20 - Quiet

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"the news is loving you guys. Nobody else is."
The Avengers had all boarded the Quinjet and were currently mid-flight. Tony had called an agent of SHEILD to get some sort of status report. Loki was laying against him, extremely tired looking. Clint was piloting the jet, and everyone else was recovering from the vision thing they had all had.

"There's been no official can for banner's arests, but it's in the air."

"Stark relief foundation?"
"Already on the scene. How's the team?"
"Everyone's," Tony hesitated. "We took a hit. We'll shake it off."
"Well go now I'd stay in stealth mode. And, stay away from here."
"Sooo, run and hide....?"

The agent hesitated.
"Until we find Ultron I- don't have much else to offer."

She hung up and they all sat in silence.
Loki, half asleep, grabbed Tony's hand and squeezed it. Tony squeezed back.
After a few moments, Tony stood up and walked up to Clint.
"Want to switch out?"
"No I'm good. If you want to get some sleep, now's a good time. We've got a few hours ahead of us."
"Few hours of flight, where?"

Tony silently walked over to where he was originally sitting  and settled next to Loki.
Loki softly dragged his finger down Tony's arm and moved his hand inside of his; weaving his fingers within Tony's.
Tony squeezed Loki's hand and pulled his away. He wrapped his closer arm around Loki neck and rubbed the back of his head. Loki simply leaned against Tony's chest and closed his eyes.
Silence was something they both needed after what had happened. Just the quiet and the feelings of Tony's warm hand on Loki's cold head.
They balanced each other out perfectly. They were just the amount the same as they were different.

Tony fell asleep with Loki cuddled next to him.

If anyone could describe them with words, they would be 'meant to be'
Loki and Tony woke up to the soft THUD of the jet landing. Tony rubbed Loki's head and helped him up.

Loki stepped onto the grass filled yard and breathed a sigh of relief. No Ultron. No Hydra. No septor.
They all walked out of the jet into the yard. They had landed in front of a house, what looked to be a farm house, and Clint lead them to the door.

"What is this place?" Thor asked as he walked onto the porch.
"Safehouse," Tony replied.

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