Part 9

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Negative: Prepare for trouble.

Positive: *sliding out from behind* And make it double!!

Sabre: *falling out of his game chair* AAAAH-

~ Next ~

Nightmare: Hey, do you have a bag I could 'borrow'?

Negative: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they're specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence

Nightmare: Literally all you had to do was say no

~ Next ~

Galaxy: *sees a wanted poster with his face on it* I'm wanted? That's a first!

~ Next ~

Dark: Murder is never the answer..

Shadow: I guess so, yes

Dark: It's an equation, happiness is the answer

Light: daRK NO-

~ Next ~

Ghost: *appears behind them* Hey


Galaxy: *screams*

Negative: Every time!

Sabre and Rainbow: *shrieking in laughter*

~ Next ~

Nightmare: Ok, so, you have to write 10 things you love

Positive: *hands in paper*

Nightmare: Who the heck wrote Ghost 10 times?!?

~ Next ~

Rainbow: Galaxy is late

Sabre: How did this happen? I had Nightmare call him at 8 this morning and pretend it was 11

Light: I printed out that fake schedule saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon

Time: I set all of his watches and clocks to say PM when it's really AM

Rainbow: Oh boy. We may have overdone it

Galaxy: *bursts in the room* WHAT THE HECK TIME IS IT?!?

~ Next ~

Elemental: Negative, I have a crush on you

Negative: *blank stare* ....*pulls out UNO reverse card*

~ Next ~

Someone: What's the worse part about being a dad?

Sabre: the kids


Dark: *t-posing in the doorway* Good morning parental figure

Sabre: *without looking up from his book* Good morning emo child

~ Next ~

Sabre: Okay, left foot red!

Nightmare: *kicks a Red Steve with his left foot*

Sabre: Right hand green!

Nightmare: *punches Plague Steve with his right hand*

~ Next ~

Galaxy: *glowing*

Void: *walks by and stops* Wha-

Galaxy: *smiling* I swallowed a flashlight!

~ Next ~

Galaxy: Did you know chocolate is a salad?

Sabre: *was sleeping* I DON'T NEED SLEEP I NEED ANSWERS-

Time: *rising from his rest* Cocoa beans grow on trees, chocolate is made out of cocoa beans, so theoretically speaking, chocolate is a salad

Negative: *crying* please shut the frick up

Positive: *hugging Negative* I guess you could say...leaf him alone-

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