Chapter 44: Becca

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I talked to Jake a few days ago, it was about Kyler.

“Jake please let Kyler come along with us this weekend. We can make it a whole group thing."

"Becca I wanted to spend time with just you."

"Have you seen Kyler lately? This is just what he needs. Please?" I widened my eyes because I knew he wouldn't be able to resist.

He sighed, "Fine, but Sunday and Friday I get you all to myself."

I smiled, "Deal."

Friday I had to cancel on Jake, my father had been hit coming home from work and was in the hospital. Jake didn't care, he wanted to be there with me. So I spent my time asleep curled up on Jake in the hospital. Saturday my father had to stay there but my mom and Jake both suggested I went bowling like planned.

Eveyone was there and Jake had invited a close girl friend of his. Kyler seemed to be interested in her, she flirted her butt of with him, and since Kyler didn't know her too well he didn't flirt back, but he smiled at her alot. Shane and Brittany were just too cute! She would kiss him, and he would kiss her back, and they had a little warr between themselves. Julie and Miranda melt my heart. Miranda is so much more shy than Julie and Julie is always grabbing Miranda and stealing her away. Miranda actually started poking Julie first and they both laughed so hard and I swear one time they were going to kiss, they resisted though. Jake held onto me practically the entire time. Then I got this bright idea of playing tag teams in laser tag, because that was so much fun last time. We all had a partner, which of course was our date. Shane and Brittany won surprisingly because I found them kissing each other so much. Julie got really annoyed, and Miranda cooled her down. Kyler and Sam (the friend) kept smiling at each other and they went to go play arcade games. My mind was preoccupied with my father but I didn't think it was that apparent. Jake saw that it was getting me down and he grabbed me, saying that it was going to be alright and that I was going to meet his parents on sunday. I had to enjoy my time now. When we were eating Miranda and Julie both excused themselves. I didn't notice they were gone until I found them. I was taken off guard when I found Miranda staring at Julie and Julie leaning against a wall staring down at Miranda. They both turned around when they heard footsteps.

"I'm so sorry." I said stunned and walked quickly away.

When I got back Jaker saw my facial expression "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, everything's fine." I said, he kissed my head anyway. Then he tightened up.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Alice is here with a bunch of people." he said whispering in my ear.

"Crap." I sighed.

"Well well well look what we got here girls." Alice said. "You both are so pathetic. Jake I was the best thing that you ever had. I thought your low was dating my best friend. I see I was wrong, why would you date a loser like her?"

I stared up at Alice and her little clique. I was so angry... I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. "Stop it." I yelled.

"Oh look who has guts now. Are you going to threaten me? Because that's all you ever do."

I chuckled and hid my face as if I were about to cry and then I just snapped. I swung my hand across her face and she fell. I stood atop of her and was about to get on top of her but I thought that was too far so I just said "Wanna talk to me like that again?"

Alice was on the floor crying. I just took Jake's hand, making him get up and took his face in my hands. I turned his head a certain degree and kissed him hard right in front of Alice.

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