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Opening my eyes, I see a distressed Matilda coming in my direction. She kneels down and asks me, "What's wrong?"

I quickly take her in my embrace and tell her what happened. She looks at my face and asks, "Are you that sad?"

"Sad? No, I am so happy, Matilda. I can't even express it in words. It all truly feels like a dream. I won't have to steal now, nor will I have to search for places to get food. I won't have to deal with drunk men or any of Falcone's people. It's like I'm getting a VIP pass to the lottery, and the ticket I'll get is surely going to make me win."

"But Ava, you... I mean, you don't even know what they would want in return."

"Matilda, I know all of this might be a plot for something bigger, something for the benefit of Falcone. I'm sure they might want something, but what can I even give them? I don't have a stable roof over my head, nor do I have parents to care for. I've been beaten many times now. I don't even care what they would want if it means surviving by being at the top of the pyramid."

Matilda sighs.

I get up and sit on my bed with Matilda, asking her about the house and all the people I met.

"See, Ava, this house seems very sophisticated and collected from the outside, but that's not the case at all. Each person inside this house has their own secrets, and this house reeks of people who are unjustly taken. The old lady you met is the head of the house; she is strictly to be called Miss Falcone. The former head, her husband Josh, died at least a decade back. Rumor has it that he did not die of any disease or a heart attack, but was murdered by Miss Falcone."

"Hush! Miss Falcone? But she seems so sweet and treats everyone nicely."

"Ava, it's your first day, and I get it that Miss Falcone seems kind. I thought the same too. But people here are not truly what they seem on the outside. You have to be very careful. Next is Leo; he is the tall, dark-haired guy who always looks like he is in a sour mood."

"Well, yeah, he particularly did look angry."

"He is even more angry when he fights with Alex."

"Huh, Alex?"

"Alex is Leo's personal bodyguard. His parents were killed when he was smaller, and since he has been here, he and Leo were best friends in childhood. When they were small, both of them were very weak. But Alex was weaker than Leo.Leo enjoyed his company because when Alex was present he could proudly boast about things.Alex had suffered a lot of trauma due to his parents' death, but as he grew older, Alex outdid Leo in almost everything. From then on, their friendship started breaking. But Miss Falcone seems to like Leo a lot and wanted him close, so she made him Leo's bodyguard .In the mansion if there would be one person she likes, it would be Leo."

"More than her son?"

"It looks like it sometimes."

"Ava, please be careful, okay? I'll meet you tomorrow morning. I have been assigned as your personal maid from now on."

"Oh, wow! At least I will have a friend here. See you in the morning, Matilda."

"Well, Ava, one more thing: are you going to say yes tomorrow?"

"What? Of course, I will, silly. There's no way in hell I would say no."

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