The next morning after Indie woke up and got ready for the day, Steve asked Indie if she wanted to go on a run with him since they both had super speed and Indie was able to keep up. Once they decided where they were going, got their shoes on and told everybody where they were going, Indie and Steve headed off. Steve would always ask Indie if she wanted to come along with him and Indie loved going along with Steve. Steve and Indie would always have running races and of course Indie would always win each time. Steve and Indie would always run for an hour with breaks included since they both had the ability to not get tired or sore.
After about only five minutes, Indie called out to Steve "hey Steve would we be able to take a quick break" "yeah of course" Steve replied. "Thanks, sorry, I just need a minute" Indie replied. "No worries, take your time sweetie" Steve informed Indie. Indie sat down and almost lost her balance as she was sitting down "Woah, woah you ok Indie, you almost fell there" Steve questioned Indie with a worried tone. "Yeah, well I think so" Indie replied. "That's so weird that you are tired already as it has only been five minutes." Steve said. "Yeah, I don't know what's going on" Indie replied. After a ten minute break, Indie let Steve know that she was ready to run again, and Steve helped her up and made sure that she was ok before starting to run again. However, after only a minute, Indie had to stop again, and Steve instantly went to see if she was alright. Just as Steve approached Indie, her legs gave way, but Steve was quick to catch her "It's ok Indie, I've got you. Are you sure you're alright? Steve questioned. "Yeah, I'm just feeling lethargic all of a sudden, and both of my legs are really sore, like really sore" Indie informed Steve.
"OK well how about we don't do anymore running and go back home" Steve suggested to Indie. "Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?" Steve questioned. "Would you be able to carry me if that's ok, just because my legs literally cannot walk another step sorry." Indie told Steve. "Yeah of course Indie, you don't have to apologize. "Steve replied. "Thank you so much Steve" Indie said. "You're very welcome, anything for you Indie" Steve replied. So Steve picked up Indie and carried her back to the compound as it was only a five minute walk from where they were to the compound.
Once Steve and Indie arrived back home everyone instantly knew that something was wrong as Steve was carrying Indie. Loki and Ella rushed over to their daughter and asked, "What's wrong baby?" "Indie and I were just out for a run and after five minutes Indie asked me if we could have a rest and almost lost her balance as she was sitting down. After a ten minute break Indie told me that she was ready to run again so I helped her up and asked if she was alright before continuing. However, only after a minute of running, Indie stopped again and as I was rushing over to her, Indie's legs gave way, and I caught her. Then Indie told me that she literally could not take another step." Steve informed Indie's parents.
"That is really strange as Indie has never and I mean never ever had problems with her powers and abilities before." Loki said. "Yeah well should we get Bruce to run some tests to see what is going on?" Ella asked Indie. Indie just nodded her head as she was in a lot of pain. Steve, Loki and Ella all took Indie to see Bruce and started to run some tests to see if they could find out what the problem was and what they could do to help. Normally Indie hated needles, however Indie was in too much pain to be thinking about that. After Bruce gave Indie some medicine to help Indie with the pain, he went to look at the results. Tony was informed of this as he saw Steve carrying Indie when they got back from their run. Tony was helping Bruce with the tests as well.
Once Indie's pain went away, Tony asked if she could do a force shield to see if there was more than one of her powers that was playing up. Indie started to let out a force field, however as soon as Indie did this her force shield flickered and disappeared. Everyone including Indie had a confused look on their face so Tony asked Indie if she could fly and when Indie tried to, she seemed to have no control and would have trouble getting off the ground. Next was invisibility, Indie's Invisibility powers were perfectly fine and last was shapeshifting which was also perfectly fine. Everyone now knew what powers and abilities were playing up however no one still knew what was causing this.
Indie started getting upset as she was worried that she would not be able to use her powers and abilities again. "Hey, hey, hey, it's OK Indie we will figure this out I promise ok. Your powers and abilities will return back to normal I promise." Steve informed Indie. Indie reached out to her dad and Loki immediately pulled Indie into a hug and everyone comforted Indie. "It's ok baby, it's going to be alright. I know and understand that this is an uncertain time for you, but it's ok we will figure this out and your powers will be back to normal in no time" Ella and Loki reassured their daughter. "Indie guess what?!" Tony exclaimed. "What?" Indie replied. "I found the reason why you have problems with your powers. It is because your body is low in vitamin D. Yes, even though you are outside literally all the time, the low level are food related so you just need to eat more foods that are rich in Vitamins D then your abilities and powers will be back to normal." Tony informed Indie. Everyone, especially Indie could not be happier. Indie said a huge thank you for literally all of their hard work and Indie gave everyone hugs and kisses and vice versa. So for the next few weeks everyone made sure that Indie was getting enough Vitamin D in her diet. After two months Indie's abilities and powers returned back to normal, and Indie did not have any more problems.
A week later, Indie was outside doing some target training with her dad when Steve approached her. Indie obviously saw that Steve was coming, however she noticed that someone was walking next to Steve. "Indie, there is someone that I would love for you to meet. This is James Barnes also known as Bucky, not sure if you have heard about him or know him." Steve informed Indie. "Oh my goodness, I have always wanted to meet Bucky, I love Bucky." Indie exclaimed. Bucky then extended his hand out for Indie to shake and Indie shook it. "Well, it is great that you know Bucky Indie. Steve said.
"So, what are you doing?" Bucky questioned. "My dad and I are doing some target training. Wanna watch us." Indie informed Bucky. "Yeah sure, I would love to." Bucky replied. Steve also stayed and watched as well. "Wow Indie you are a superstar, absolutely perfect." Bucky told Indie. "Thanks Bucky!" Indie replied. Indie and Loki did target training for another thirty minutes. After Loki and Indie finished, they packed away everything that they had gotten out for their training session. "I would love to get to know more about you if that's ok with you Indie." Bucky told Indie. "Yeah of course." Indie replied.
Once everyone went inside, Indie and Bucky sat down, and Indie told Bucky all about her. Steve knew that inviting Bucky to the Avengers Compound to meet Indie was one of the most perfect ideas ever and knew that both Indie and Bucky would become instant besties. Steve was one hundred percent right as when Indie and Bucky had finished getting to know one another they literally did not even leave one another's side and got along perfectly. "So Steve, is Bucky just here for a visit or is he staying?" Indie asked Steve with a hopeful look and smile on her face. "Well Bucky was just here for a visit to meet you Indie, however I think Bucky is thinking on staying, you would have to ask him though." Steve informed Indie. Indie then turned to Bucky with a hopeful smile. "Yes Indie, Steve is right, I was just here for a visit to meet you, but I am staying." Bucky informed Indie. Indie started jumping up and down and gave Bucky a massive hug and Bucky gave Indie a hug back.
"Come on Bucky, let's go and find you a bedroom!" Indie exclaimed. So Indie and Bucky went to see what bedroom Bucky wanted to have. Bucky decided that he wanted the bedroom to the right of Steve's bedroom and Indie wanted the bedroom in between Steve's and Bucky's bedroom since Indie wanted to have a room of her own now. "Indie and Bucky went to go find everyone and informed them of the changes and everyone helped Bucky and Indie move into their bedrooms.
Indie had a tendency to act up when there was a new person around as Indie would get excited and forget the rules as the new person would not know the rules and would try to get away with this. Bucky would soon encounter this behavior of Indie.
After a week of Bucky being there, Indie started to act up. "Indie can you please come here and pick up all of the lego pieces that you were playing with before." Steve asked. Indie walked up to where she had been playing, looked at the lego, looked at Steve, rolled her eyes and said in the sassiest voice possible, "no you do it, not my problem." "Un excuse me Indie, you know that I do not appreciate being spoken to like that. Go and pick up all of the lego please." Steve replied. Indie just simple just started to kick and then proceed to throw the lego everywhere. Steve immediately stopped Indie, sat her down and said "you do not kick and throw lego around as you may hurt someone. I understand that you never like being told what to do, however the rule is that you put away what you have finished playing with it." Steve informed Indie.
Just then Bucky walked into the room and saw all the lego all around the room. "What's going on here?" Bucky questioned. "Well, I was just playing with lego and the rule is once I have finished playing with something I can just leave it there and someone else can clean it up." Indie informed Bucky. Bucky then turned to Steve with a confused look on his face and Steve told Bucky "No, Indie was just trying to get out of tiding up her mess as the rules are here that you put away what you have finished playing with. The rule does not only apply to Indie, but it applies to everyone else here as well." "Oh, I see, I thought that it was a bit odd and strange that Indie could just leave her toys lying around everywhere." Bucky replied. "And Indie has never liked being told what to do, therefore this is why there is lego pieces literally everywhere as Indie started to kick and throw all of the lego pieces when I had asked her to tidy up." Steve added. "You're not the boss of me, I do what I want!" Indie shouted. Before Steve or Bucky could say anything in return, Indie quickly ran out of the room, slammed the door and ran over to the couch where Loki and Ella were sitting and hid behind that couch.
Loki and Ella immediately looked to see why their daughter ran into the room and was hiding. Indie would always hide when she did something she was not supposed to do. Steve and Bucky came into the room soon afterwards and Steve told Indie's parents why Indie was hiding. "Indie come here please." Loki asked his daughter. "No" Indie simply said. "Come on, now please I would like to have a little talk with you, you are not in trouble I promise you; I would just like to have a little chat with you." Indie told his daughter.
Indie then emerged a minute later and stood in front of her dad with tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, it's ok come here baby." Loki told Indie in a soft and quite voice. Loki then picked up Indie, sat her on his lap and pulled her into a big hug. "Shh, shh, shh it's ok, you are not in trouble." Loki whispered while comforting his daughter. It was not the fact that Indie thought she was in trouble, it was because Indie did not mean to do what she had just done, and it was her way of showing how sorry she was. Loki and Ella would always wait until Indie calmed down to ask her questions about her behavior as this was easier and would always work this way and was the most efficient for their family. After ten minutes Indie calmed down and her dad started to ask her a few questions. "So Indie, why did you not want to listen to Steve apart from the fact that you never liked being told what to do." "I just wanted to play outside, and I did not want to waste time cleaning up, so I just left it and was not in the mood to clean up." Indie replied.
"It's ok I understand, thank you so much for telling me the reason. I understand that cleaning up does sometimes take a bit of time and you are not always in the mood to do it. Even sometimes your mum and I don't feel like cleaning up and that's ok." Loki informed Indie. "I'm sorry Steve that I did not listen to you and started to kick and throw the lego and got sassy and lied about the rules to try and get away with it." Indie apologized to Steve. "Thank you for apologizing Indie, I forgive you and I understand why you did it, it's ok." Steve replied. "And you know what Indie, you can teach Bucky the rules, so he knows it since you love teaching people new things." Loki suggested to his daughter. "I would love to learn the rules." Bucky exclaimed. So for the next five minutes Indie told Bucky all about the rules, while still hugging her dad.
After another ten minutes, Indie turned to Steve and stated, "I am ready to tidy up the lego now." So Indie went to tidy it all up. Once Indie had finished, she made her way back to where everyone else was. "Is all of the lego been tidied up and put away now?" Steve questioned Indie. "Yeah" Indie replied while nodding her head. Steve then gave Indie a high five, a hug and kisses.
Just then a message popped up and Indie ran over to open it and read it out to everyone. The message read
"Avengers, you have all been called into battle to fight Zolar and the infamous 100. Prepare yourself as this battle will be the biggest one yet. Zolar and his team are more powerful than any other villain you have faced so far, good luck. Signed T.E.A.M O.T.A.
Once Indie had finished reading the message, she quickly turned around so that she was facing her parents and asked, "May I please participate in this battle mum and dad?" "Yes you can come with us this time. However, you must stay with us no matter the circumstances." Loki and Ella informed their daughter. "Yay! I understand." Indie responded. Once everyone got changed, got what they needed they zoomed away in the Quinjet as fast as possible.
Once everyone arrived, they made a plan and got straight into it. The Avengers communication and teamwork skills were the main reason why they always succeeded at every mission and battle. Indie made sure that she stayed close to her parents throughout the whole battle. Just as Zolar and his team were about to be defeated, one of them threw a firebomb at them and Indie quickly ran, jumped up into the air and managed to divert the firebomb back to Zolar and his team and destroying every single one of them. However, when Indie landed back onto the ground the ground started to shake and break apart due to the force of the explosion. This caused Indie to suddenly slip and it all happened so quickly that she did not have any time to stop herself from falling and broke her right ankle and twisted her left ankle. Everyone instantly ran over to Indie who was clearly in a lot of pain. "What happened Indie, are you ok?" Loki questioned his daughter. "No, I landed funny as I did not have any time to stop myself from falling and I am pretty sure that I have just broken my right leg and twisted my left ankle" Indie responded.
Everyone immediately carried Indie back to the quinjet and headed straight home. Once Indie's pain levels went down Tony and Bruce did some x-rays and surely enough, Indie was correct. "You were right Indie; you have broken your right ankle and twisted your left ankle. Not to worry though you will only have to be in a cast and rest your legs for three months instead of the usual six months." Bruce told Indie. "You are so brave Indie, and you are doing an absolutely perfect job." Loki said while comforting his daughter while getting her cast on. "Don't worry Indie, those three months will go by in no time, I promise you, ok." Ella told her daughter. "There you go, all done Indie, so proud of you." Tony and Bruce praised Indie. "I know but now I won't be able to go along and participate in missions and battles for those three months." Indie said while hugging her dad and crying.
"Hey, Hey, Hey, it's ok, I know and understand that this is difficult, upsetting and frustrating for you, but it's going to be alright." Loki said while hugging and comforting his daughter. Indie just buried her face into her dad's chest and let it all out. "That's it, it's ok, just let it all out." Loki and Ella whispered to their daughter while comforting her. Loki and Ella then both stood up and walked out of the room so that Indie was able to take her mind off it all. As Loki and Ella where comforting Indie, Steve approached them and sat down on the right side of Loki. "Hey Indie, how is it going, how are you feeling." Steve quietly whispered to Indie. "Good, I am feeling a lot better now after letting all my emotions out." Indie replied. "That's absolutely perfect to hear Indie." Steve replied and gave Indie a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You know what Indie, I have something really cool, amazing and special to show you." Steve told Indie. Indie then lifted her head off her dad's chest and said, "what is it?" Indie asked Steve, sounding very intrigued.
"Well, you will have to follow me and find out." Steve replied with a massive smile on his face. Indie immediately reached both of her arms out to Steve, and Steve instantly picked her up and started walking over to where the surprise was. "So where are we going?" Indie questioned Steve again hoping to get an answer. "Somewhere special, you will just have to wait and see sweetie." Steve responded. It was not long before Steve and Indie came across a door that Indie literally had never ever seen before. "I have literally never ever noticed this door before, where does it lead to, this was not one of the areas that you told me about?" Indie asked Steve, clearly confused and interested. "Well, that is because it had been a very top-secret room until now." Steve responded. Steve then opened the door to reveal this top secret room which turned out to be an energy releaser room filled with climbing frames, beams, ropes to climb up, multiple swings, a ball pit, a foam pit, a mat area and a whole bunch of storage with way more stuff that could be added to every single area of the room.
"Wow, this is LITRALLY my dream room!" Indie exclaimed, throwing both of her hands in the air in excitement. "I knew what you would absolutely love it. Tony decided when you first arrived to build it for you, however Tony literally just finished completing it last night. Steve then walked into the room with Indie, closed the door and showed Indie around. Indie was completely speechless. Once Indie and Steve had finished exploring the room, they went and told everyone about it.
For the next three months, everyone helped Indie when needed as well as helped Indie to get all of her strength back in both of her legs. After a full week after the three months, Indie got all of her strength back and was always spending time in the energy releaser room. "I thought I might find you in here." Steve said when he walked into the room and saw Indie having the time of her life in there. "Yeah of course, where else would you find me." Indie said with a smile and a laugh. "Wanna see what I can do?" Indie asked Steve. "Yeah sure, I would absolutely love to." Steve replied. Indie
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