Good evening! Or night.
I'm an attention seeker I know, but I needed to rant, something related to the future of this book(I sound like Kevin Feige here).
I was reading this book, just randomly, and I kinda liked it, it's not as gross as I thought it was, I have done a pretty good job I guess(How to sound self obsessed 101.)
And I haven't written the next few chapters yet, but I know for sure that even I would miss writing this one.
The way this story turned out, wasn't even the initial plot, more than the love story between Rishab and Mahira, I loved the way Mahira's character turned out to be, her personality, her bond with the rest of the people in the ICT. And that's what I enjoyed the most and I don't think I want to stop writing that.
And as you all know that the other story follows a different plot and has nothing to do with cricket and other cricketers except the ones mentioned,and also it's a multi starrer one.
So I have come here with a dilemma.
I want you all to tell me,whose story would you like to read next, something similar to this one, I mean not entirely similar, but the cricketers would be cricketers😂.
And you all are gonna tell me whose story you would like to read because I. Get. So. Confused.
There's a reason I made this a different chapter, anyone who has read this book and would like to read something written by me in the future can tell me whose love story you want me to write, if you all are reading this I am 200% sure that you all love cricket that's why you are here, so please do this stupid attention seeker of your author a favour and tell her on whom should she explore her talent after this book.
Just please tell me one or as many names as you want, and which ever cricketer's names comes the most number of times, will be the main protagonist of my next story.
Thanks for giving some attention to this attention seeker.
She loves you all so much ❤️
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