Counting The Losses

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My body's so tense I feel like it'll snap in half.

Holy sh*t. He killed her father.

Cole's brother starts laughing at whatever expression's on her face and her growling. His dad looks like he's enjoying this. "Want to play?" he says.

I don't think he was prepared for the ferocity they attack with, but he quickly recovers. We hear him yell at some of his pack to "kill the humans too," just before he and Cole start fighting. Cole's dad is ancient with centuries of fighting experience, but Cole's silver wolf is an even match so far.

I hold my breath as I watch Dad battle two shifters. They're in wolf form, and Dad's large brown wolf rips into the neck of one. The wolf shifts to human form, trying to heal, but it's no use. Dad now focuses on the other.

Twenty-two left.

My eyes search for Sang. She can only heal in human form so she's going without shifting as long as possible. I find her with Nathan and Gabe's wolves at her sides as they fight four wolves. She's strong and is able to push one off that lunges on her. Victor's wolf takes over fighting it. Silas has his back to her fighting three at once. He hasn't shifted. He seems to like the challenge, picking up his attackers and hurling them across the lawn.

I hear Al yell something and press my face to the window, watching as two wolves stalk to the porch. He and Joe fire several shots, aiming at the necks. What they don't see is the one coming from the side ready to jump over the railing and onto the porch. I'm about to yell, but June runs out and shoots, forcing him back for the moment.

Cole nicknamed the house the Alamo. It's our last stand of defense and where I'm supposed to stay.

I glance over at Mom and Sang's Grandma. They're focused on the fighting, guns ready if anyone makes it past the porch. I'm surprised Mom's not shaking. She's never held a gun before today.

I won't let anyone hurt her.

The two wolves at the bottom of the porch steps shudder and shift. Al and Joe finish them off. My stomach churns at the sight. Gross.


I look back over at Sang. She's crouched next to Nathan, touching his leg, a dead shifter beside him. He nods and she moves out of the way as he jumps back up and shifts, taking on the next wolf.


Owen's scary to watch. His wolf is so intimidating. I can feel the electricity vibrating off him from here. He and North and Kota are surrounded by several shifters that attack, including Levi's wolf.

It's such a blur that I can't keep up with who's who.

Luke and Sean are nearby going head to head with shifters. Luke's wolf lets out a strangled yelp as he's bitten in the neck and falls to the ground. The wolf stands over him as Luke shifts, but his wound is too severe. Joe starts yelling and steadily strides over to them, firing his rifle at the wolf that attacked his nephew and forcing him off Luke.

Sang looks in their direction and rushes over, immediately putting her hands on Luke's shredded neck, the blood pumping between her finger. Her focus is entirely on Luke, depending on Joe to keep Luke's attacker away.

He does.


I'm mesmerized as I watch the blood stop pumping out and his neck stitch back together. Sang and Joe lift him up and drag him to the house as he slowly comes to. I rush to the door to help them bring him in. He looks stunned, but at least he's not dead.

They dump him on the nearest chair to recover and run back out, covered in blood.

"Are you okay, Luke?"

He gives me one of his goofy grins. "Never better."

A side window shatters as a wolf jumps through and lands in the living room. Luke jumps up as though he's completely recovered and hurls himself at it, taking them both back out the window it came through.

When I get to the broken window and look out, Luke's gone and a dead shifter lays on the ground.


The odds are getting better.

My world is suddenly shattered by Mom's scream, "Ethan!!!"



I've become the target of two huge wolves. And they can fight.

My wolf and I rely on every bit of strength and experience we can muster. From the corner of our eye, we can see Luke's wolf making his way over to help from across the yard, looking panicked. Damn, does it look that bad? I also see Sang bent over an unconscious Silas. Sh*t. I hope he'll be okay.

We shake one of the wolves off me, throwing him next to his buddy. He snaps right back up and we face off with them, snarling.

Holly's voice pierces through all the fighting as she screams my name. It's a warning scream. Before we can turn, we're crushed to the ground as a wolf lands on top of us from behind, tearing into the side of our neck. Our heart thunders with panic as the other two join him and start shredding our throat. We feel the blood rush out and suddenly feel very heavy as everything turns to black.

I force my last thought before I'm gone.



I lov-...

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