could get him back? I looked at Steve and could tell he had the same reaction. Peter jumped into our arms and started to sob.

"I-I don't w-want another f-family! P-please t-take me h-home!"

"Peter, we would never let that happen, okay? Just calm down."

Suddenly, Peter began to hyperventilate. He was having an anxiety attack. "W-why i-is this h-happening a-again?" he said through the breathes. "Again?" I looked to Steve. He nodded his head.

I held his face in my hands, "Peter, look at me, you need to breath okay? I'm right here. Pops is right here. Everything's gonna be okay. You just gotta breath. Can you do that for us?" Peter started to slow his breaths down. "That's right. In and out."

"What was that?" he asked, when he finally calmed down.

"Remember when you were really young, and I used to freak out a little after Loki attacked New York?" Petter nodded his head.

"It's called an anxiety attack. I know they're not fun, but you can get through them. I know you can."

Suddenly the social worker, who was supervising the visit, gave us the signal that it was time to leave. "No, please don't go."

"I'm sorry, bud, but we have to."

Peter grabbed my hand, trying to pull me back. "Dad, please." Peter watched in terror as Steve and I were forcefully pulled out of the room.

dang that was a sad chapter i apologize

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