Chapter Two: Settling in and learning rules

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During the first week of Indie being in the compound, living with the Avengers and getting used to this new life, Indie would always stay very close to Steve and did not want to leave his side. This did not bother Steve at all as he did expect this, however how Indie was going to behave in the next couple of weeks would test each of their patience. The Avengers very quickly knew that Indie was a perfect, understanding, patient, loving, loyal, kind, playful, mischievous and cheeky little girl with a massive personality and a whole lot of heart and would speak often of her parents and the types of missions and battles that she was involved in along with her powers as well. Everyone also could agree that Indie was such a joy to be around and had the most perfect and amazing sense of humor. 

It did not take long for Indie to get completely settled into her new environment; however, Indie would still be quite attached to Steve and would still follow him around constantly. This was due to the fact that Steve was the one that approached her first to check up on her to see if she was alright, asked to get to know her, comforted her and allowed her to sleep in his room. So naturally Indie was immediately drawn to Steve and became very attached.  

After exactly a month of The Avengers taking Indie in until they were able to find both of her parents, Indie had settled in perfectly and everyone was getting ready for bed. Once everyone did that, they said goodnight and headed their separate way to their own bedrooms. Indie and Steve did what they did each night, which was reading books together and talking until they felt tired. Once they got comfy, Steve gave Indie a massive hug and kissed her cheeks and forehead before saying goodnight with Indie doing the same thing before Steve turned off the night. This night in particular was going to be a very interesting night indeed.

After Indie and Steve had been sleeping for a good three hours, Indie started tossing and turning and then suddenly sat up breathing heavily. Indie then got out of bed and started looking around the room before calling out to her parents asking where they were. Steve immediately woke up and sat up when he realized that Indie was frantically walking around the room calling out to her parents. Steve immediately turned on the light, got out of bed, rushed over to Indie and pulled her into a hug while comforting her. 

When Indie realized that she had just woken up from a nightmare, Indie jumped into Steve arms, gripped onto him tightly and starting crying. "Hey Indie, shh, shh, shh, it's ok, I'm here, it's ok, just breathe, you just had a nightmare, you are safe with me, I'm here, you are safe with me Indie." Cap said while holding her tightly. 

After Cap was holding Indie for about a good five minutes, Steve got Indie to take a couple of deep breaths "Hey, Indie, I'm going to need to you look at me and we are going to take a few deep breaths. Just whenever you are ready sweetie." When Indie was ready, she copied Steve's breathing patterns until she started to calm down. After Indie calmed down, Steve just continued to sit on the floor and held and hugged Indie for another ten minutes. 

After ten minutes had passed, he stood up while still holding onto Indie and hopped back into bed and started to sing her one of his favorite songs which was Baby Mine from Dumbo. Steve felt Indie's whole body instantly relax and her breathing changed, and Steve gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. Once Steve finished the song, he laid down with Indie without letting her go and gently stroked her head. After Steve knew that Indie was fast asleep, Steve went back to sleep, while still being alert. Indie had been through so much that no one her age or anyone in fact should go through this, Indie was just trying to get though each day trying to find her parents. It truly was heartbreaking; however, everyone was still hopeful, and no one was going to give up or stop until both of them were found. When The Avengers went into battle, none of them expected it to lead to this, however they would not change it for anything.

The next morning, Steve woke up an hour before Indie, however he stayed in bed so that when Indie woke up, she would not be alone. After an hour had passed, Indie started waking up and when she opened her eyes, she immediately looked at Steve with the cutest smile. "Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?" Steve questioned. "Morning Steve, I'm feeling better, thanks for asking." Indie replied. "Wanna get some breakfast together?" Steve asked Indie. "Yes please" Indie replied. So with that, Steve got out of bed and picked Indie up and carried her into the kitchen where they got some breakfast. Steve sat Indie on a chair, and they enjoyed their breakfast together. 

As they were doing that the rest of the Avengers had woken up and made their way into the kitchen to get themselves breakfast as well. "Aww you look so adorable in your Marvel PJ's" the Avengers told Indie, as Indie and Steve decided to eat breakfast in their PJ's. (The Marvel PJs were a gift from Steve when she first arrived). After breakfast Indie and Steve made their way to their bedroom to get dressed and ready for the day. Of course, Indie being her mischievous and cheeky self, decided to be a little bit cheeky after she chose the clothes she wanted to wear. Indie decided to wait until Steve had finished getting ready in the bathroom and when he came out and saw Indie was still in her PJ's Indie said, "hey Cap, try and catch me." While laughing and started to run away when Steve started running after her. 

Even though Indie has super speed, Steve also had super speed, so he was able to catch up with her and when he did, Steve picked up Indie and started tickling her, while Indie was trying to escape Steve's grip. When Steve put her back down on the ground The rest of the Avengers decided to join in the fun. After they all had finished tickling her, Steve picked Indie up and put her over his shoulder and carried her to their bedroom. When they got back, Steve sat on their bed and got Indie dressed, as she kept trying to run away. 

When Steve eventually got Indie dressed, they joined the rest of the Avengers and decided what they were going to do for the day as they were able to take a break from missions and battles since taking Indie in. Indie really wanted to explore Tony's Iron Man suits so Indie, Tony and Steve went to where Tony kept all his Suits and gadgets. Indie was extremely impressed by all of Tony's gadgets and Tony allowed Indie to test out some of the gadgets. Indie wanted to stay in there for the whole day. 

Even though Indie did what she was asked and none of the Avengers had any problems with her not listening, that was all about to change. When it was dinner time, and everyone was sitting down at the table, Steve went to go and tell Indie that it was time for dinner. "Indie, dinner time sweetie." "No, I want to keep playing in her please." Indie responded. "I know you love spending time and playing in here, however it is time for dinner, and you can continue playing in here after you finish dinner." Steve told Indie.

Indie decided that she did not want to do that and decided to continue playing. Steve was patient and waited five minutes before asking her again. After five minutes Steve crouched down to her level and said "Indie, it's time for dinner please." Indie turned away from Steve and crossed her legs and folded her arms and had a very grumpy look on her face. "Hey what's that grumpy look for, I know and understand that you love playing in here, but you can play in here after dinner, come on please." Steve told Indie. Steve stood up and waited another five minutes before picking Indie up and carrying her to the kitchen table. Let's just say that Indie was not impressed at all. 

Steve sat down with Indie on his lap and tried to get Indie to eat some dinner. Indie obviously did not like this, so she was trying her hardest to try and leave the table. Indie was unsuccessful and after another fifteen minutes, Indie started to eat dinner, however not with a fork or a spoon, but her hands. "Can you please use a fork or a spoon Indie." Steve asked Indie. Indie just turned around to face Steve, rolled her eyes and went back to eating. Steve picked up Indie and sat her down on a chair next to him to see if she would stay there and eat with a fork or a spoon. 

However as soon as Steve did this and sat back down Indie grabbed a handful of food, stood up and walked slightly away from the table. "Indie, you need to sit down when you are eating please, come sit back down please." Steve told Indie. Indie ate her mouthful and immediately went under the table. Steve immediately pulled his chair away from the table and crouched down to where Indie was sitting. "Indie, you need to come out from under the table please." Steve asked Indie. "No!" Indie shouted. Steve then got Indie out from under the table and sat her back on his lap. Indie started to try to get out of Steve's grip but she was unsuccessful. Indie then started getting frustrated and started crying, simply because she wanted to play. 

Steve turned Indie around so that she was facing him and stood up and walked out of the room while carrying and comforting Indie. When Steve and Indie had walked out of the room, Steve asked Indie what was going on. "Hey, it's ok Indie, what's going on, how come you got upset all of a sudden?" "I just want to play." Indie stated. "I understand that you want to play, but it is dinner time, and you can go play after you have had dinner. I understand that you are getting used to doing things in a new environment, so what can I do to help." Steve asked Indie. "Well, my parents and I would always play games when we were eating for example words that started with each letter of the alphabet or we would make up stories and each one of us had to add a sentence to the story." Indie informed Steve. 

"Well would it make dinner times more fun if we played games together, like the ones that you mentioned?" Steve asked Indie. "Yeah!" Indie replied. So, Steve wiped the tears from Indie's face, and they went back to the table. Steve and Indie told the Avengers what Indie wanted to do at dinner time, and they thought it was a marvelous idea. Indie still did not want to eat with a fork or spoon, only her hands, since that was all that Indie was used to and informed Steve about it, so Steve would help Indie get used to using a spoon then a fork and would demonstrate to Indie how to use it and Indie got the hang of it quite quickly.

After dinner when everyone had washed up and cleared the table, they just watched a movie, played some board games and had some supper. Around two and a half hours after they had finished supper, Indie suddenly got hyper, and it just happened to be right before bedtime as well.... This is going to be interesting. "Right bedtime Indie." Steve informed her. "No, I'm too hyper right now. Just ten more minutes please." Indie replied. "Ok then, but only ten minutes, ok?" Steve replied. "Ok." Indie responded. After ten minutes had passed Steve informed Indie that her ten minutes were up and it was now time for bed, however Indie was having none of it.

Steve remained patient and would give Indie a chance to do it in her own time. When Steve asked Indie again, Indie responded with a sassy answer. "You're not the boss of me, I can do that I want, you can't tell me what to do." "I understand that you can do what you want, however I do not appreciate the tone you just used. I would like you to get ready for bed now please Indie." Steve replied in a calm but firm voice. Indie then ran to her room, slammed the door and sat down next to the bed. Steve waited ten minutes before going to check on Indie.

After ten minutes, Steve walked over to their room and knocked on the door and when Indie did not answer, Steve opened the door, walked in and closed the door behind him. Steve knew that Indie was in a grump, so he just sat on the left side of his bed and gave Indie a chance to come to him. After about fifteen minutes, Indie stood up and walked over to Steve while still not looking at him. Steve immediately picked her up, sat her on his lap and gave her a big cuddle. "Hey it's ok, what's up, what's that grumpy look for and the sassiness." Steve asked Indie. "I don't want to go to sleep, I just want to play, and I am too hyper." Indie replied. "Listen Indie, I understand that you are hyper, but we all know that if you get to sleep too late, you are grumpy the next morning and it is important that you get a good night sleep. Why don't we get our Pj's on and then we can read your favorite book together, how does that sound?" Steve informed Indie. "Ok" Indie replied. So Indie got their PJ's on and got ready for bed, Steve started to read Indie's favorite book together. When Steve finished reading the book, Indie was already fast asleep. Steve put the book on his nightstand, gave Indie hugs and kisses, turned off the light and went to sleep.

During the night there were periods where Indie woke up and told Steve that she was unable to sleep, however Steve was able to get Indie back to sleep within ten to fifteen minutes. The next morning when Steve and Indie woke up, they got breakfast and got ready for the day. Throughout the day Indie was playing with Cap's shield and Mjölnir (since she was worthy, which came as a shock to everyone but thought that was the most amazing thing ever) and was playing games outside on the grass areas around the compound as well as Indie showing and her powers in the games. After all of that playing Indie was exhausted, so Steve picked Indie up and carried her inside where he laid her down on a couch to have a nap. 

After around thirty minutes of Indie having a nap, she woke up and what she would say next would surprise everyone.... even Steve. "Loki, Loki where are you? Indie questioned. Steve immediately moved over to where Indie was lying down and sat her on his lap. "Indie, it's ok what's up, why are you calling out for Loki?" Steve questioned, obviously confused. Indie just looked at Steve, got off his lap and ran over to the window. Steve ran after her, got down to her level and said "Indie, what is going on, why are you calling for Loki." Steve questioned Indie again. "Loki's my dad." Indie replied.

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