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"I know you're probably still reeling from the Conner bomb that I dropped on you this morning, but you're the only member of our merry little league that can help me now",said Tess.

"Well, considering I don't have any amazing powers or cool gadgets, I do find that hard to believe",said Paige.

"You can talk Clark into getting rid of Lionel Luthor once and for all",Tess suggested. "I know you already went up this hill and got shot down. Since the Lionel Clark knew came around in the end, Clark is hoping this Luthor will change his spots, too",said Paige.

"Oh, hey. We need to draw a line in the sand, Paige. Clark needs to act now",Tess said.

"Lionel knows his secret. He knows what can hurt him. And if they rumble in the asphalt jungle, Clark could go down for the count",Paige informed.

"Yeah, he could. But we both know how Lionel destroyed his own world when he had a super-powered son, and if he gets ahold of Conner, he will do the same here. I know how dangerous this is for Clark. We don't have a choice",Tess said.

"Maybe we do. Just hear me out. When Eliot Ness couldn't nab Capone for murder, the government sent him up the river for getting sloppy with his taxes. Now, you and I both know that Lionel would have spent a pretty penny to hide the fact that he's from another world. What if he was just as sloppy?",Paige said.

"If we can find a detail that he overlooked, we could prove that he's a fake... and his entire House of cards will come crashing down",Tess said.

"This is pointless",Alexander sighed.
"Everything that we do with our abilities is our responsibility. That's why we have to learn how to control them before they control us. That's why we practice",Clark explained.

"I lifted the tractor without any practice",Alexander boasted. "When you put it down, you broke the beam behind the stall",Clark reminded.
"Who taught you how to do all this stuff?",Alexander asked.

"My parents were there every step of the way. My dad... He believed that all the hard work he had me do would teach me how to control my abilities, teach me character. Conner, you may not have parents, but you have me. I'll always be there for you. What do you say we take another shot at your heat vision? Just concentrate and light the candle. You'll get it eventually",Clark explained.

"You know, we have a doorbell",Clark muttered.

"I was just stopping by to see how things were going, but it looks like I should have brought marshmallows",Tess joked.

"You know, he's getting things faster than I did",Clark said. "If I didn't know any better, that might look like a glint of pride in your eyes. Unfortunately, uh, Clark, I just talked to my inside man, and Lionel knows that Conner's here. So we need to move him",Tess said.

"I'm gonna call Oliver and Chloe in Star City. We can send him there",Clark said.

"We have kept him in the dark about who he really is. Don't you think it's time to let Conner know the truth about the other side of the family?",Tess suggested.

"Considering everything that happened, I don't think it's a good idea that he knows half of his DNA came from Lex. We can never let him know that half of him is Luthor",Clark ordered.

"What did you find on Lionel?",Tess asked.

"It seems Lionel 2.0 has dotted every "L" and crossed every "T." I mean, his resurrection is so ironclad, he'd give Lazarus a run for his money. He's even had government lackeys reissue every official document with his autograph. Now, we know it seems like a dead end, but I'm having some G-men turn over that rock and see what's underneath. Over and out",Paige responded.

"I know you're here. I've had people tracking you since you left the Kent farm",Lionel called.

"Who are you?",Alexander wondered.

"I'm your father. I'm... I'm sure you have questions. I'm here to answer them. Come, son, please. Let me see you. Oh, Alexander. What have they done to you? It was in your files, what they'd done, but I refused to believe it. There's a part of you that's Clark Kent",Lionel explained.

"There's a part of me that's Lex Luthor, too. I overheard Clark say it. He lied to me",Alexander told.

"Yes. Because he's afraid of you. He doesn't want you to be with your real family. You're a threat to him",Lionel told.

"Because of my powers".

"No. Because you're a Luthor. Lex Luthor created an empire. Clark Kent wants to keep it away from you. You must embrace your future. It's time. Put the ring on. It's your birthright. Now the journey begins",Lionel said.

"Get your hands off me",Paige ordered.

"Paige. What is she doing here?",Alexander asked.

You wanted to know what it means to be a Luthor? Lesson one... never let anyone stand in your way",Lionel told.

"What's with the slaughterhouse? Trying to scare me into thinking I'll end up like a piece of meat,Paige thought.

"No. You're here because if you scream, no one will hear you. You see, Clark Kent sends his wife to do his dirty work",Lionel smirked.

"Clark doesn't know I broke into your office". "Because you realize if he knew, I'd destroy him. You risked your life for him. Very noble. And very stupid. I've read a great deal about you. I expected more",Lionel said.
"Well, I was raised to believe that you risk everything to protect those you love",Paige said.

"Well, that's where we differ. Oh, I'd risk my own life, but I'd kill to protect my son. No one will ever take him away from me",Lionel told.

"You don't scare me. The Lionel I knew never got blood on his hands",Paige said.

"I'm not the Lionel you knew".
Alexander turned around and punched Lionel to the back of the room leaving him unconscious.

"Thanks, Conner",said Paige.
"Hope it wasn't too fast",said Alexander.

"Oh, believe me, I'll trade a little motion sickness for a bullet in the bonnet any day. We need to call Clark and tell him Don Luthor is going all Godfather on us",Paige said.

"We don't need Clark. I'll take care of you".

"You know what? That's sweet. But I'm freezing out here. We really need to... Sound the alarms. Thanks?",Paige joked.

"His first crush. It's good to know the Luthor libido is still intact. Great men... great passion. Let him enjoy himself. But she must not be allowed to lead him to Clark Kent. And that ring... he's got to wear that ring. The tracking device in it will keep him on our radar",Lionel said.

"When Conner disappeared, I knew you couldn't be far, so I searched every Luthorcorp facility, and I found this",Clark interrupted.

"Oh. Oh. Doesn't compare to the value of rubies, but, uh, personally, I prefer the red of Kryptonite",Lionel said.

"You used it on Conner, didn't you? You're trying to turn him into something that he's not".

"I was trying to unleash his dark side, find out what my son is really made of. Red Kryptonite, if worn, brings out the primal, uncensored core of self. You're afraid of it. You won't go near it. You're scared of what you might find inside you!",Lionel shouted.

" I won't let you hurt him like you did Lex. He was my closest friend, and Lionel Luthor's influence destroyed him".

"You destroyed Lex with your secrets and lies. And those same lies brought Conner to me. He heard you talking to Tess about hiding the truth from him. He knows you betrayed him. That's why he ran to me",Lionel said.

"Then you poisoned him with red Kryptonite. The longer he's exposed to it, the more unstable he becomes. He's a danger to himself and everyone around him",Clark explained.

"No, no. That's gonna make it easier for him to take everything baway from you, including the woman he's with now. Paige Collins".

"No one will find us here. I'll keep you safe. And I'll make you happy",said Alexander. "Thanks. But I think you have the wrong idea, Romeo. This Juliet is already spoken for. And I have a child at home",Paige said.

"If this isn't romantic enough, I'll speed us away to Paris... or somewhere where Clark will never find us",Alexander suggested.

"Okay, let me make this perfectly clear. You and I... not happening",Paige ended.

"I will not let you go back to him. I'm sorry that... I lost my temper. I promise you... we'll live here happily ever after. We belong together. It's our destiny",Alexander responded.

"You know what we should do? We should toast our future together. But I didn't see any Champagne, and you should know that it is bad luck to start our lives together without a little bubbly",Paige said. Alexander ran."Be back in a few".

"There's a reason Paige Collins is known for telling the truth. Because you're a terrible liar",Alexander barked.

"Okay, Conner, something strange is happening to you. You're not yourself! It's the ring! It's the ring",Paige shouted.

"I've never felt better. I'm at the top of my game. And it's all thanks to Clark. But he has one thing I don't have ... and that's you. But not anymore"Alexander continued.

You are nothing like Clark! I've seen him on red Kryptonite, and it may bring out his inner angst a little, but it doesn't turn him into this! This is the other side of you. This is Lex. We need to make you better",Paige shouted.

"I don't want to be better. I want you. I'll open up a world Clark can't even imagine for you".

"Clark is my world!",Paige shouted.

"He's only the person you think he is because he has you. And if I can't have you, neither will he!",Alexander shouted.

Clark barged in the secret place that Alexander kept Paige in.

"Conner? Paige?".

"Oh, God! Oh!",Paige screamed

"Conner!",Clark screamed.

"You're not welcome here",Alexander said.

"Where's Paige?".

"She's not yours anymore",Alexander stated.

"The only reason that Lionel wants you to wear that ring is so he can corrupt and control you. I can help",Clark explained.

"I don't want your help! Or your lies".

"No. You'll never take my son",Lionel shouted.

"What are you doing?!".

"Eliminating the one person who stands in the way of your destiny",Lionel said.

"Let him go!",Clark yelled.

"Let's go, son. Remember who you are. You were meant to become a God. Together, we can make sure you do".

"I know who I am. Lionel",Alexander said.

"Enjoy the view one last time. Security's on their way up to escort you out of the building",Tess told.

"Now, if you're threatening me, you need something more powerful than hot air",Lionel bickered.

"All the firepower I need is right here... copies of all the official documents that bear your signature",Tess said.

"There's no discrepancies. Everything matches perfectly. My DNA, my handwriting... identical to the other Lionel",Lionel said.

"Then why would you have them all secretly reissued? Now, you may think you scrubbed all evidence of your true identity from this world, but you missed a spot. There was one document that you were never aware of",Tess said.

"When Lionel gave you up for adoption.

"I wasn't the only thing that he left at the orphanage. He left his fingerprints on a document when he admitted me. And as you know, just like our worlds, they're reversed. His fingerprints and yours are mirror copies of each other. It proves that you are a fake. My lawyers are drawing up papers that relinquish your complete control of Luthorcorp to me",Tess explained.

"Why would I do that?",Lionel asked.

"Because of that scotch that you're drinking. What? It's laced with nano-trackers. They've burrowed deep into your stomach lining and have entered your blood stream. From now on, I will know your every move. And if you try to retaliate against me or my friends... I will crush you",Tess said.

"Why don't you have me killed?",Lionel questioned

"Because that's not who I am".

"You, uh, may want to change yourself to impress Clark Kent, but we both know... Don't we? Deep down... You'll always be a Luthor",Lionel said.

"It seems to me that Clark Kent's nature and nurture won out in the end",Paige said.

"I'm not sure how nurturing it was not telling him the truth",said Clark.

"Well, if you're gonna throw a penance party, I'm gonna have to unwrap my own mea culpa. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I was investigating Lionel. It put us both in danger, even though I was trying to save you",Paige said.

"Sometimes it's hard to know where to draw the line when you're protecting the people you love. You know, I have a newfound respect for my mom and dad. I always knew that my powers could cause harm if I misused them. But I never appreciated the responsibility they must have felt in raising me. If they hadn't been such amazing parents, this world could've been a much darker place",Clark explained.

"Luckily, they brought out the best in you. And I can't wait to see what the man Jonathan becomes".

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