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Mahira's POV:

Just another day in Mumbai, I live in a beautiful society in Bandra, it has eight buildings and each building has 12 floors with 4 flats in each floor. My apartment is a 2 BHK one in the first floor itself. Since I live alone even a 2 BHK flat feels too big to me. My society is filled with amazingly beautiful people, I've always been lucky likpe that, whenever I went somewhere,the people there welcomed me with open arms. And That's why my friends call me a social butterfly.

I locked the door of my 2 BHK apartment and made my way to the elevator which took me directly to the floor below ground floor , that is the parking area. I walked up to my car and just like every other day sat in and drove to my office.

"Good morning Ma'am", Vishnu kaka's voice is the first that I enter after going to my  office and the last that I hear before going home. He is the gate keeper of our office, there are a few others too.

"Namaste Vishnu kaka", I gave him a 'how many times should I tell you not to call me ma'am' look. But that's just his instinct. I don't like it when elders call me Ma'am. As I entered inside the same smiling faces greeted me like every other day and I reciprocated. They all like me already even though I have worked here for such a short time. I straight away walked into my cabin and started working around stacks of files.

My cabin PNT rang breaking my thought process.
"Hello", I said with my professional mode on.

"Hello Mahira Ma'am, Mr. Malhotra wants to meet you right away.", The receptionist said. Malhotra. Aditya Malhotra, he is a part of the board of directors of the company, but it doesn't feel like it, they all treat me like I'm also a part of the top management level. They want me to be as much involved as possible, I don't want a permanent position though since I don't plan on staying for a very long time. But I'm always available for work. Anytime they need me.

"Oh okay, he can come." , I said and cut the call.

He walked in after 15 minutes or something with two cups of coffee. Kind of strange , seniors bringing you coffee.

"I was coming here so picked one for you too.", He said.

"Thanks. Sit please.", I spoke with a genuined smile and shifted the files away.

"So, all good?", He said sitting in front of me.

"Yeah. All well. You?", I had to ask too.

"Same. Is the work an overburden?", He asked with a slight chuckle.

"No. Not really. I like what I do. So never feels like a burden.", I said shaking my head. Obviously I like what I do. And when I am working, I work with passion. My work is never a burden.

"I have an amazing offer for you Mahira.", He said with a shy smirk.

"What?", I raised my eyebrows with a chuckle, taking a sip of my coffee.

"You like travelling right?", He said with a mischievous smile on.

"Adi, you know I absolutely love travelling. What is it? Tell me now I'm getting anxious.",  I said, my eyes widening, just the thought of travelling makes me the happiest. And he could hear the excitement in my voice.

"Would you be comfortable travelling to various states in a time of two months?", He asked, with the mischievous look on.

"Ofcourse.", I said, why would I ever mind travelling.

"Perfect", He said with a happy cheerful smile.

"Really? I would love to. Just tell me when and why?", I said, I was jumping internally but tried my best to stay calm. And ik even Adi knew how excited I am since he was giggling all the while.

"Mahira relax. Because the most exciting part is yet to come." , He said. Lol. Relax. Lol. But still I nodded and took a deep breath as an action for him to proceed.

"As you know IPL is starting in ten days. And you also know that how good relations our CEO and company has with BCCI." With each word that he said, my excitement was growing infinte. "BCCI wants us to send someone from our company to be a part of their management team. And we all board of directors came on a mutual name. And that was you."

"What?", I practically screamed.

"Shhh!", He said giggling again.

"How can i 'shh', I'm going to be with BCCI. As a part of their management team. For two months. For IPL. Is this even real?", I blurted out in one go. He was laughing now seeing my reaction. Who wouldn't be excited though? Excited is an understatement.

"So is it a yes?", That idiot.

"Ofcourse." , I couldn't keep it anymore and jumped off my seat.

"Okay okay. You'll have a meeting with us in the afternoon and then you'll know everything.", He said stopping me and held my shoulders to keep me intact. Otherwise I was jumping like a jelly.

"Okayy!", I said hugging him in excitement.

"Idiot!", He said and hugged me back.

Drop your reviews please. I need motivation.❤️

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