Winter Days (B)

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It was almost a week after that certain night. I felt like I was being a bit lighter on him and I didn't know how I felt about that. He could turn on me any minute and totally take a hold of my heart and rip it out of my chest. I didn't like that feeling, it already felt like someone was picking at my choices, mining at the right one which was to hide from society but Ejiro told me to be strong and I'm going to be just that. 

A knock on the door broke me out of my trance. My eyes darted toward it, seeing him all bundled in a winter jacket and a beanie. He smiled, tilting his head, "You alright? We're waiting for you down there." We had decided to go for a walk around U.A, maybe around the close strip mall of stores too. It was a little risky for a winter day but we felt like it would be good to get out some time. My worrying got me late for a lot of things and I felt bad for almost spoiling this,

"Y-Yeah, sorry." I made my way toward him, leaving my spot by the window empty again. He gave me an easy smile and held the door for me. He flicked the lights off, shutting it behind him. 


"KAMINARI!" Jiro huffed, unbelieved. He chuckled like a child, flinching from her light punching to his arm. My hand slid against the railing as we made it down. Yayorozu stood in a light parka, her hair down for once and a scarf wrapped around her neck. Some fluffy earmuffs covered her ears, her smile brightened when she saw Ejiro mainly,

"Finally." She lightly giggled, "Those two are like taking care of toddlers." She shook her head, looking back at them. He grinned as well, nodding slightly. I looked between him and Yayorozu then at Jiro and Kaminari, they were all so perfectly happy and I was sad I couldn't feel like that more often. I tried to lighten my hard face but I could tell Ejiro noticed. While Yayorozu was distracted with those two toddlers, Ejiro turned to me. His hand placed on my shoulder, rubbing it slowly. He smiled, slow and small like he was teaching me how to do it again. I couldn't help but suck at my lip and shake my head,

"I really don't feel like..- like doing this anymore.." My foot stumbled back before the words even came out. I was retreating from taking on the day and Ejiro was used to this now. This time, his smile stayed as the hand placed on my shoulder stopped me,

"You can do this Bakugo, please trust me." His eyes soften with worry, "I won't force you but I want you to try." I couldn't turn away when his eyes were like that. Big and pleading, it made me feel worse inside. Knowing he has trust and hope in me makes me agree with him. I sigh quietly, stepping my foot back next to my left one. 

"Fine.." I muttered. His eyes blink and turn to a proud look, the one that always trusted me, the one that made me feel amazing. He mouthed a, "thank you" before turning back to them. 

"Let's get going." He announced. Kaminari's and Jiro's eyes lit up and headed for the door. Yayorozu took one look back at Ejiro and she could already tell I had just tried to back away. I guess his soften look was lost in his proud one. She gave a small smile, picking up the pace to reach Kaminari and Jiro's strong lead. I hesitantly followed him, giving him a bit of space. He barely had to look back at me once we left the building fully, "Are you afraid of getting close to me?" 

His question caught me off guard. I coughed up the words I tried to speak, it was just so sudden and I didn't know what to say. He finally looked over his shoulder, seeing my frozen eyes. He sighs hopelessly, "Are you?" He asked again. I took in the question again,

"Mentally or-- or physically..?" I was wanting him to be a bit specific, I was scared by his answer more than mine, 

"Which ever one you aren't comfortable with."

I almost swallowed my tongue. I sighed silently, taking in what I wasn't comfortable with anymore. He was making this one question so much more harder than it would be to someone normal.  Someone who wasn't as fucked up as me, "B-Both I guess.." I mumbled sheepishly. He nodded in consideration. 

"I'm sorry if that was a tough question but, you've seemed to be giving me an awful lot of space whenever we walk 'together'." He put emphasize on the together part. 

"You wouldn't want to hear why, you're always saying I should stop talking badly about myself but-- if you want an answer, then I'll say it."

"I'll let it slid for now," We walk past banks of snow and slushes of tar infested piles that were threw up onto the sidewalk. I place my hands in my pockets, staring down at my feet, 

"I mean, I'm just saving you trouble from having to be seen with me. Basically everyone in town knows of my downfall and the last thing you'd want is to be known with the reject.." I exhaled deeply, seeing the white cloud in front of my face, "That's partly why I didn't want to go out today, you guys would be perfectly without me.." I muttered the last part mostly to myself. My head bumped on some kind of fabric. I looked up to see the back of his coat. I swallowed, regretting all the words that came out of my mouth,

"Saving us trouble..?" He repeated. I begged my head not to nod. "Oh my, Bakugo." He sighs. My insides turned as I took a step back,

"W-What..?" I squeaked out. He inhales and exhales once more, 

"You will never be an embarrassment or a reject, what those people don't know is that you're working hard to get your life back, right?" 


"Then there is no reason to feel alone, we're all here for you, I'M here for you. Stop feeling like such a burden." It kinda felt like a command but it mostly felt like he was pleading. He was sad that I was sad and disappointed in myself. He hated and hurt whenever I hurt myself on purpose with my words or actions, it was terrible. 

"Easier said than done." I scoffed quietly. He nodded slightly, blowing out a white breath before looking at me over his shoulder, 

"But I know you can do it, that's the difference." His smile returned, that iconic one I wanted to burn on the first day. Lots of things had changed since then, I trusted him more, I was respecting people more and he was excepting me. I knew Kiu must be proud and I will make him proud. I felt a small smile spread across my lips again. It was a normal reaction that I'm not proud of but he chuckles at it. 

My foot tried to move back in front of me to start walking again to tell him I was ready to continue but that sneaky and bastard ass piece of ice finally got me. My boot slipped off of it, making me lose my balance. Ejiro's eyes widen as he watched this in progress, gripping my hand to try to pull me back up but it was too late. The force of me falling back made him fall down and forward with me. The back of my head hit the concrete slightly, hurting like hell. My eyes force shut as my body hits it as well. Slipping on ice was never fun and if it was a person, it wouldn't be alive anymore. Ejiro's hand was still gripped in mine and I hadn't thought to open my eyes until I heard his -I would guess- embarrassed chuckle. I've never heard it before but it wasn't so confident like it was always was. My eyes shoot open and my head turns to the sudden presence I felt above. 

My heart almost stopped as soon as I saw Ejiro there, only propping himself up with his fore arms. He seemed to be laughing embarrassedly about this. I was flushed with different emotions on how to react to this. It was a long list that could've gone to the US if it wanted. "U-Uh.." I started, feeling like my rips had been kicked up near my throat. His eyes stopped and slowly found mine with a "well shit" look. He was definitely still in shock like I was, not knowing how to get out of this. He was about to start apologizing or explaining until something hollered over us, 

"KIRISHIMA, BAKUGO!" Yayorozu's voice rang in our ears. I could hear her footsteps running closer. She exhaled, "Are you two okay..?" She asked, voice full of concern. Ejiro's hand unlatched from mine as he moved to the side. My caught breath finally flowed, someway hating the feeling of his hand in mine was gone. He chuckled, trying to play it off, 

"Yes, yes, we're quite alright, just a little slip, that's all." He exhaled nervously, looking back down at me. The tension was still there but he pushed through it and offered his hand to help me up. I took it, without thinking twice, being totally fine with it. He pulled me up as I rubbed the back of my head. She exhales in relief, 

"I was so worried, thank god I looked back at the right time." Her priceless smile couldn't even distract me from what happened. Ejiro was definitely trying to play it off and it wasn't working that well. I could see how nervous and tense he was. He was either super flustered or super regretful of ever bringing me out here. 

I really hoped it was the first option. 

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