7.The Wedding

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A few days had passed, and all the preparations were complete. Finally, the wedding day arrived. Ava sat before the mirror, dressed exquisitely in white, appearing more beautiful than she had ever seen herself. It all had come true. At last, she was on the cusp of a new beginning, where life might finally mirror the dreams she had cherished as a child, before the world had revealed its harsh realities.

A handsome and wealthy man was about to marry her, and they would live happily ever after-or so she hoped. Love was not the foundation of this union, but Ava could not afford to care. With a sense of grace, she entered the wedding hall. The soft hum of whispers surrounded her, but she focused on calming her racing heart and kept her eyes forward. What she saw was a disinterested Leo, his gaze vacant. As she reached the priest, the ceremony proceeded quickly, devoid of romantic gestures. When it came time for the kiss, the priest simply placed her hand in Leo's, and with that, it was done. Ava breathed a sigh of relief. It was over, yet she sensed Leo's anger simmering beneath the surface.

After enduring the obligatory pleasantries, Ava and Leo departed for what was now their home.

Home. The word itself filled Ava with a cautious joy. She longed for the security it promised. Upon their arrival, Mrs. Falcone greeted them with a hurried enthusiasm, her smile brighter than her pearl necklace. Leo, however, remained detached, clearly eager for the day to conclude. Ava was shown to a bedroom, but it quickly became evident it was merely a guest room. Feigning a sigh of relief, she speculated that Leo might have another lover, which explained her current situation. As she began removing her veil and jewelry, she noticed a shadow at the doorway.

"Would you prefer black or gold blindfolds?"

Ava froze, her heart pounding violently in her chest.

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