17. This Is Getting Worst

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Harry’s POV

“In every time you’re going to answer me or talk to me call me ‘Sir’.” I’m talking from my mouth neither from my heart nor from my mind. “Understand?”

“Yes.” She breathes.

“Yes what?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Now come with me.” I walked before her, and she’s following me. I looked at my back, to her face, but she’s not looking at me. She’s just looking on her way.

“Uh, Jennifer, you can have a 2-meter distance away from me, it’s awkward, and we’re not a couple.” Ok, that made me feels as STUPID as in CRAZY STUPID.

She just nodded and stops walking. She waited until we’re exactly 2 meters away from each other. This girl.

We went for the groceries, I let her carry the basket and pick everything I’m asking her to pick. I know she feels like quite exasperating right now, I don’t care. She’s now carrying 2 baskets. It’s obviously heavy but I don’t want to help her.

I know I’m so mean, rude, call me everything you want to call me, but I’m doing this so that she can’t be running away from me. I’m afraid that one day she’ll fly away leaving me with nothing. This is the only way I know to make her stay with me. This is not permanent; this is only a pretty game to play.

We went home at 7 pm, I sat down the couch, and Jennifer’s about to sit also but,

“Jen, cook for our dinner, I don’t want to order food tonight, I want you to cook. Since you’re learning something, show it to me.”

“Yes sir, right away.”

She stood up and went to the kitchen. After a moment, I heard a ruckus sound from where she is. And I found her with all the utensils scattered on the floor, the vegetables too, all of them, it’s all a mess. I shook my head and walk inside.

“What the hell are you doing Jennifer?” I raised my voice.

“I’m so sorry Har—I mean sir.” She’s not looking at me because she’s busy picking everything scattered on the floor. Will I help her? Of course NO!

“I’m giving you 20 minutes to prepare FOR MY DINNER, it means you’re not going to eat.” I walked out and slammed the door so hard. She’s so annoying sometimes.

Jennifer’s POV


Okay, calm down Jennifer, breathe, and don’t cry, you’re tough, you can do this, just deal with him, don’t mind him.

But the truth is, I can’t breathe and I want to cry, I’m not tough and I can’t do this. I can’t deal with him like this. He became rude to me, he’s so evil. And he just gave me 20 minutes to prepare HIS FOOD. I buried my face on my palm and started crying because I really don’t know what to do now. I don’t know how to cook, and if I don’t cook for him, he’s going to scold me like I’m nothing to him, like I’m a full stranger. He’s hurting me.

He came back and he found me sitting on the counter stool still had tears in my eyes. I looked at him and he’s scowling at me. Oh god, I didn’t do anything. It’s a big trouble again.

“Where’s my food?” he asked sternly as he’s walking towards me.

“I’m very sorry. . . I cooked nothing, I’m so sorry Sir.”

“Damnt it Jennifer, 20 minutes aren’t enough? It’s too much.” I breathed so hard. “Get out of my face right now!”

“I’m really sorry, it won’t hap—”

“I said get out of my face right now!” he sways his hand pointing the kitchen door for me to go out.

I took a deep breath infront of him before I went out the door crying. I headed to my room and buried myself on the bed.

“Why are you being so mean to me Harry, I just went out with Ryan twice and you’re acting so much. I didn’t also know that you’re fighting because of me. I was so stupid of trusting him. And now, I’m slowly dying because I can feel that you don’t love me anymore. You know what, I’m ready to let you feel my love too, but you’ve changed, you’re not the Harry I’ve known before.”

I’m talking like crazy in here; I just can’t take it anymore. He really changed, I hope you’ll come back to me again Harry, the old Harry whom I know he loves me, the one I kiss good night, the one who’s my inspiration and the one who I only give my heart with.

Please come back Harry.

Harry’s POV


I secretly followed her to her room and stayed outside. Am I right of what I’ve heard? She’s gonna love me too finally! But yeah, she’s right I’ve changed, but not totally changed. I just want her to see and learn that it’s hard to show to the person you love how hurt you’re rejected, how hurt you’re not loved back.

I took a deep breath before I entered to her room. I’m in because I want to see if she’s okay or not. Of course she’s not okay; you’re really an idiot Harry.  But then again,

“Hey, I just want to remind you that you’re going to wake up at 5 am tomorrow to prepare my breakfast, be sure that you’re going to cook something, not nothing because I have to go out at six. And don’t forget to wake me up.”

She sat up on her bed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

“Yes sir.”

“Okay, good night.”

She just gazed at me, but a second later, she snapped and looked down. “Good night Harry.” I heard her soft whispers. I want to hug her and comfort her, say sorry that I’m not really doing this that I’m also hurt seeing her making all of the things she deals with me. But I’m holding myself back. It’s better for us to be like this Jennifer.

To be honest, I don’t have anywhere to go at six. And actually am waking up now before she wakes up. It’s just only 4:30 am; I walked in her room and found her peacefully sleeping. I caress her face softly and slowly so I won’t wake her up. I kissed her forehead and whispered “I’ll never stop loving you.” Before I kissed her lips.

I decided to go for a walk on the seashore, the wind blows so cold, it makes me shiver, and it makes me need someone to hug. I looked at her room, and her lights are already on. She’s definitely awake now. Sh*t I should go to my room she’s going to wake me up.

I ran so fast as I could to reach my room, but when I opened the front door, I saw her standing straight infront of me like she’s seen a ghost. Okay, think an alibi Harry! As in now!

“I didn’t wait you to wake me up. Because I know you’re going to be late too. And I’m right, you’re 10 minutes late.”

“Sorry sir.” Apology accepted for a beautiful lady.

“Sorry sir, it won’t happen again. I don’t want to hear those words from you no more. It’s irritating.”

She opened her mouth and about to talk but she immediately closed it again. She turned around and head straight to the kitchen.

“Jennifer!” I called her louder. “Don’t cook, I’ll cook.”

“No sir, it’s my job I have to do it.” I can’t really stop you.

Jennifer’s POV

I’m cooking spaghetti. And of course, I have a cook book beside me. I want it to be perfect so he can’t be so disappointed and be angry to me again. The sauce is now boiling, it’s time for the cheese to join in, but I accidentally touch my skin on the super hot pan, unconsciously, I tapped my left hand on the handle and it throws all over my body. It’s so hot, like really hot, by body is now actually burning. The sauce were puddles on the floor, I made a mess again. I tried to pick the pan up but it’s totally hot. My palm burnt too, so I dipped it in the water.

I heard footsteps heading towards here and the kitchen door open. It’s Harry, oh crap!

“What’s the meaning of this mess again Jennifer? You’re really clumsy, so careless. Everything you do is imperfect. Are you not learning from what I’ve taught you before?” I gasped, hearing his manly angry voice.

“Oh yea, of course you didn’t because all you knew is about flirting with Ryan.”

Flirting with Ryan

Flirting with Ryan

Flirting with Ryan

So, this thing is all about “Flirting with Ryan” that’s why he’s acting like this now. I looked up the ceiling trying to hold my tears back. And when I feel that they’re not going down, I looked at him and sighed. I took the pot holder and picked up the pad and put it on the sink.

“Screw it, just leave it there, you go upstairs and change your clothes. You’re a mess.

The way he said it, like I’m really a mess. Okay, if I’m a mess, I’m a mess.

He’s already frustrating. I took out the paper and the pen. I’m going to write my emotions. Because if I scream, he’ll be going to scream at me back.

Hey you! You know what, you’re now devastating. I don’t know why I choose to be here with you still. Okay, I know the reason it’s because I LOVE YOU, yes I do. But the way you treat me like your maid, it’s too much. I would rather stay with no one than to stay with you like this. And if you continue doing this to me, I’ll leave you, I really do, because everything you’re telling me remains inside my heart and it hurts me a lot.

Ugh, no, not this thing. I don’t like it. I crumpled the paper and threw it on the floor. Another one.

If you’re acting like this because I’ve dated Ryan, sorry, I’ve already said my apologies to you but you never did listen to me. What did I really do to make you feel like this? To hurt me like this, to oppress me like this? I don’t remember such a thing to cause you to be like this. You’re like a devil, the worst ever Harry!

“If you wanna leave, the door is freely open.” Oh crap! He reads it.

“Give that back to me.” I slightly raised my voice, and I feel so sorry doing that.

He shook his head, folds the paper and put it in his pocket.

“Leave if you want to, leave me alone! But remember this, once you stepped your feet out of the front door you will never ever come back in here again!” he screamed, and then he walks out slamming the door so hard.

I closed my eyes, I should’ve never written that thing. But I didn’t also control my emotion, that’s why. This is getting worst!

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