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A few days passed, and both Alex and Ava had been meeting almost daily. Alex explained his frequent absences by claiming he had business with Miss Falcone, which seemed to satisfy Ava. For Alex, time spent with Ava brought a rare sense of relief and comfort. She never judged him for his vulnerabilities, and in her presence, he didn't have to maintain a façade of strength. For the first time, he felt truly understood and cared for.

As Alex and Ava's bond deepened, Leo's life remained largely the same. He continued his relentless efforts to prove himself capable, driven by an unspoken need for validation. The few encounters he had with Ava made him realize that he liked her—not romantically, but he appreciated her as a person. Leo, who had always struggled to tolerate being around others, found himself letting down his guard slightly in her presence. His unresolved trauma lingered in the background, with hazy memories and frequent nightmares haunting him, causing many sleepless nights.

One evening, Ava found Leo sitting alone in the library, his eyes distant and tired. She approached him gently.

"Leo, you look exhausted," she said softly. "Have you been sleeping at all?"

Leo hesitated, surprised by her perceptiveness. He had always been careful to mask his fatigue. "Not really," he admitted, his voice quieter than usual. "I can't seem to sleep."

Ava's expression softened with empathy. "Is it the nightmares?" she guessed, her intuition striking a chord within him.

Leo nodded reluctantly. "Yes. They come every night. Sometimes, it's better to just stay awake."

Ava moved closer, her presence a rare comfort to him. "You don't have to go through this alone, Leo," she said gently. "Sometimes talking about it helps."

Leo was taken aback by her genuine concern. For a moment, he considered opening up more but quickly pulled back. "Thank you, Ava," he said, managing a faint smile. "It means a lot to hear that."

As Ava left the library, Leo watched her go, feeling a confusing mix of emotions. He appreciated her kindness but was also reminded of his inability to connect deeply with anyone. Despite this, he found himself caring for her well-being in his own silent way, through small gestures orchestrated behind the scenes.

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