Bonus part 2 (finale)

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Barry's phone rings. "Hey, is this important?". "I don't know; does 30 hits downtown on the meta-human app count?",Cisco said. "What are we looking at?",Barry replied. "Well, nothing really.Every traffic cam in a ten-block radius suddenly went down, so we're flying blind, and the hits are all over the map",said Paige.

"Most of the noise is coming from harbor street,Caitlin said. "Guys it's a really bad scene over here", Barry said. Barry looked up and saw the chaotic monster destroying the city. "Guys what do I do!",Barry shouted. "I don't know Barry we lost him",said Cisco.

"I did too",Barry sighed.

*S.T.A.R Labs

"Guys it's like he just disappeared", Barry said. "It's weird, what if he is like a 'ghost monster', Paige joked.

"Every meta-human we've encountered has been exactly that, meta-human, so where did this thing come from?", Barry said. "I don't know where it came from, man", Cisco said.

"Well we need to stop now",Barry said. "Well Barry if you could find a magic monster lasso then we could stop him now can we", Cisco said with sarcasm.

Paige noticed that Caitlin has been acting a little strange. She believed that it was just a cold but in this world nothing is real.

"Hey Caitlin can we talk for a minute". "Yeah sure what's up".

"So I've been noticing that you've been acting very strange lately", Paige said. "Im just feeling under the weather that's all",Caitlin quietly said.

"Caitlin your skin is freezing, in my books that is nothing near a cold".

"I said I'm fine", Caitlin roared.

Caitlin's powers activated and shot icicles all around Paige almost hitting her face. "Paige I am so sorry". "Killer frost?", Paige whispered.

"It happened when Barry came back from flashpoint",said caitlin. "Did you tell anyone", Paige wondered. "No, I couldn't tell anyone but my mother; it's too risky".

"I have got a secret that I've been hiding too", Paige whispered again. "Paige is everything okay?".

" when we went to mystic falls, I was told I was a siphoner, a vampire witch hybrid. My powers have kicked in",said Paige.

"So your a vampire?", Caitlin. "Not exactly, you see Some witchy things have happened around me but I haven't had the urge to drink blood".

"You haven't told Clark yet have you?",Caitlin said. "No I haven't, our lives have been so normal lately and I didn't want to ruin it".

"Is everything okay in here",Clark interrupted.

"Yeah me and Caitlin were just chatting".

"Guys come here the meta-human app is going crazy",Cisco panicked.

"What's wrong", Barry said.

"The monster he's back, on Jefferson street".

"On it".

"Guys he's gigantic",Barry said.

" I have an idea, find some rope around him and tie him up just like empire",said Cisco.

"I've always wanted to be a Jedi", Barry said.

"Just do it". Barry started to wrap the monster around and noticed that the monster isn't real it's a hologram.

"Guys it's a hologram!",Barry informed. "There are tons of snipers their we need to stop them from firing", Paige said.


"Which building has the most energy, maybe that's providing this monster electricity", Paige questioned.

"Barry he's at Hamilton building, 25 floor, that's the building providing so much energy", Cisco said.

"Detective west where's Julian?",Barry said.

"He was here for a second then stormed off".

"Your over dude", Barry said as he grabbed the man with his back turned away.

"Julian don't pull the trigger!", Barry's shouted.

"He's just a kid?", Julian said.

"Why did you do this",  Barry questioned.

"I was bullied growing up, I wanted everyone to suffer I wanted power", said the boy.

"Just take him down to the CCPD ", said Joe.

"Alright guys we need to get going, thanks for everything", said Paige.

"You are welcome nerd", said Cisco.

" see ya later", Paige chuckled

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