Chapter 2- We've met

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Yoongi's POV

"Goodmorning Yoongi I have amazing news. I heard that we got the REAL CEO back in position and they kicked out the lazy ass substitute" Mark, My co worker bestie said.

"Really? Thats  amazing! That old hagg is finally gone, he made me do all the company work over the most stupidest reasons. Thankfully he didn't last long in this company." I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

I have never met the REAL CEO since I joined the company a month ago... They said that he went on vacation to spend more time with his family. While he was away  I got promoted to be the CEOs personal assistant when he comes back. Hopefully I won't lose my precious position when the  CEO comes back from vacation...

We decided to set up our lil boys 'night out' in my backyard since its more peaceful and private than the public city bar.

Only my bestest and closest friends were present, Namjoon my childhood bestie, Mark, Kai, and Johnny are also present along with Tae and Kook..

We talked and laughed so much 'almost' ripping our tongue off.

We talked about work, love life, problems, and mostly just catching up on each others life news.

I groaned tiredly seeing my friends passed out in my living room. I really am glad that I have high tolerance in alcohol, although I am a bit tipsy and dizzy.

I yawned and stretched my body for a bit then moved on to cleaning. I cleaned a bit of the mess because we dont want those nasty cockroaches and rats crawling everywhere. After cleaning I grabbed some spare pillows and blankets at the guest's room for them and called it a night.


Yoongi's POV

"Good Morning hyung" Namjoon woke up with a dried drool on his face after I got out of the bathroom. I said goodmorning and told him to go away and clean his drool. I also then told Namjoon to go wake them up while I make their hangover soup.

Soon enough, Johnny woke up followed by Kai, Mark then Tae and Kook woke up at the same time. We drank the soup and talked for a bit not forgetting to thank me for the soup. Johnny washed the bowls and spoons we used. They all then took some pain killers after.

After everything was cleaned off, my friends bid goodbyes and went on their separate ways to start their day.

My dearest friend Namjoon decided to stay a bit because he wants to chit chat with me for awhile who's currently zoning out rn.

"Okay, you've been staring at the wall for quite a while now, tell me whats going on inside your cute little head" Namjoon started crossing his legs.

"It's just this new neighbo-" I say looking at Namjoon

"You got a new NEIGHBOR!?"

"SHUSH!! And yes but theyre a fami-"

"AW COME ON!!" Namjoon interuppted me for the  second time and earned an 'if you interrupt me again I'll cut your dick off" glare from me causing him to shut up and did a signal for me to continue.

"Y E S  there IS a new neighbor, they mentioned that they are the 'Jung'-" I started


"Namjoon I swear to god!! Let me get to the end and stop interrupting me!" I added. "Sorry Yoonie, now continue"

"And yes they are the Jung family plus they are really gorgeous though"... I said nonchalant.

"OMG, are you serious!? They are like the most kind and richest and most famous family in the whole entire World wide world!" Namjoon exclaimed

(A bit exaggerating but ignore it)

"Really?? How?? What do they do for living?" I asked, getting quite curious now.

"Well... The mother is a Model, the father is an Actor, their eldest child is the CEO of the biggest company in the Whole Asia and they also have a twin that are both Professional Doctors and runs their own hospital" Joon said happily, "Woahh really??" Yoongi exclaimed and his bestie just nodded

"So tell me what's on your mind", Namjoon asked again... "Well yesterday they went here to say Hi saying they were new in the neighborhood and stuff, then their son who I believe is their eldest child came after them with a bag of hot cookies in his hands but, the ones holding it is still hotter and fresh-".

"What the fuck Yoongi, I thought you were STRAIGHT!!"

"I AM" Yoon hissed

"well clearly NOT by how you said it" Joon rolled his eyes.

"Come on Joon!!"

After their dumb argument Yoongi decided to do groceries after he drop off Namjoon to his house...


It was finally monday.
And today is the day, Yoongi would meet the REAL CEO, exactly what Mark and him talked about yesterday.

Yoongi got up, freshened up to look more alive, grabbing his suit that was provided by the company.... He ate his sandwich and grab Holly to drop his baby off to Kook and Taes house..

"Morning Mark" Yoongi greets and the other greets back, a lil too busy preparing for the CEOs return.

Yoongi got to his office, he had nothing to do until he was ordered so he cleaned up his mess and sat down.

He then heard an announcement.

"Everyone, Please gather at the lobby"

He heard Marks voice echoing through the corridors followed by multiple footsteps including his..

Yoongi was pushed in the back by those 'girls' in the company. He didn't complain and took his time to look around. He saw all the beautiful designs and a big

"WELCOME BACK MR. JUNG " in the middle of the room,  That was not there when I got here. Yoongi thought.

There he saw a black limousine outside the building. His heart beating faster than ever.. Then he slowly made his way down the stairs at the main ground to get a better view.


Today he will be back in position in his company, after his long vacation, he just wanted to spend more time with his family since all of them are ALWAYS busy..

He soon then got a call from the company saying everything is already ready, he knew it was his cue to go.

On their way to the company using a limousine he realised that his people blocked the road on the way to the company, that answers his question 'why the road was quiet when it's literally rush hour in the whole city'

He looked out of the window peeking on the curtain seeing so much people with cameras waiting for his arrival.

His driver informed him that they had already arrived, and soon enough a guard of his, opened the door wide before bowing..

He got out of the car, removing his glasses throwing them in the car but kept his mask on, he walk through the entrance with full fierce and confidence followed by his right hand and his bestfriend.

"Welcome back CEO Mr. Jung " everyone greeted him in unison before they bow.

"Good Morning everyone, I hope that all of you had eaten your breakfast, all ready and fine to start the day, Thank you for your hard works.., I'm sorry about the substitute, I heard a lot of complains saying he is an asshole.. I apologize on his behalf, Please stay hydrated, inform me if anything happens, I'll send help right away, Thank you and Goodluck"
He greeted back, smilling at them, he's a Sunshine.

His company is named as HOPES

No one ever knows what's going on inside that company.


"Morning Mark, I have read all the files you gave me and I heard I have a new personal secretary, You may send him in so I can discuss some things to him" Hoseok said.

Hoseok sat in his office alone, with a calming music in the background, the only guards are outside those thick double doors..

He soon then heard a knock and replied with a "come in".

He saw his guard open the door and soon entered a boy he didnt expect..





Chapter 2 complete.
Not to mention Jung Family is really REALLY famous WORLDWIDE!!.
I'm speachless today🌞

Day 2 of the concert ended...

(Don't want to remove these from 2 years ago since they are valuable memories of mine)

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