Chapter 21 No Mind Let Go

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It didn't take long for Bruce and Tony to find the information they wanted. Immediately after finding the slightest trail of Ultron, Steve declared that we load up and find him. Ultron had gone after some of the strongest metal in the nine realms, he had gone after Vibrainium.

Steve, Tony, and Thor walk through the front, acting as a distraction while I find this Maximoff girl. If she's as powerful as they say- she's dangerous... but only because she sided with Ultron.

"You focus the sister." Tony says before getting on the ship, "Don't let her get in your head."

"You think she'll get that far?"

"With her brother on her side she might."

"You keep him distracted and we won't have to worry about that."

"Easier said than done."

I walk in after him, following a different corridor through the ship that will take me to the same place.

"Eyes on target." Clint says almost silently through the com system, "Red clothes standing to Ultron's right."

I slowly creep through the halls, "There's no need to break anything."

"You've obviously never made an omelet." Ultron says, "I believe the guest of honor has arrived!" He turns around quickly and faces me, his new form standing as tall as a Frost Giant, his humanistic shape slightly out place when he stands. "Did you really think you could come in the back without me knowing? I'm everywhere."

I smirk, "There are a lot of things on my mind, like what you're going to do with the vibrainium."

"Oh yes, allow me to explain my entire plan right now..." Ultron quickly flips around pulls Tony close and them shoots him with what I can only assume are lasers. Tony goes flying back into the wall, but quickly jumps forward and attacks.

The entire room erupts into chaos, people attacking robots, robots attacking people, people attacking people. I find myself in the middle of the chaos.

One of Ultron's clones comes from the shadows behind me and attacks, grabbing me by the neck and throwing me back into a storage room.
"You know, you're the only one who can really stop me."

I pick myself up off the ground, and the Maximoff twins stand on the edge of the room, with Ultron front and center. I keep my eyes away from his, focusing on keeping the Maximoff twins at bay. I can feel Wanda trying to get in my head, and I know her brother will do everything he can to help her.

"After all, you're the greatest living entity. You've always been strong, smart, everything a warrior should be."

A flash of silver passes by, almost knocking me over, but I manage to side step, returning my focus to Wanda. I can feel her attempting to pry into my mind. Her brother flashes by again, catching me off guard and knocking me to the floor, allowing his twin to enter my head.

The memories begin a flood- everything that had ever gone wrong.

Every life I wasn't able to save.
I quickly take control, slamming my fists to the ground and sending the pain back to her in a wave that rips across the room. She takes the hit, falling back with her hands held to her head.

"Did you really think..." I take a breath and stand, "That you could get into my head? That you could scare me? Do you not remember who you got your power from?!"

Pietro instantly attacks, like a rabid dog, knocking me to the ground, holding me down. I instantly raise my knees into his chest and throw him across the room. I get to my feet and stride toward him, I raise my staff, ready to strike, but a bridge of pain shoots through my side. I let out a mangled scream before turning around, "ENOUGH!"

Wanda looks up from the corner with a scarlet glow running off her hands.

I holster Delvameg, "Is this how you want to die?"

She takes a deep breath and her eyes intensify.

And then she's gone.

Bullets fly through the room and pierce the wall behind me. I take cover behind a group of boxes. Bullets may not be lethal, but they still hurt. Loud and clumsy footsteps go through the room, and I quickly attack, pulling Delvameg off of my back.

I slam the staff against the shaft of a rifle, causing the butt to slam into the user's shoulder.

The others take aim and I quickly disarm them, but not before a few shots are fired. The slugs burry themselves in my chest plate.

I quickly return the favor with the end of Delvameg.

Steve's voice comes through the intercom, "Thor! Status!"

"The girl tried to warp my mind, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty."

I look up and he's suddenly in a scarlet trance, fighting invisible forces.

"Captain!" I call through the speaker, "You need to be careful; she's a lot stronger than what I anticipated."

"Hey, Nat I could really use a lullaby." Tony says.

"You're gonna have to take a rain check on that on that, the whole team's been hit." Clint says.

"Not the whole team." I say, "What's happening?"

"That little witch got into Banner's head; he's destroying a city as we speak."

I take a deep breath, "Get him out of the city."

"That's the plan."

I pull the earpiece out and head up a set of stairs to Clint's side. He's holding Natasha up, "Can you help her?"

"I'm not sure." I say, putting a hand on her forehead, "I can try. Find the others; I'll see what I can do here."

He nods and gets up, carefully laying Natasha against the wall.

I take a deep breath, placing a hand on each side of her face, and then look into her mind.

"I have no place in this world." She says frantically.

"Exactly." A voice echoes.

"Natasha!" I call, looking up the flawless wooden staircase.

No response. Girls continue walking mindlessly through the dream. I continue walking through this dream, every detail is flawless, from the paintings to the cracks in the paint on the walls.

Each step makes the floor creak under my boots. A few girls walk in step with each other, their hair pulled into buns on the tops of their heads without a single strand falling lose. They are one of the same, their faces may have been different in the past, but now they are identical, as if they were pieces of clay that have been place in a mold and hardened.

"What is this place?" I whisper.

The clones continue to walk the halls, not making a sound as they pad by, each step the same as the last, each step as silent as eternal night.

I am the only thing that makes noise.

I am the only one who doesn't belong.

I keep walking through, and then I spot her. The only one who stands out among the rest; her red hair is long, her face is the only one that seems to question her surroundings.


Her eyes snap to me, as do the other girls, "Who are you?"

"You don't know who I am?" I ask, stepping closer.

An older woman steps forward, "You seem to be lost, perhaps we can offer you a place to stay." I can feel her eyes dig into me as if I were a prized sheep on a banquet table. She craves power and control, I can tell by the wild look in the back of her eyes.

"Natasha, I need you to come with me."

"How do you-"

"Silence!" The older woman screams, only turning her head a fraction of a degree to address her.

"Natasha, if you want to leave, you can, just come with me." I say, stepping closer, but not before the old woman can step between us.

"Natalia is not leaving."

I pull Delvameg off my back, "If she wishes to leave, that will be her choice, not yours."

"Do you think I am scared of you?"

I lean down to meet her eyes, "I think you are scared of losing your prized pupil to me."

The old woman squints and then steps aside, "Natalia, leave."

Natasha steps beside me and we head for the door.

"One thing before you leave;" The old woman says, "Never forget where you came from."

I grab Natasha's arm, "Come on."

I open the door and pull her through.
I quickly fall back against the ground, gasping for air.

"Ivanna!" Clint shouts, rushing to my side, "You okay?"

I take his hand and pull myself up, "I hate my job."

He shrugs, "Can't help you there."

"Clint?" Natasha calls quietly.

"Hey, I'm right here." He says, pulling her to her feet.

"What happened?"

I nod to him and walk towards Steve, who seems to be shaking off what's left of his dream.

"Are you alright?" I ask, offering him a hand.

"I will be." He says, taking it and pulling himself up, he stumbles a bit, but I catch him, "What about you?"

"What about me?" I ask.

"Your nose is bleeding."

I reach up and run my hand under my nose, a small trail of blood rubs off onto it, "I'll be alright." I say, putting his arm over my shoulders to support him as we fumble out of the empty cargo ship.

I take my seat on the quinjet, slumping against the wall. I feel light headed, dizzy; I feel weak. I don't enjoy the feeling.

It only takes a few seconds for me to fall asleep.

"Hey." Someone shakes my shoulder, "Come on, wake up."

I open my eyes and stretch, "Where... where are we?"

"A safe house." Steve says.

"Okay." I mumble, attempting to get to my feet, but fumbling a bit.

"Need a hand?" He asks.

My head spins, "Yeah, that'd be nice."

He put my arm around him and helps me toward the farm house.

"I had a house like this." I say, looking at the fences, "I had horses too."

"Did you?"

"Yeah, they were jerks." I say. I remember it almost clearly, but my head keeps spinning.

"How are you feeling?" Steve asks.

"Weak." I mumble, "I hate it."

"I know the feeling." He says, "I hated it too."

We take on the small steps that lead to the front porch and into the house.

"This is a safe house?" Tony asks.

"Let's hope." Clint says, "Honey! I'm home!"

A woman, a pregnant woman, walks in. She looks as if she's going to give birth at any moment; she wraps her arms around Clint. She must be his wife.


He turns to us, "This is Laura."

She smiles and waves somewhat nervously, "I already know all of your names."

Tony looks at us, "She's some kind of agent."

Small feet tromp across the floor, "Daddy!" A set of children run down the stairs and wrap themselves around Clint.

"They are smaller agents."

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve says.

"Yeah, we would've called in, but we were busy having no idea you exist." Tony says.

Thor walks out almost instantly, and Steve leaves me leaning in a door way before casing after him.

"Are you alright?" Laura asks.

I look around me rather quickly, "Me?"
She laughs, "Yes."

I nod, "Yes, I'm just tired. Perhaps I could sit down."

"Make yourself at home."

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