The park was quiet save for the few families haveing a picnic on the nice sunny day, on a very very large picnic blanket sat; Kaito and Kōshi Kamitani with their 4 year old son Kōu Kamitani, Kei and Shōyō Tsukishima with their 2 year old son Ryoku, Tetsuro and Sora Kuroo with their 4mth old baby girl Yuki along with Kenma who was busy showing Ryoku how to play the nintendo switch
Bokuto and Akaashi had joined the three families plus Kenma, letting the kids go off to play catch with Bokuto, Kuroo, Kaito and Tsukishima, Akaashi could see the plump stomachs of Hinata and Sugawara "You look troubled Keiji, what's wrong." Sora asked makeing sure that the gunmetal eyed male was okay "I had a nightmare, it was horrible." Akaashi shakily said his body shakeing as Hoshi had looked up at his mama with big gold eyes that started to tear up "Mama sad." Hoshi whimpered "What was the nightmare?" Hinata asked his hand rubbing Akaashi's back "Bokuto had a horrible chronic illness that couldnt be cured and he was losing weight and couldnt eat anything, and he got to see snow properly, and we watched cloud atlas, but he was dying." Akaashi cried his gunmetal blue eyes were all teary and red "Mama." Hoshi cried which had gotten Yuki to cry, who set of Ryoku, who set off Seikai and then Kōu started all crying "MAMA." The small children cried running into their mothers chests and cried "Its okay." "Ryo, who's mama's best boy." "Oh my baby boy, mama's here."
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