Bachelor and bachelorette

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"Chloe,planning a wedding is so hard and stressful" said Paige.

"You got that right, maybe we should. Hire some wedding planners" said Chloe.

"That would be so much easier" said Paige.

"Excuse me ladies but we need to plan the bachelor and bachelorette parties" said Oliver.

"Well whatever you guys are doing, don't do something we wouldn't do" said Paige.

"So this is the girls that are going to be at our bachelorette party";

And Caitlin.

"Well the people that are going to attend my our bachelor party is;


"Well us and the girls are going to go out for dinner then heading out to the club" said Paige.

"Girls, don't do anything I wouldn't do" said Clark and jimmy.

"So what are the bachelors doing" said Chloe.

"No strip clubs okay, that's a major no no" said Paige.

"Don't worry we're just going to go out to the clubs take a few drinks" said Clark.

"I remember when you said that last time and you ended up on the freeway" said Lois.

"Hey guys by the way do any of you guys know where Lana is" said Paige.

"Oh, Lana, she kinda moved out of SmallVille" said Oliver.

"What, why" said Paige.

"Because she had a lot on her plate, dealing with the Luthors".

"Poor girl, I guess I cross her off the guest list" said Paige.
*"hey Lana I know you dealing with some heavy stuff but, Paige and I are getting married soon and she really wants you to come to her bachelorette party" said Clark.

*clark I can't go back to SmallVille it's just I can't Handel it.

*please Lana, she really needs you, so it for your best friend.

*okay Clark, you know you have a great ability to persuade people.

"Before we leave, let's make a toast to the brides and grooms" said Oliver.

"Thank you guys for everything these past few years, I found the love of my life and the greatest friends that stood there for me through thick in thin. And Chloe I couldn't ever find a friend like you, thank you" said Paige.

"Aww your gonna make me cry" said Chloe.


"Alright let's do this" said Barry.

"Oh and Lois can you be one of my brides maids" said Paige.

"Of course Paige, you know I was kinda jealous at first, but I am happy for you both".

"Don't be jealous you will find the perfect man someday" said Paige.

"Alright let's hit it" said Oliver.
"Just to tell you guys alcohol doesn't affect me at all" said Barry.

"That's fine if anything happens you will be our key" said Clark.
"Wait are we actually going to drink alcohol" said felicity.

"Loosen up felicity" said thea.

"We have a surprise for you Paige and Chloe" said Lois.

"What is it" said chloe and Paige.

"Hello Paige" said Lana.

"Lana, what are you doing here".

"Chloe and Clark called me to tell me you missed me".

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're here, thank you Chloe" said Paige.

"Let's make a toast to Paige and Chloe" said Caitlin.

"Woah Clark this alcohol it's starting to affect me" said Barry.

"I told you so" said Clark.

"To Clark and jimmy!" Said Oliver".

Sorry for haven't writing for a while I was enjoying my break with my family. The next chapter will be the chaotic aftermath.

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