Chapter 4- Kitten

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"Jin hyung, I heard another voice here, is there any guest?" Hoseok said walking down the stairs, profesionally.

Before Jin could even reply, loud footsteps echoed through the halls.

"HOSEOK HYUNGG!!~" Hoseok then heared a male yelled before he fell down, with a boy hugging him tightly.

"Jimin?" Hoseok said surprised seeing his cousin, who's back from the states, he hugged the male back tightly, like his life depends on him. The male just smiled cutely, his eyes now looking like smol crescents.

"Surprise Hyungiee~~" Jimin cooed seeing his hyungs surprised face.

"Agh, since when do you do surprises? I thought you hate them" Hoseok said, his voice deeper than ur butthole.

"Oh hush, don't you miss me though" Jimin said with a cute pout, knowing its Hoseok's  weakness he added some aegyo causing him to groan.

"When did your plane land? You could've called me to pick you up" He said standing up still hugging the male, yes. Hugging. Theyre pretty close though, their relationship as cousin is stronger than your relationship. jk

"Well the plane landed at 5:30am but I arrived here at 7, I knew youre busy with work so I called Y/n to pick me up instead".
"Speaking of her, how's your relationship with Y/n though and where is she now? I haven't heard anything from her, since you went to LA" Hoseok said, sitting down on his couch with Jimin together with, Taekook and Jin.

"Were still strong, she's at the kitchen right now preparing snacks, and oh How's the company doing?"
"I'm back in position now and the company is doing better than ever, I got new more employees since 5% of them resigned because of the substitute, sales for this month increased by a ton though other than that, I have a personal secretary."

There goes his Jimin mode again, he wiggled his eyebrows at his hyung with a smirk. "Who is this personal secretary of your" He smiled annoyingly


"What do you mean he's you're ex. "

"I told you, We broke up 5 years ago! How could you not remember"

"Welp sucks to be you, he is on his way here already along with his bestfriend" Hoseok ended their tiny argument. As Jimin frowned

"YOU. DID. NOT-"He got cut off by the sound of the doorbell echoing through the Mansion, Jimin curses under his breath, he hasn't seen his him since the day they broke up, he cut all connections between them hopefully this won't be awkward.

"Welp, you said a couple of minutes ago that you wanted to meet my personal secretary , Goodluck" Hoseok just patted his head as he opened the door, leaving the frowning male with the others.

"Good Morning Sir" Yoongi said as he bowed, together with his bestfriend.

"Nope, not too formal, we're not on work just call me Hoseok" Hoseok smiled, before gesturing them to enter.

Yoongi's POV

I was surprised when Namjoon greeted and bowed to Hoseok too, I mean Tae and Kook worked for him, theres a chance he could also be working for him.

I just shrugged it off as Hobi gestured us to enter.
As every korean household, rich or not, you need to take your shoes off before you step inside a house.

I took my time to look around his mansion, the interior design was so beautiful, Gold, silver and black filled every inch of his house.

Hoseok leaded the way through his living room with us following behind, Namjoon looked like he often comes here.

Yoongi stopped in his tracks, seeing a familiar short boy in front of him, sitting in one of the couch with a girl, who seemed to be his girlfriend.

Yoongi noticed that his bestfriend weren't in his side anymore, he saw him beside a male, holding hands.

"Yoongi? Are you alright?" Hoseok broke the tension.

Yoongi just nodded in response, speechless, seeing his ex boy in front of him with a girl.

The tension build up again, making the surrounding awkward.

They talked a bit, apparently that girl beside Jimin was really his girlfriend for 4 years to be exact, and they also  mentioned Jimin being Hoseok's cousin on his mothers side.

I also found out her name was Y/n, she was the girl who gave me money and said my music inspired her, i don't think she still remembers me though.


There has been a slight confusion but to clear things up.

Taekook, Namjin and Jimin has a house at the Jung residence. Well they of course have a house outside it since they couldn't just bring anyone inside Hope residence without Hoseok's permission. Not even their close friends.

(Namjoon as Hoseoks driver..)

Y/n was  Hoseok's childhood friend.

Jimin moved to states together with his brother, a year after their break up.

Hoseok moved his family out of the Hope residence since its getting dangerous around the area. Many other companies are on their tail.

Every employee and workers were told not to leak any simple information about the CEO, even his name, everyone knew him as J-hope.

No locals has ever seen his face, he always carry sunglasses with him. He doesnt even go bare faced around the company.

His company isn't located in Seoul, in fact it is located in Gwangju. Where Hoseok grew up.



After a while the thick tension around them started to fade, they were comfortable with each other, well not for Yoongi since he was still not so familliar around here.

Jin stared onto everyones soul, like him sending a signal.

Y/n was the first one to make an excuse, along with Jimin, saying they were tired.

The others followed and soon enough.

Yoongi and Hoseok, found them selves sitting on his couch dumbfounded.

Well we all know Hoseok is a sweet guy, but it's more common seeing his duality, especially in split seconds.

Yoongi caught himself staring at the younger male in front of him who seemed to be drowned by his thoughts.

"Do you know cpr?" Yoongi stated randomly, startling Hoseok.

"Uh.. yes?" Hoseok replied confused

"Because I need it as you take my breath away" Yoongi finishes with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, he didnt know where that came from.

"Well that pick up line is great" Hoseok said with faint pink cheeks as he sat down closer to Yoongi.

Yoongi noticed and he started backing away, but Hoseok was too quick to pull him, having their faces inches away from each other.

They talked so much about things that are making them all shy and flustered.

Before they knew it Yoongi was now sitting very close to Hoseok. Skin to skin.

"You remind me of a kitten, earlier you said cats eat birds, but can you eat my big birdy here" Hoseok's whispered in Yoongi's ear, causing him to cringe.

He can't just make Yoongi all flustered, time to do the work.

The heat in the room was rising.

Their faces so close and their lips touc-



We just had Sope moment.

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