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They had had a super long day on set.

Everly, Richard and several of their fellow cast-members had worked their pants off, trying to get a difficult scene just right.

The scene was happening in a library, where Everly's and Richard's characters were having a heated discussion, eventually bringing several other people into the argument.

Daniel, the director, had insisted that they should do at least fifty or so takes, and it was at the end of the day, so everybody was exhausted.

Unfortunately for Everly and Richard, they had to stay even longer. They had to shoot the very first and last bits of the scene, parts where it was only the two of them, and they could only watch with longing in their eyes, as the rest of the cast and most of the crew, were dismissed, and allowed to go home.

Mercifully, they were allowed a break, and they would've run to the cafeteria if they had the energy. Richard didn't, though, and Everly certainly didn't, so they opted to just walk over there.

They sat at a table, eating sandwiches, too tired to even speak with each other. Even though they were both silent, Everly was pleased to notice that they sat in a comfortable silence, that didn't seem forced or awkward. It's lucky our characters are also incredibly tired in the scene, she thought, because if we had to be all energetic, we probably wouldn't be able to do it. No, scratch that. We definitely wouldn't be able to do it.

Everly was sitting with her head in her hands, her eyelids drooping, and her head would've fallen down on the table, right on her sandwich, if Richard hadn't prevented it.

He caught her head in the last second, and instead of just letting go immediately, he guided her head gently, resting it on his shoulder.

Wow. Richard even manages to look out for me when he's tired. He's so considerate, Everly thought dreamily. She would've thanked him, but before she could say or do anything, she fell asleep.


The gods of slumber must have been especially nice that day, because when Everly got woken up, it had been an hour, and the Director normally insisted on strictly half-hour breaks.

It was a nervous young intern who woke them (Everly had fallen asleep with her head on Richard's shoulder, and Richard had fallen asleep with his head in his arms, on the table). The intern looked like he would rather do anything but have to face the wrath of two movie stars getting woken up, but relaxed and looked a bit calmer, when Richard only rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and Everly thanked him for fetching them.

They returned to set, and carried on filming for a few hours. 

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